Sunday, March 01, 2009

MaJor addiCTiOn...

have not felt like blogging for awhile... mostly bcos there is really not much to blog about... work is still as usual... have been struggling abit to finish all the reports and having to get used to the idea of not being able to finish something and having to do another thing which I am really struggling with as I am someone who likes to finish something first before going onto another thing... but i was told that in this role, I have to be able to prioritise my work which can sometimes require me to do something halfway and having to finish something else... also beginning from next week, we will be having a year 3 student on placement at work, although i am not the supervisor obviously, but it will be interesting as i am still adjusting from being an OT student to an OT... it should be interesting to see how and what it looks like from the other side... i would like to try being a supervisor in future if an opportunity comes up...

i have been alone for a week now... and the house is very quiet, especially at night, but I am quite enjoying this brief period of silence, being able to do what i want and when I want... tried to cook the linguine today for lunch... i was so looking forward to eating the linguine but it did not turn out well... being lazy, i decided to cook the whole packet and all the carrots on the fridge and forgot to add salt, so the end product was a carrot-smelling linguine with no taste at all... it was so unappetizing... in fact, thinking about having to finish the whole packet makes me lose my appetite... similar thing happened the last time i tried to cook fried rice... at least that time i had people to help finish the food, now i dunno what i am going to do...

i have been so addicted to this korean drama that pong recommended... called the last scandal... so sad that the female lead in the show apparently committed suicide last year... the show is really hilarious... i am so addicted that you would not believe the lengths i went to to watch the show and buy the dvd... let's just leave it at that for now... but I would really recommend this show if you are into romantic comedy...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...