Friday, November 01, 2013

真的。。。 再见了。。。

attempted to bake the brownie pre-mix which I bought that day, it was a complete and utter failure, and the worst thing was that 1. it's not the first time I have baked this brownie and 2. it's a pre-mix for goodness sake andrea! how hard can it be??!! and now I am stuck with having to finish all on my own... :(

no new shows to watch at this stage, still rewatching old shows... cannot believe it's already november, not that I am complaining, cos I am looking forward to January... still no news about my job application... alamak, am I ever gonna leave Nepean, at this rate, come June 2014, I might not have a job, if MRT loses our funding... the day finally came... kevin's last day in MRT... plans to take a team pic or even say what I wanted to say did not happen in the end... what's new andrea??!! managed to say a really quick thank you and all the best cos I had to do a last minute handover for a pt... talk about bad timing... anyway, the next 6 months is going to be interesting to put it politely I think... with Kirti coming into the team... and Frances obviously likes her... work is going to become boring again now that I have nothing to look forward to... nainai and uncles coming next week, so will keep us occupied for awhile...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...