Friday, December 31, 2010

2011, HErE wE cOMe...

christmas eve at work was such a drag... everyone was already in holiday mode and no one really wanted to do anything that day... but the good thing was I was able to leave work a little earlier that day...

christmas day... went to eat zattar at banksia... it was yummy as usual, was really craving it actually, and it was good although it was so hot that day... stayed home for the rest of the afternoon, and auntie finally came...everyone's question was what were we going to do with her for the next 2 weeks??

boxing day... the good thing was I did not have to work both days... was raining in the morning and became really hot in the afternoon... spent most part of the day at my cousin's cousin's house... nothing really exciting except we were playing kinect with the kids... my auntie brought over the hongkong series can't buy me love... which I had been wanting to watch... still halfway through the show... it's funny mostly, but there's way too much talking, and that's really fast talking... and it's not your typical dramatic hongkong series... I will have to rate it after I finish watching...

Monday... off work... went to the city with auntie... wanted to check out the new opened westfield... everything in there were branded stuff... so needless to say, we did not spend much time in there... got to eat my spicy beef and went karaoke with prisy and later auntie joined us... went to the movies that evening to watch tron legacy... my opinion is... don't bother watching if you are watching it for a good plot cos there's really none... the only thing that it had going for it was the special effects which only lasted for the first hour... and it was all talking after that...

tuesday... off work too... yippee... all of us drove down to stanwell tops lookout (again!), to the temple (Again!) and to kiama blowhole point... the weather was really good actually... and there were so many people at the lookout... and this was the first time after being there so many times that I actually saw people paragliding and hang-gliding, which would probably explain the crowd... there was actually alot of people everywhere we went... this time there were many huge waves?? at the blowhole point... unlike the last time I was there which was with Huimin, there was actually none... it was really quite exciting... and they went till really high as well... finally the long weekend came and gone... it was back to work for the next two days... :(

work was really slow though... everyone were still in the holiday mood and no one really wanted to be there... when we were about to leave for work yesterday... one of my colleagues gave me a christmas santa bauble... and I was really surprised... I really wanted one... although it was really for the novelty cos it really does not do anything... I was really curious about how it all works when my colleague got one from her secret santa... and tried to google it as well, but nothing useful came up... in the end, one of my colleagues suggested that we ring national geographic cos they stock the product and enquire... so I did that during lunchtime on wednesday and we were all cracking up... the sales rep at the other end was really serious and sincere though in explaining how it worked... it was hilarious... we had a really good laugh that day... auntie gave a treat yesterday evening at this chinese restaurant at rhodes... the food was not too bad actually...

finally another 4 day weekend... although I have to work on sunday... it is going to be stinking hot again... the best plan would be to stay indoors... no confirmed plans as to what we would be doing, so probably just trying to finish watching the show now...

I won't bother with a new year resolution this time... cos I never seem to be able to fulfill them anyway... just to be healthy, happy and be smooth sailing at work... establish good relationships with colleagues...

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