Thursday, August 09, 2007

REd Ps... Here I cOmE...

Today the 8th August 2007 is really my lucky day... I am soooo relieved it is as if a big load has been lifted off my shoulder... why... cos I finally PASSED my driving test this morning after two failed attempts... and it must be bcos i have taken it a few times i was not that nervous today, rather it was mr akbarian who was nervous for me... and when we went on the practice drive before the test this morning, he brought me to this new stretch of road where it had this really unusual road marking, like a triangular island and he taught me how to drive onto that road... and suai suai really the tester brought me to that stretch of road... and i was like thank god mr akbarian taught me how to drive on that road otherwise it would be another fail attempt...
anyway, i really have to thank mr akbarian, who has been very patient and a very good teacher all this while... and i finally got my red Ps... now the next step would be to look for a car... and save money... this has got to be one of the best days ever...

and I am still thinking of stuff that we could do for my birthday... bowling? karaoke? eat? beach/picnic? party?

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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