Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wet ANd CoLd...

today is the first Thursday when Kate and I had to swap, was feeling worried already the night before, not knowing what to do, and have already forgotten some of the stuff I used to do in MRT, and working with the PT...

so this am, Kate was late, we were doing handover for almost an hour, which of course, did not sit well with Dawn, and then got a p/c from Ren saying Kara is on sick leave, and asking why I have yet to turn up... which also meant that I will be working with the PT mainly, which was definitely one of the things I was worried about... so after handover, headed over to the office, everything felt the same but also different at the same time, went to see this pt first, to do some UL stuff and apply the FES, had to revise my notes on FES and speak to people, cos I really forgot how to do these after not having done this for so long... and then of course, decided to page the PT to see where he was up to, met up with him, and began the first time we worked together, I personally felt really awkward, don't really know what to say, I really do suck at making small talk... anyway, the day went on, and I pretty much did not know what I was doing most of the day... I was pretty much either doing UL stuff or helping out the PT... after having done one day of MRT, and being physically exhausted, I was reminded of why I don't think I could do this again, the pts are heavy and I have gone for so long without having to do all these heavy transfers... and also, forgetting where wards are, and how things work, all contributed to me feeling really out of place today, and just the feeling of not knowing what to do, which sucked... the PT must be thinking 'what is she doing?!!!'

I really don't think this swap on Thursdays work well, but it's really not up to me at this stage, and it's not easy for Kate either... well I am off the hook for the next 2 weeks whilst Kate is away, so we'll see what happens... over at cancer care, still trying to get used to the different environment, people and how things work there, which is quite different from how it is back in the office... Dawn is quite supportive, but I sometimes do get the feeling of being a new grad or a student all over again, which is ok with me atm cos I am still learning every day... dunno about the lymphoedema part though, Dawn was telling me how we don't really get to wear gloves during bandaging and measuring for garments, and there may be pts coming in with really bad lymphoedema that it oozes out, and there's a smell and having to touch pt's private areas sometimes as well... my first thought was OMG what have I gotten myself into??!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2012

再见年老部门, 欢迎癌症部门。。。

after one year and a bit in aged care, I am ready to move on, my last week did not go as well as I would have liked, received some pretty 'scorching' feedback from Collette just like last week, and on hindsight again, I did not think I did the wrong thing... anyway, just want to put the bad stuff away and move on... I was abit sad that I am leaving a pretty good multidisciplinary team in aged care, and I hate to say this but I think the daily MAU meetings have grown on me, it's now more like a social gathering at times... I am going to miss it... had my farewell lunch in 1F on Thurs, brought ice cream, and on Fri, it was my combined farewell lunch on MAU, was initially planning to buy the creme brulee cake at Pattisons, and for some reason, I thought the large cake was about $30, but it turned out to be a whopping $42, heart pain... now I have to buy another something for my first day in cancer care... I am really hoping that this last rotation turns out ok... felt pretty foreign when I had to pack my stuff and leave the office, on the good side, it is that I get to have my own computer and windows, and the table is much bigger, but the other hand, I have been in that office for the last 2 years, but it was good to know that I will be missed by some... even though I am still in the hospital but not physically in the office...

we have survived the first week at our new place, have yet to be doing alot of cooking, the first real cooking we did was rice, chicken and veges... other than that, the next few days were noodles, toast, and going to Auntie's place to eat laksa yesterday... our lounge set is finally arriving today, I am looking forward to it though, although the dining table chairs are pretty comfy, but it is not really ideal for sitting back and relaxing... the only thing remaining to do really is get rid of the awful odour coming from the laundry drains, and the door locks... solved the trapping of hair issue yesterday... realised that our sink and draining area is far too small for our needs if we are to be doing any serious cooking, which we did that day, so pretty much we were washing and drying at the same time...

thought I would be able to catch up on my dramas now that we moved out in the evenings, but that has yet to happen, by the time I arrived home, it was already like 1830, and by the time we cook and eat and clean, 1930, and shower 0800, and I am already pretty tired by then, managed to rewatch the avengers again, pity we could not burn it to keep, watched some running man, that was it...

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Ah Neong...

we have finally moved in! 30 Sept is the day, could not sleep the first night, dunno whether if it's becos of the pillow or different bed... slowly getting used to it... nainai slept over, and we went for breakfast at the usual place, followed by another massive grocery shop again (never want to repeat the experience at Eastwood on a Sat am again for grocery shopping)... and then back to the unit and then to auntie's place for steamboat... woke up this am with a shock, cos the sky seemed to be bright already, my first thought was oh shit I am so late for work, quickly came out to check the time, and it was only 5:45am... left the house at 0630 and got to work at 0740... I can see my kms slowly increasing every day... worked out that the distance from home to work is now 54km... tonight is the first night that we are cooking, realised that the sink is too small for our needs, so we actually have to wash and dry stuff as we go... stuck the clingwrap wrongly, don't have anywhere to hang our clothing to dry indoors, cos I am worried that there may be bird shit on our clothes, so tried to use the dryer, but it was totally useless... so in the end, no choice, we hung the clothes outside hopefully the birds will keep their shit to themselves and no weird things dropping on the clothes...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...