Sunday, January 23, 2005

What's The Difference?

Today, we went to try out the route to my uni... have to change trains at the interchange( u have to change trains twice) and then take a shuttle from the train station to the uni... all in all will take me ard one hour to get to school everyday... transport fees are damn expensive, btw, like i have to spend ard $50 aussie dollars every week...
after that, oh and btw, my campus is relatively smaller than the main one in the city...and is situated opposite the cemetery... scarrryy...

okay, and then we took a train again to the city, went to eat at Market City in Chinatown, i ate fishball noodles and btw, the portion is really huge but it sucks lor...i wouldn't recommend it to u guys...
we went to Paddy's after lunch, the place is something like an indoor 'pasar malam', alot of stuff to see but i didn't get anything... actually i went there before in 2003, and everything looks pretty much the same... so no difference at all...

anyway, i observed that actually it's no difference from like walking down orchard rd there, bcos most of the pple i saw are Asians (mostly Koreans and Japs) and only the minority are 'ang mo's
so to me it's like very comfortable, i dun feel out of place or weird at all... so it's kind of nice..

hey, and then i went to this shopping centre the day before, and it was the first time in my entire life that i saw an ice skating rink, 'in the flesh', so to speak...
alot of pple were ice skating and my cousin was like telling me that it is actually very easy, u just have to balance, i was like ' no way! i am not going to embarrass myself in front of the whole world by falling flat on my face or my butt lor'...

by the way, at the time i am writing this, i will be going for a late night movie, so it will be a new experience, bcos i never been to a late night movie before and it will only be the two of us, my cousin and I...
so pls tune in for the details of my late night movie trip next time...
au revoir!

1 comment:

Huimin said...

Hey babe! Missing you!
Hope ur enjoying yourself now before school starts.... You can leave a message on my TAGBOARD on the left hand side of my blog... name and comment.. its very easy try it out!

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