Tuesday, June 15, 2010

WInteR cHiLL...

my life at the moment only has 3 elements: Masterchef, World Cup and Work... very excited now that the world cup is finally here again but bcos of the weird hours in the morning, I am always having to record the matches and watching it after, which kind of takes the excitement and anticipation away cos I know the results already... so far the matches have not been really exciting maybe bcos it's still the first round... disappointed in England's first match against USA though, although I was quite pleased with South Korea's win over Greece... on the other hand, there are some really unknown countries who qualified for the World Cup and the good ones did not even qualify like Czech Republic, Sweden and one of the strange ones would be North Korea... I was like what the??!!

and the other much talked about topic in the World Cup is the constant buzzing of the horns which apparently are the local horns... i did not even notice it in the beginning but now that everybody is talking about it, I am like noticing it even more and it is very annoying...

still looking for hospital work currently and there did not seem to be any out there... am getting tired of the occ rehab scene... and really need change of scenery... so cross my fingers and toes, hopefully I will be able to find one soon...

yesterday was the june long weekend... met up with uncle andrew, his wife and friends for dinner at this pizza place at harbourside on Friday... did not really like the pizza, maybe due to the flavours picked, but I actually preferred the pizzas we ate at the italian place at Balmain... maybe also bcos they had the nutella pizza...

worked over the weekend and our initial plan was to head to hunter valley on Monday but uncle suggested that the traffic on the way back may be bad hence mich suggested going to cockatoo island for the biennale art exhibition instead... so we drove down to circular quay, and there was already a long queue for the free ferry to the island... it was quite boring actually, the island is actually an old prison and shipyard where the prisoners worked on the ships apparently... so we were there for approx an hour and we were queuing again for the free ferry ride back to circular quay when prisy actually spotted a big celebrity... EWAN MCGREGOR!!!! We were like no way... and nobody except us seemed to have recognised him... so we were queuing on the left hand side for the free ferry while his group decided to take the paid water taxi and we got an up close and personal look when he walked past us... so the 3 of us decided to pretend to want to go ask how much the water taxis cost and we actually got really close to him... but being mature adults, we did not burst into girly screams or whip out our cameras... we were really composed and after finding out that it was $10 each, we decided it was not worth it to pay that much to be in the same boat as him... hmm... I wonder if I would pay that price for maybe Mike He??

anyway, that was probably the highlight of our day really... and he was not even wearing sunglasses, he was dressed really casually and prisy said the woman and child walking beside him is his wife and kid...

after that, we went to have a browse around the museum of contemporary arts, and then headed to this place near the rocks for a fire water show and then to the night market at the rocks... there were alot of people hence that may be why it was not as cold... was exhausted by the time we headed back home... it was a very artsy day really, which probably would not be something I would choose to do...

back to monotonous life again... the next long weekend is not till October...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...