Thursday, February 01, 2007

LAst WEeK...

this is the last blog entry for january 2007... time really flies, soon it will be time for me to go back to sydney... very "she bu de"...
yochi left for sydney... hope she has enjoyed her stay here in singapore...
went to eat at carnivore vivocity with my dad and ate till i was so full that i did not eat dinner that day... watched pan's labyrinth with pong at lido... the movie's in spanish and it was not as scary as i thought it would be... but it was only okay, maybe a 5/10...

accompanied pong to nyp for their open house... too bad it was raining outside cos i wanted to take photos at the gardens... but it was interesting to be able to go back there again and see all the courses that they offer and to visit my favourite swimming pool and drink the soya bean... saw a few of my ex classmates... inthu, joanna, elaine, gurjit and brother... and i was like telling them that they seemed to be having more fun than what we have over there in sydney... they always seemed to be having exhibitions and stuff... so envious that they will graduating soon in june... while i still have two more years to go... after that, we went to J8 to shop a little while, nothing much, shall go visit the library there soon...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...