Wednesday, April 13, 2005


First of all, want to say a big THANK YOU to prisy and christine...
prisy has helped me alot in adjusting to uni life, teaching me how to make friends and introducing her frens to me... i dunno what i would do without her...
although she can be annoying sometimes... prisy if u are reading this... thanks for everything.

christine, thanks for giving us a lift home sometimes... without u, we probably have to walk home...

Thanks mummy and papa for supporting me when i decided to come here to study... i will do my best and not let u down...

last fri, i had a sociology test and basically in 2 words... it sucked.
i had no idea what the whole article was talking abt and i juz wrote down whatever i memorized and the rest was crap... shit man, it will be a miracle if i even pass... first test since uni started and it turned out to be like that... wat the hell???!

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