Wednesday, August 22, 2007

3 MOrE daYS To GO...

Have been watching quite a few shows, movies actually these few days... saw Happily never after, the cartoon and it was quite funny actually... like they were turning all the fairytales upside down... and then i also saw Die hard 4... have never seen a die hard movie at all before... but the latest one was quite action-packed and was quite a good show... although bruce willis never seem to die even when he fell from a moving car or when there were explosions... and maggie Q was in the movie... she's really pretty i think... she has been in a few big budget hollywood movies... which is really good... and then i saw the movie Next with Nicolas Cage... it's alright, not as interesting as National Treasure... and the ending was quite anti-climatic... also saw The Illusionist with Edward Norton... it was alright, although the ending was quite clever... the movie was quite slow moving though...

and on saturday, went to look at toyota and hyundai cars... did not get to go on test drives... going to wait for papa to come and go test drive with me... the salesman that we spoke to at pennant hills toyota was so rude... he probably figured that we were not really serious in buying a car from him on that day... i think i will either get the yaris or the corolla... cos all the people i talked to advised me that toyota is the most reliable brand, and the parts are cheaper as well...

and then yesterday, stayed up till 3am to finish watching why why love... apparently the vcd is out in singapore and this really kind person uploaded it onto veoh... i was so disappointed with the way the show went in the last 2 episodes... spoilers ahead...

it went from a funny and cute show to a sad one... cos he got some strange illness and was going to die... and bcos he did not want to make jiadi upset, he decided to give her up and pretended to be mean to her and offered her to his brother... very melodramatic... i just don't understand why all the taiwanese shows all started out to be really good and the producers had to ruin the whole show with shitty endings... anyway, now i dun have to wait every week to watch the show... haha... mike he is still so cute... rainie as well...

Friday, August 17, 2007

AnDReA's bAck...

felt like i have not been blogging for awhile... nothing much happening... latest updates... 1) uni stuff has been piling up as the days go by but what's new... i should already be used to it by now and it's like week 4 of semester 2... 2) amelia's been teaching how to do perpendicular parking whenever we have breaks in between lectures... still not very consistent, and i really think i have some visuospatial deficits cos for the life of me, i always get confused abt which direction i should turn the wheel if i get too close or too wide to the car... 3) went karaoke after uni yesterday with karen and amelia... and we only got to the city at like 7pm, sang till 10pm and bcos it was so late already, i slept over at karen's house... i have itching to go karaoke since ages ago but nobody have time to go with me but finally got to go yesterday... and it was good... ate KFC and sang till our hearts' content... 4) next week papa and pong are coming over to visit... yay! but only for a week and i have a presentation that week as well... but i am really looking forward to them coming... and the birthday gathering as well on friday... now that realreal and the others are here, it would definitely be more fun and rowdy!!! and lastly hopefully it will be good weather every day from next week onwards...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

REd Ps... Here I cOmE...

Today the 8th August 2007 is really my lucky day... I am soooo relieved it is as if a big load has been lifted off my shoulder... why... cos I finally PASSED my driving test this morning after two failed attempts... and it must be bcos i have taken it a few times i was not that nervous today, rather it was mr akbarian who was nervous for me... and when we went on the practice drive before the test this morning, he brought me to this new stretch of road where it had this really unusual road marking, like a triangular island and he taught me how to drive onto that road... and suai suai really the tester brought me to that stretch of road... and i was like thank god mr akbarian taught me how to drive on that road otherwise it would be another fail attempt...
anyway, i really have to thank mr akbarian, who has been very patient and a very good teacher all this while... and i finally got my red Ps... now the next step would be to look for a car... and save money... this has got to be one of the best days ever...

and I am still thinking of stuff that we could do for my birthday... bowling? karaoke? eat? beach/picnic? party?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

PRessURe x 10000000...

the end of week 2 of semester 2 of year 3... and i can already feel the pressure starting to build... from all the uni stuff, honours stuff, driving and from work... the thing i dun like abt this semester is that we have to go out into the community to do 'fieldwork'... which meant that i have to somehow find 'lobangs' where i can carry out my assignments... which is a problem bcos i have no idea where to find these places or people... and then researching for articles for my honours topic is taking up so much time... and i can't even find any relevant articles... and that day anna and i were just saying how there was just too much stuff already to be done for the main subjects... and there is just no time for us to do our research stuff... and anna said she is thinking of quitting honours... i am also thinking abt it... but i know mummy and papa will be disappointed if i quit... i know they probably will say up to me... but i know they wanted me to do it... and i thought i caould challenge myself by taking this initially... but as the weeks progress, i kept thinking to myself maybe this is too much of a challenge already and i am not coping as well as i should... my time management skills suck...

and then today, at work, nandar asked me if i wanted to be on a contract basis instead of a casual... and apparently alot of people are already on a contract... even the new people... whereas i only got offered after like two years... felt alittle upset... and the hours that she was offering me was not really good for me either, and i asked her what would happen if i want to reamin a casual, she was like i can't afford to give you so many hours as before, which meant that i probably would not get work on sundays... and uncle and auntie asked me to consider transferring to the woolies at dural, which is closer to where we live... went there once and the store is of course not as new as ours at thornleigh... and also more dirty... i dun really want to transfer there...

and then there's driving... when the hell will i pass the stupid test??!! argghh...

on a happier note, zhenzhen and the others invited me to their house for steamboat on friday... their apartment is quite big though... their balcony is huge... actually brought dvds thinking that we can watch, but being the dumb dumb that i am, i left them in the locker in school and i only remembered it when we were already halfway to their house... we ate and talked and laughed... alot actually... well i dun think some people would want me to put the content of what we talked abt here... haha... finally, the thought of the day was, looks can really be deceiving...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...