Saturday, November 26, 2005


25 November 2005. I will probably remember this day... what started out as a good day because today was the last day of exams and beginning of the holidays and i unofficially finished year one of uni, turned out to be a shitty day...

today, after neuroscience exam, we had to rush to finish our human occupation portfolio, and because we were in a rush, the referral letter was a mess, dun even know what we are writing... btw... our case conference got 37, which was good but was probably the lowest among our class... so anyway, the three of us were rushing to finish the portfolio, and yochi, mel, tina and jane waited for us for three hours, becos we agreed to go to strathfield to eat to celebrate jane and tina' s birthdays... okay, so we went to this korean place, not ceci, but another korean bbq restaurant... to eat that spicy chicken and cheese that i said was really nice... ordered that and bbq beef... it was so spicy, all of us were like tearing up and turning red and sniffing... we actually had six refills of tea... but it was good... and then karen and i decided to treat them bcos they waited three hours for us to finish the portfolio...
and then after that... went to woolies to buy ice -cream to 'cool' our mouths... haha... so the six of us sat outside woolies and ate ice-cream... talked abt our excitement at going back home... but mel, karen and yochi are staying here during the holidays... at least i have company during the holidays after coming back...

after that, took the express train to epping with yochi... when we were about to get down at epping, i suddenly realised that i lost my phone bcos i remembered holding it in my hand... so i quickly turned back and started searching the whole cabin... i really started to panic... took out everything in my bag, looked everywhere, and this lady sitting behind me was kind enough to offer to lend me her phone to try and call my phone... i tried, but it was actually no use bcos my phone was on silent mode... and bcos the train was an express... it went all the way to hornsby and i got down there... i quickly went to report to the guard on the train and he went with me back into the cabin to look for my phone... but to no avail also... i also went to report at the station office... by that time, i really was super upset... can't remember my phone model and home number... luckily i got the home number written down in my wallet... called home and realised that yochi actually called prisy when she saw that i did not get down at epping...
and when she tried to call my phone... a guy picked up the phone... and the guy was actually the one sitting beside me in the train... he was really kind enough to pick up my phone and return to yochi for me... so now... my phone's with yochi and will be getting it back from her on monday...
today's incident really woke me up and i never want to experience it again... i cannot even imagine what will happen if someone picked up the phone and took it... i would really be in deep shit...
this incident has really taught me to keep my phone properly and not be so careless...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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