Tuesday, May 03, 2005

SamE oLd PlAce...

sigh... when will i EVER get started on learning my french again? i have not been reading them since i came here... and everytime i think abt it, i feel so guilty, that i have somehow let my parents down... cos they spent alot of money for me to learn french, hoping that i can pick up a new language...

got back my sociology test results... was quite disappointed... cos like if u juz memorised all the definitions, u will pass... even though the evidence that i gave are all crap... even though i passed, but i feel that it's juz a borderline pass cos i know that the explanations that i gave were nonsense, and i did not even finish the paper... sigh...

went to the city last fri... again... went karaoke with prisy and wendy... me and wendy were singing all the chinese songs and poor prisy was like complaining that she dun want to come karaoke wif us anymore, cos she's the only one singing english songs... well, prisy, guess u'll have to brush up ur chinese...

after that, met up wif nao and went to wendy's house to play mahjong... again... we seem to be always going to her house to play mahjong... it was nao's lucky day though... haha... won almost every round...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...