Tuesday, November 28, 2006

LEarNinG tO dRiVe...

rented ice age 2 and take the lead last week... take the lead was really nice... i actually liked all the dancing movies that i have watched and they have really cool dance moves in this movie... i heard step up was good too... shall wait for the dvd to be released... ice age 2 was not as good as the first one... what's new... all the part 2 of movies are not as nice as the original ones... and i finally watched the taiwan series 'it started with a kiss' that pong lent me... i actually saw the japanese version a long time ago on tv and i really liked it... in the taiwan version, they did not really follow the actual plot, only abit... at first i did not recognise the male lead in the show but then i finally realised that he's the gay guy from the rose, another taiwan series starring SHE... and he was really gay in that show, with long curly hair... yuck... but in this one, thankfully the producers gave him a cool hairstyle and he looked quite cool... anyway, if anyone has seen the NGs in the show, u would be shocked at how loud and scary his laugh is... thinking about the way he laughs always cracks me up... the female lead also never fails to make me laugh... the show is quite funny actually... it was actually higher than my expectations...

and finally today morning, i went for my first ever driving lesson and i sat in the driver's seat for the first time... one word to summarise the whole one hour experience... nerve-wrecking... my instructor was really nice and patient though... but i was so scared that i would knock into other cars, wreck his car, etc... and my feet was on the brakes the whole time... really very scary... and for some reason, the roads today was lined with cars on both sides... usually the roads at that time are really quiet and empty... somehow they must have known that i am learning how to drive today and everyone decided to park their cars out on the kerbs and make the roads so narrow... i actually wanted to have intensive driving lessons for this whole week but my instructor was only available next on friday, so i had to book another lesson with one of prisy's colleague's father tomorrow... and when i go back home, i won't be able to practice driving till i come back... how...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

StUcK in ThE SwEltEriNg HeAT...

these few days we are once again back into the korean wave... all thanks to prisy's workmate who lent her this korean show called spring waltz... on the whole, on my scale of 1-10, the show only rated maybe 6... nonetheless, we watched it till like 1am on sunday night, not that i got anything better to do the next day, but both prisy and michelle have to work... even auntie stayed up with us... thankfully it was a happy ending, although both the main characters had a very difficult and sad childhood... and they were really fated to be together cos they loved each other since they were little... anyway... that's about it for the weekend, besides going to work...

and then went swimming at lane cove with prisy yesterday... we were really disappointed when we found out that the olympic pool was closed and the sauna and steam were closed for maintenance... so we only could swim in the indoor pool and it was quite crowded... cos the weather was so freaking hot these past few days... reaching 38 degrees today... and me... in order to escape the heat, i went to borders hornsby to read... shopped abit, trying to look for another black workpants... and presents... did not get anything in the end... alamak... most of my friends all went back home already... and i am still here waiting to go home... was supposed to have driving lessons this friday but the driving instructor called today and postponed it to monday... dunno what to do with myself actually...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

BoN voYagE...

IT is finally over!!! the exams... all the mugging and studying and cramming and no tvs and music... second year of uni is finally over... after kinesiology yesterday, everyone was in a party mood, although now that i think abt it, i kinda miss uni already, not the school but the going to uni, attending lectures and tutorials and friends... and we won't be seeing each other till like july next year cos the whole of next semester is clinicals... and angela's changed course so she will be graduating next year...

anyway, yesterday went to mel's house to celebrate and a bon voyage gathering... she was supposed to cook nice food for us, but in the end, she did not prepare anything and we went to this other korean place to eat... the shop was really small and squeezy, and the food was not that nice... i only liked the soup and the rice cake with cheese and chilli... yochi had to work in the library so could only come later... and bcos amelia said she will drive to uni to get her but yochi was not picking up her phone, mel called the library instead and it was really funny... yochi told us later that she was so surprised to hear us calling... after that, went back to mel's house to watch movie, i brought the movie bandidas for them to watch... and we took some pictures, ate some ice cream and slowly, one by one they left... and in the end, it was only yochi, me and mel left... and mel was like saying how there was a sense of deja vu bcos we went to her house once to do the horrible kinesiology proposal... i never ever want to repeat that again... we watched stealth and both of them liked it, especially yochi who could not get over the fact that jamie foxx's character died...

and then after that, went to hornsby westfield for some retail therapy... finally bought my next in death book... using the borders voucher that michelle gave me for my birthday... and today... tidied up the room and all the notes and stuff lying around... and called the driving instructor that yochi recommended... i am going to start learning how to drive... apparently i can't use the license i have here over in singapore... cos i initially thought that i could learn driving when i am back home... back to work again this weekend... after two weeks of leave... how come learning driving is so expensive... it's like $48 an hour... suck my blood...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I WoN't FeeL bAD...

forgot to mention that i wewnt to eastwood to eat at my fav roast pork shop with amelia on wed... after body systems... haven't been there for awhile... the salt and pepper fish fillets were delicious... both of us were starving and we had to wait so long for the train... when the food finally came, we were gobbling the stuff up already... however, i must say that it was quite expensive, it might be cheaper if we had more pple, it was like $10 each... and we only had two dishes... at least the food was good...

and did something on sun which i refused to feel bad or guilty about... went out to the city to sing karaoke even though i have an exam on mon... i studied hard for the past week and i think i deserved a break... and also becos we had to go pick up my uncle and auntie from the airport... anyway... i had fun singing my heart and lungs out with prisy... we even got extra time singing becos i think they forgot abt us... and after that, we went to our favourite place to eat the spicy beef and chicken... yummy... anyway, human occupations exam yesterday was okay, hopefully i will do well cos the last time was worth 50% and i did not do quite well so i hope this one will pull my grades up... and yes!!! two more days and exams are over... everyone's telling me how they are unable to concentrate bcos they are so excited at going home... in a way, it's quite sad cos i probably won't be seeing them till like july... cos the whole of next semester we will be on clinicals... so scary... apparently we will be having our caseloads and patients... the thought of it is enough to make me sick and panic... that's when we will really find out how much i have learnt these two years... and this thursday we will be celebrating tina's birthday and a bon voyage at mel's house...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

NoThiNg mUcH...

was reading through my blog posts in november 2005... ohmigod... i actually lost my phone like almost a year ago already, but i actually felt like the thing just happened to me last week or something... the memory was so vivid still... i could still remember the panic and the tears when i realised that my phone's lost... i can't believe it's been a year already... it's just scary how time flies so quickly...

after three intense days of studying and exams... i can take a short breather cos the next paper is on friday... and that's why i can blog now, and i worked today, after one week of absence at woolies... nothing much except something's wrong with my work shoe today, my feet were hurting the whole day, dunno isit bcos my feet expanded or the shoe's getting too small for my feet...

the first paper, quantitative was quite shitty, bcos i totally did not understand one topic and so i did not study that part and of course, i could not answer any of the questions concerning that topic... was like 'tikkaming' for the last ten questions... really bad... cognition was even worse... even though i studied for it and read everything, i realised that it's one of those subjects that requires understanding the stuff, not simply memorising... i hope it will not turn out as bad as i think... today's body systems was quite okay, although we have so much to study and so little time to cram everything into my brain... and of course skipping lectures did not help... i was actually panicking yesterday when i still had so much to study and it was already so late... so i decided to go to uni and study straight through till it was time... it paid off... i hope... now i am left with three more... and then... freedom!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


this whole week i have been at home every day... alone studying... i actually enjoyed the peace around me... i can eat whenever i felt like it, relax, watch abit of tv... everything was good except of course the studying part... still trying to absorb everything and squeeze all the information into my brain... why can't my brain be a sponge or why can't i have photographic memory??? u noe how some pple just read their stuff once and they can write out or memorize everything... dun you juz hate those kind of pple??!! and the weather's been not too hot, it's actually raining now and quite cold today... no flies... yes!!

anyway, i did go for some retail therapy on thurs again... to macquarie with prisy... to develop some photos for tina, i also bought another boardshort for pong, and a blouse and trackpants for myself... hmm... been spending alot these few weeks actually... i just have this urge to buy stuff recently... must be all the stress... counting down the days when i can finally go home...and yochi's confirmed coming to visit in january... haha i am going to be her food tour guide... called home just now... alamak... my dear sister went to see the vice-principal today and was told to decided whether she is going to stay in jc or go to poly... cos of her results... headache man... and the thing is... she dunno what she wants to do in future... and she dun wanna think for herself, relying on others to tell her what to do... i just hope she will make right decision this time cos she cannot afford to waste anymore time already...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...