Sunday, May 15, 2005

BuSy bEE...

tues... oh man, today was undoubtedly the most busy day i had since coming to sydney... firstly, it was our COP presentation today, and i think we did not bad, except when the lecturer asked us a question about the philosophers of both east and west, and in our opinion, which eastern philosopher had the closest ideas to existential therapy?
all of us were like shit, i was like trying realli hard to think of any philosopher that i remember, and finally my brain did not disappoint me, and i said confucius... that's the only chinese philosopher that i can think of... so anyway, he said yeah... whoa, damn scary man...
i am so glad that it's over... next wk still got another presentation for PP...

and then after school, have to rush to my job interview, and u will never believe this, but it took 2.5 hours... have u ever heard of a job interview that lasts for so long???
it was a cashiering position at one of the supermarkets near our house... have to wait 2 wks later then know whether i will get the job... i am tightly crossing my fingers...

by the time i reached home, already like 8.30pm, missed survivor... and i am so tired from the whole job interview thing that i didn't even do my uni stuff...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...