Sunday, July 18, 2010


still no good news yet regarding my job hunting... still crossing my fingers and toes hoping that I can get a hospital based job soon...

well I am sure it is no longer news, but I am glad that Spain won the World Cup 2010, although I personally think that their games are boring, most of the games are 1-0 now I have to wait another 4 years to watch football...

pong is finally here, still settling into the pace of the life here... been invited to a baby shower next Sunday and Yochi is getting married at the end of the month... so this month my pockets are pretty empty...

currently considering if I should go to Cairns during birthday leave... hmm really depends on pong's timetable and the situation...

was quite annoyed on Friday... have another job interview at Nepean Hospital and hence requested for a few hours' leave and received an email from my Manager requesting that I try to schedule appointments outside of working hours and I was like WTH??!! did she even think before she emailed me cos I have no idea how to do that cos in case she did not notice, I work from 8am to 5pm so I can't think of how I should schedule the job interviews outside of working hours... I was so annoyed after reading the email and they have agreed to support me in the first place... the other mildly annoying thing was that I was not being told that my billing target would be increased until I was cc'ed into an email which she sent to the accounts dept... thanks for telling me...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...