Saturday, August 12, 2017

LEt Go...

uni wise, still painfully plodding along slowly... totally regret taking this on everytime it's assignment due date time...

Concord finally responded and it is looking like my last day at NBMLHD will be sometime in mid-late Sept 2017... Hope that this will be a positive and possibly rewarding change... 

nothing much happening other than work and uni... back to the boring days again... nothing much happening still on the online dating front... feel like I should be doing something more to spice up my current monotonous life... I really should move on rather than being stuck in the past... I actually think that now that I have experienced what it can be like, it is worse than not knowing... oh well... not much I can do about it is there...

Mum and papa are coming to visit again... painful...still remembered what happened the last time they came...

On a more positive note, my birthday is coming in 2 weeks time... yay... it's looking like it's going to be hanging out with family and then laser tag with badminton gang again... and I am going to treat myself to some massage, no money to go on a roadtrip this time... have to save up for our Japan/Korea trip...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...