Sunday, July 31, 2011

梁静茹。。。 赞。。。

went to watch transformers 3 and harry potter last week... first up, transformers 3... I personally thought the effects were good, but still preferred transformers 1, and megan fox, don't like the new female lead... she is really annoying and she does nothing except pose and prance around in skimpy clothing... at least megan fox's character was tough and she actually did constructive stuff... harry potter... I am so upset (still) that there is no more harry potter, I really enjoyed the movie... thinking back to the first movie, it was really kiddy but gradually got 'darker' by like the third movie... I was scared at some parts of the last movie, let alone the little kids... still remembered the first time I heard of 'harry potter' was in sec 3... when one of the red cross members mentioned the book...

remembered two posts ago, I mentioned that I heard from Bernadette out of the blue, and up until today, I have yet to meet up with her... she kept postponing on me every week, and now 4 weeks later, I decided that if she is not sincere about meeting up, then why should I be the one having to sms her every Friday asking whether she can make it... enough is enough... it's not worth it...

just a quick note on a korean drama which I watched recently... called my princess... it was crap, funny at times, but plot was poor and my advice is... don't waste your time... watched the new taiwanese drama, love you... with rainie yang and joseph chang... I thought it's really funny up until episode 14... and then it started becoming draggy, and it's still dragging on now... although it's said to be similar to fated to love you... fated to love you is much much better... but the verdict is... watch the show up until episode 14 and you can probably skip till the last episode which has yet to air...

decided to go to Korea in april 2012... have already applied for 3 weeks' leave, still awaiting for approval... researched on accomodation options, it's quite expensive, but I have decided to stay somewhere close to the tourism place, so if we need to arrange for day trips or find out more info, we know where to go and not have to travel far...

work-wise... something really irritating happened on Friday, I don't want to go into details cos it's definitely not worth spending time talking about it here and wasting space... bottomline is one of my patients decided he would have a "fall" to prove that he could not walk, and I ended up having to do all the annoying paperwork and reporting... and I was so looking forward to going to fish leong's concert that night, and this ruined my mood and my whole weekend... have to go and pray more to get rid of these "shuai ren"...

anyway, which brings me to the topic of Liang Jing Ru's concert... it was in a word, awesome!! really enjoyed the concert, she is amazing... she sang for 3 hours, with breaks in between and interactions in between with the crowd, and she even came down the stage and went one round amongst the fans... and the other good thing was she sang alot of her older songs, which was great, cos I did not like any of her new songs... her voice is really amazing... she is definitely one of my fav singers... the only downside is probably when my camera ran out of battery, arrghh... thank god it was towards the end, but I would like to have gotten all the songs on HD...

in the coming weeks, I am rotating to aged care soon, which should be 'fun', still undecided if I should be glad or not... uncle and auntie are going over to new york to visit michelle for 6 weeks... and I have decided to treat myself and give myself a birthday present... will update on how the 'birthday present' turns out... I am actually quite looking forward to it...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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