Tuesday, May 10, 2005

DesPeRateLy SeEkInG joBS...

Help!!! i really am sooo desperate for a job! i am trying really hard to look for a job man, these past 2 weeks... and it's so difficult cos i dun noe half the places here and the transport is so inaccessible... how??? now that i think back on the times that i was looking for a job in s'pore, it was so much more easier... at least i noe where the place is, whether it is near or far, and i can take a train there...

recently, went to karaoke with wendy and prisy that day rite, and we sang the song Tong HUa... oh man... the mtv was so sad... and i loveeeee the song... i have been listening to it non-stop... thanks to pong who introduced it to me... it has to be my favourite song of all time... haha...

thurs... christine lent her resident evil parts 1 and 11 to me... and me and prisy watched both at one shot... urgggh... still think that it's so gory... but part 11 wasn't as good though... still remembered who i went to watch it with... fran and joanne... it muz be like wat, 2 yrs ago??... anyway, thanks christine for the vcds...

1 comment:

apple picker said...

you weren't watching the show. you were hiding behind your bag for most of the show and was so afraid of going to the toilet alone.

glad to know that you are gaining the courage to watch more gory shows.

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...