Saturday, December 10, 2005

HoME swEeT hOmE...

finally... i am back home... reached home late monday night... my parents and sister came to fetch us at the airport... first thing my mum said to me was... andrea... u have become fatter... i was like thanks mum... :(
showered and unpacked my luggage... felt like santa claus, giving out presents... very excited to be home... everything felt different... some of the things at home have changed...

something horrible happened that night... my grandma came over to stay in my house that night, and i heard her going into the toilet... okay... before that... she hurt her knee during her trip to cameron highlands... it was quite bad... okay... so i woke up, went in and asked if she was alright... and she said her leg was very painful so i helped her to massage her knee... after that... she slowly tried to limp out of the toilet with me standing behind her... suddenly... her right leg started to tremble really badly... and then her whole body started to shake really badly... i kept calling her and asking her if she's alright... she did not seem to hear me and then she suddenly leaned back and started to collapse onto me... so i quickly slipped my arms under her arms to support her while at the same time, kept calling her... still no response... i started to panic big time... i started to shout for prisy who was sleeping and she woke up and she too... started to help me support nainai and calling her... nainai actually fainted... i quickly ran to my parents' room to call for mum and papa... when we went back into the room... she was sitting on the bed with prisy and pong and she did not know what happened to her... all of us were so worried about her...
i did not dare to sleep properly the whole night... in case she need to go to the toilet again or something... the next day... we accompanied her to see the chinese sensei... they said she pulled a nerve/vein... and gave her acupuncture... but till now... her leg is still giving her trouble... she cannot bend her knee to walk up and down the steps... that's why i spent the last few days with her... make sure that she has someone ard with her always... i am so scared that something will happen to her and no one's ard to help if she stays alone in her house... i dunno what's gonna happen when we go back... who's going to help look after her?
i feel so helpless when i see her limping along and especially when she's walking up and down the stairs... i can only stand beside her and make sure that she does not fall... but she is so stubborn also... refused to go see a doctor... everyone's been telling her to go see a doctor... take x-rays and find out the cause... she refuse...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...