Thursday, September 01, 2005

HaPy 20th BdaE...

went to burwood westfield to celebrate my bdae with amelia and karen last fri... was abit diappointed becos i thought that more pple were coming... but it was still fun... they bought me a wallet, a soft toy and a cake... and then we had fast food for lunch... haha... cos i want to eat mcdonald's and amelia wanted to eat kfc... so in the end, we decided to eat in the foodcourt... after that... we went shopping for abit and then had to leave early cos i was doing another morning fresh promotion in the afternoon...

business was really bad... i only manage to sell 1 box of pathetic Tectabs... cos not many pple go to coles west pennant hills i think, since the opening of woolies at thornleigh, where i work...
which reminds me of the supervisor whom i dun like... now all i can do is to pretend to smile at her and do whatever she tells me to do while i am cursing her inwardly...
i feel so hypocritical sometimes... like even though u dun like somebody, u still have to act like u are close friends with them... i think as u grow older, when u go out to work, u will face this kind of problems... especially here, cos like even in woolies, some supervisors are friendly, but others only seem friendly at times, other times, they can like 'fan lian bu ren ren'...

okay, at night, auntie fried roti prata for us, and we also ate this really nice ice cream as dessert, called conoisseur... and prisy gave me the album for the chinese show as a bdae gift... i have been wanting to get it, and she managed to find it, but she won't tell me where... bad girl...thank you. to michelle too, for the scarf...

went to watch unleashed yesterday... quite nice show, funny too... it wasn't that violent, as compared to sin city... which was gross... especially elijah wood, he looked really creepy... thank god it was in black and white, otherwise, with all the blood and gore everywhere... and the yellow thing... yuck, what is that?? reached home quite late, and now i am so tired, cos i dunno why, these few days, although i sleep early, and didn't really do much studying, i still feel sleepy...
btw, are the pics of the show chinese paladin nice? i spent quite alot of energy and time looking for them... highly recommended show to watch...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...