Tuesday, April 05, 2005

FrOm daWn To duSK...

sigh... tues... went to school with prisy early in the morning to return library bks... then after that, went to meet up with Nao and we went to the immigration centre to get my visa to work... really have to start looking for a job... spending way too much money...

whoa, at the immigration centre, it waas literally packed with pple... had to wait for almost an hour for my turn... after that, we went to a korean place to eat... hmm... the atmosphere was really nice, especially the very comfy sofas that they have... but the food was not as good as the one in strathfield... and the portion that they serve there was much bigger...

then we went shopping ard the city... bought another skirt again... but God noes i dun even wear the skirts that i buy... cos it was quite cheap... juz cannot resist... walk, walk, and more walking... and then prisy suddenly suggested that we go karaoke... it was already 4pm already and i was saying she should tell us sooner, than us walking ard aimlessly...

we spent 2 hours karaoke-ing...haha... i preferred this one as compared to the one we went that time in chatswood... cos they got chinese songs... can u believe that i have never been to a karaoke in s'pore??! only when i got here, then i experienced what karaoke is like... even my sis been to karaoke more times than me leh... what can i say? after that, we went to prisy's fren's house to collect something... her house quite nice, got both gym and a swimming pool... it is in the city, so pretty expensive... got home ard 8pm... and got told off by nainai and auntie for going out from morning till night... sigh...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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