Saturday, November 12, 2005

FiRefLy/ SerEniTy...

What a hectic last week of school before the exams this has been! so many assignments due the week before the exams and dun even have time to blog...
this is also all prisy and michelle's faults... especially prisy... before i came here, i dun even like to watch those sci-fi shows but now, after i came here, prisy got me hooked on shows like star wars, lord of the rings, fifth element, star trek, aliens, and now the latest one is Firefly...
it is produced by the same producer of buffy the vampire slayer... and i must say, the show is really good... very funny and the characters are all very interesting and funny...
didn't even hear abt this show until when i came back from work that night, and heard prisy and michelle laughing...
and i sat there for a while, thinking to rest for a little while and then do my assignment, and before i know it... shit... i was so hooked on the show... and the movie Serenity is actually based on the series firefly...
okay, so all of us sat there in front of the tv, till 2am watching the show... and guess what... we decided to go watch the movie... the movie has already been out since september already... and when i first saw the trailer, i didn't really like the show... but the movie was really good... one of the best movies i've seen...

oh man, all of us are now so hooked with the show... that's why we were watching the show on both nights consecutively... and i ended up starting my assignment just two days before it was due... and michelle actually found out that Joss Whedon, the producer actually wanted to continue with season 2 but the show got cut off... i actually thought the series was pretty good...
she even went to buy the dvd for the show... and we were also like saying, if there was like a petition to support the show for season 2, all of us will sign on it...

went to this faraway place called Alexandria yesterday... anyway, bought another skirt.... i dun even know why i keep buying skirts when i dun even wear them... and now it's so hot and the stupid flies are back again... like seriously, they are everywhere... sickening :(

wed... went to eastwood to eat at the roast pork shop with amelia and karen... received an accelerated program in cantonese... all thanks to karen... she taught me how to pronounce the menu in canto and also taught me how to speak canto... after eating, they came over to do their assignments... wed was a super super hot day... stayed till 7pm... hmm...i think we laughed and talked nonsense more than we did our assignments...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...