Friday, December 30, 2005

StiLL oN HoliDae...

forgot to wish everyone a very merry christmas... haha is it too late... then happy new year lor...
sunday was christmas, so all the shops were closed... so uncle suggested bringing us to travel the newly-opened M7 expressway, so we drove all the way to this faraway place called cabramatta... which according to them was a place consisting mostly of vietnamese... everything was vietnamese stuff and the place was packed with them... it was good to see other cultures and they actually sell some really cool stuff (like the scissors used by the hairdressers)... spent quite some time there and we went to check out this place where all the designer houses are... seeing all these nice houses make me wish i have alot of money so that i can renovate my home to become like one of theirs... sigh... we even saw one home which has the bushes in their front lawn shaped into animals... really funny...

monday was boxing day... my uncle's side family has a gathering every year on this day... went to this beach (i dunno what it's called) abt an hour's drive and the place was also packed with families on picnic and bbqing... it was a really hot day also... the beach was really nice though... the sand was soft and clean, not like in singapore... and the water was clear you can see the small fishes... got quite a tan and bcos my sunblock lotion was not enough for this weather, my back got really sunburnt... it is all red and painful still... it's good that their family take the time to meet up with one another every year and they appear to be quite close... unlike my mum's and father's side family... we only see each other during chinese new year, and i am not even close to some of them, i dun even noe if i will recognise them if we see each other on the streets...

tues... post christmas sale... of course we went on a shopping trip to hornsby... to check out all the sale... bought a photo album to store all my photos... and then had to go to work in the late afternoon so didn't get to spend alot of time there...
the supervisors came back to me regarding the cookies... all of them said the famous amos cookies were very nice... they ate until they can't stop... and asked me where i got them etc... it was actually abit like a bribe thing...

and prisy and me are on a firefly marathon again... i missed watching it when i was in s'pore... and when the hell is Serenity coming out??!!!

and then yesterday... prisy and me went to the city for karaoke... yay!! found some nice songs again... by rainie yang... realised she's a really good singer though, she always like to act cute also... here sing karaoke is much cheaper than singing in kbox leh... like tat time me and huimin went to sing... so expensive...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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