Tuesday, February 27, 2007

SiAN diAo...

almost been back for a week already and everything's felt like what it used to be... be it at home here or at work... it's like nothing has changed, like I have always been here and not been back for 3 months... at work... the same faces... except that apparently a few check-out staff left... not many new faces... and the long-anticipated last second episode of hana kimi is finally aired... and i actually could not sleep the whole of last night... woke up early this morning just to watch it on youtube... how sad am I... was quite disappointed... the whole episode is mostly on that famous photographer wanting to expose ruixi... and this coming sunday is the finale... can't wait to see who will confess first... haha... ruixi or quan??!! and xiuyi is going out with ruixi's friend... haha...

resumed my driving lessons... i am no longer scared of driving but i almost knocked into another car bcos I took a long time checking my side mirror and blindspot and went into the other lane today... so scary...

Friday, February 23, 2007

STatuS: bAcK in sYDnEy...

Yes, I am officially back in sydney... and the weather here is still really hot... and apparently my worries that my work has forgotten abt me is not true... cos just this morning my auntie told me that my supervisor called and i have shifts on both saturday and sunday... sian man...

and btw... i know it's abit late but... Happy Chinese New Year!!! I am so happy that I got to spend this year's chinese new year here with my family and relatives... although we are not close, i still am happy that we got to gather and see each other... I have not seen some of them for two years... i still remember the times when we were small... all of us were really cute back then but now everybody's grown and not so cute anymore... this year chinese new year was at one of my uncle's home... collected hongbaos and ate alot of stuff... took pictures and went off to visit the relatives on my father's side... then came back home and ate dinner with two of my uncle's family... had a reunion dinner at home with my father's friends from philippines... ate steamboat... and watched the chinese new year programs till midnight for the countdown... hopefully 2007 will be a good year...

and ohmigod... i found out that the last two episode of my hana kimi will only be shown two weeks later... i am going to be so depressed till then... i really hate having to wait so long to know the ending... i want to know what happens in the end... ahhhhh.....

Friday, February 16, 2007

HAnA kiMi...

went to smu to visit fran with huimin... fran brought us around her uni... her uni gave me an impression of being really quiet even though it's in the middle of the city... unlike NUS and NTU... where everywhere you turn, there are pple... we slacked awhile in one of the study rooms there, then huimin and I left for bugis street, in our search for bags... after walking for a long while in bugis, both huimin and I got a bag each... i actually wanted to get a sling bag but all the bags there were either not to my liking or too expensive... but i finally got a gold one at the basement of bugis junction... i will definitely miss all of them... although we dun see each other often, but i want to tell you guys that i often think of you guys and i am glad of our friendship... :)

i have been so caught up and obsessed with the new taiwanese drama called "Hua yang shao nian shao nu" with ella and wuzun that i have not been blogging... it's my new favourite show at the moment... ella's character is so cute and funny... and wuzun's so cute too... the bad thing is bcos the show's still airing in taiwan, i have to wait like two weeks more for the last 2 episodes... and i can't wait... i want to know what happens in the end... the show's really cute...

btw... 6 days more before leaving... sian man...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

GAmeS & KTV...

alamak... these few days got so many new shows coming out... and i can't watch them when i go back... shows like the channel 8 happily ever after... the show cracks me up... haha... and the new channel 5 show parental guidance... saw the first episode and it's quite good... jessica hsuan spoke really good english... and heroes... have been watching every episode since and so far so good... now i really dun feel like going back... the shows there suck man... and i am watching victoria's secret fashion show now... whoa... nice underwear, pretty models, skinny bodies, long and shiny hair... haha...

met up with jo, huimin, fran and sherry that day and we went to mind cafe at prinsep place... initially the plan was to go wild wild wet but fran was sick... and i was actually surprised to see sherry... i had alot of fun at mind cafe... we played cluedo, taboo and this train game that jo introduced to us... very interesting... and we all laughing so loudly... we really must go there again the next time okay guys... and then after sherry left, we proceeded to chinatown for ktv... and bcos it's a friday and chinese new year was around the corner, it was so crowded... sian man... ate abit at smith street before going to ktv... although it's only $10++ i still preferred kbox, maybe bcos the atmosphere there was not that great and the songs seemed to be slower than usual... but still i had alot of fun... cos we kept singing "bimbo" songs like barbie girl and my oh my... i was really tired by the time i got home...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

CAn'T beAR tO LeAve...

went to look at houses on sunday, bcos our block apparently finally was sold... so we have to move out soon... really dun want to move... after that we went to plaza singapura to do grocery shopping then went to lau pa sat to eat dinner... actually it was my idea to eat there cos i wanted to eat satay and stingray... ate till i was so full...

went to central at clarke quay that day... still not fully opened yet though and it was really quiet... nothing really special, also the usual shops, still looking for a nice and comfortable pair of sandals... and i went to trim my hair again before i go back... my resolve to keep my hair is starting to waver...

went to meet huilin at chinatown... this time it was my turn to be late... huilin, so sorry!! i really did not mean it... anyway, she wanted to eat at this two-storey hawker centre but we later found out that it was actually the one that moved to outram park... so in the end we ate at people's park complex... it was so freaking hot that day... after eating, we walked along temple street, smith street and although it was a weekday, there were still alot of people... everywhere was red... there were stalls selling new year goodies, the mochi sweets, new year stuff... actually it was also my first time walking there... if it wasn't that hot, it would have been a great experience...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

2 MORe WeeKS...

i am counting down the number of weeks before i have to leave my family and friends...
did not do much this week except slacking at home... found out that i have benn posted to this northcott society for my clinical placement for 6 weeks in march... went to find out more abt the place and apparently they mainly deal with paediatrics and young adults with problems like cerebral palsy, spina bifida, etc... which made me realise that i will be dealing with prescribing equipment, helping them to look for jobs, employment skills, etc... it would be something really different from the previous two placements... i was actually hoping to do a hospital placement... but the good thing is it is not as far as my previous placement... really hope i will do well in this setting...

on a lighter note... went kbox with pong at suntec... the only thing was that i was wearing her sandals and they really hurt my toes... i was in pain for the whole afternoon... and i still can't find a nice suitable and comfortable sandals for myself...

met up with melissa and fran on saturday at orchard... we went to food republic to eat and we were lucky to have found seats... fran and i ate the fish with rice and melissa as usual was late... cos she forgot the time we were supposed to meet... after that, we just strolled along orchard road, went to heeren and centrepoint... apparently they added a few more shops but we found out that there were actually nothing much also, just some food shops, espirit and gap... all the expensive clothes...

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Last friday was fran's birthday!! went to ntu to visit huimin in the afternoon and attended one of her lectures... then after she brought me to her school and they had free food there... and we were like shit we should not have eaten just now... but we still thick-skinned and ate the fishballs, some sticky thing like soon kueh and the cakes... so full after... then after walked around jurong point, wanted to look for fran's present, but did not find anything in the end... met up with fran and jo at orchard... ate at ding feng tai at paragon... and i was so careless, spilled the soup onto my pants, alamak... my first time eating xiaolongbao... not bad actually, and we ordered alot... after that, walked around paragon, then to takashimaya, and i ate brownie again... and i saw christine at wisma... what a coincidence... and we planned to meet up again to go to wild wild wet...

got hooked onto another show, but it's a taiwanese serial this time... it's devil beside you... i now it has been out a long time already, but i just saw it on tv recently, and got soo hooked onto it that i stayed up all night to watch it on youtube... thank god for youtube now... haha... mike he xiaomei is so cute!!! haha... and apparently the two of them are going to act together again in another show called exchange love...

went to watch happy birthday with pong... what a sad ending... and although the show is quite draggy sometimes, it's still not bad... i think the show's trying to tell us to treasure the times u spent together with the person u love cos u never know when they will leave you without u even knowing one day... very sad...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

LAst WEeK...

this is the last blog entry for january 2007... time really flies, soon it will be time for me to go back to sydney... very "she bu de"...
yochi left for sydney... hope she has enjoyed her stay here in singapore...
went to eat at carnivore vivocity with my dad and ate till i was so full that i did not eat dinner that day... watched pan's labyrinth with pong at lido... the movie's in spanish and it was not as scary as i thought it would be... but it was only okay, maybe a 5/10...

accompanied pong to nyp for their open house... too bad it was raining outside cos i wanted to take photos at the gardens... but it was interesting to be able to go back there again and see all the courses that they offer and to visit my favourite swimming pool and drink the soya bean... saw a few of my ex classmates... inthu, joanna, elaine, gurjit and brother... and i was like telling them that they seemed to be having more fun than what we have over there in sydney... they always seemed to be having exhibitions and stuff... so envious that they will graduating soon in june... while i still have two more years to go... after that, we went to J8 to shop a little while, nothing much, shall go visit the library there soon...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...