Friday, April 29, 2005

DuN haVe lEh...

sat...went to Castle Towers with prisy... bought fleecy pants and a gym top... cos winter's coming soon and i need some fleecy to keep warm...

sun... went to this computer place to look for an mp3 player cum USB drive... didn't manage to find a good one though...
after that, went to 214 Sunnyholt Rd with wendy and duncan and prisy... remember i said we found out that there was a Long John Silver and A&W opening there... finally we went there... it was a 30mins drive... and it was quite disappointing cos there was NO curly fries or rootbeer!
oh man... all we wanted to eat was the curly fries and go all the way there and they dun have it...
in the end, we ended up eating the fish and chips from Long John's... hmmph...

anyway, have to say a huge Thanx to duncan and wendy! 'Aligato!'

after eating, came back home and christine came over to our house to play mahjong... we were like those rich taitais... nothing better to do during the weekends so play mahjong for the whole day... played till 7pm... eat dinner and i settled down to have a CSI marathon... dunno why since i came here... i started to watch CSI, cos like back home, i didn't even like the show...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

ThEre'S alWaYs toMoRrow...

u noe, some pple juz like to wait until the last minute then do things, and then in the end, have to rush and rush... i mean, i also do procrastinate, but i prefer to start doing things earlier, rather than cramming everything when the deadline is approaching... sigh... what to do... u can't say them lest they get offended or something and they probably might think, why this person so uptight?... juz have to depend on urself...

well, life's like that...

Sunday, April 24, 2005

CamE & goNe...

stayed at home last weekend to watch the japanese version of meteor garden... specially flown back from singapore... hehee... i really like it... although the pace of the show is quite slow and alot of imagery and flashbacks... i actually fell in love with the jap version even before i saw the chinese one...

in the end, did not get much assignment done... and already wk 7 has come and almost gone, and my assignments and presentations are accumulating to form Mount Everest! :(

fri, biochem mid-semester exam... luckily only got mcqs and the questions were all quite straightforward... why can't all the exam papers be like that??!

thurs... was supposed to go to burwood with Mel after class to buy angela's birthday present... but in the end, we didn't go cos Mel wasn't feeling well... so i stayed in school to do another recording for the COP interview... and then after that, still have to critique... sigh

Saturday, April 23, 2005

WhEre iS iT?...

auntie and uncle came back home from singapore on sat... kinda miss the 2 weeks of juz the three of us at home...
anyway, i asked my mum to buy famous amos cookies from singapore for us... and when auntie took them out of her luggage... oh man all of us went berserk... michelle and prisy were really funny, they kept smelling the paper-bag even before they opened the bag... and then after opening it, michelle was like, breathing in the smell of the cookies non-stop... haha...

that day, on our way to wendy's house, i saw an advertisement on the bus that says that there is a Long John Silver and A&W opening in this place... oh man, i was so excited and when prisy and nao saw it too, the three of us were like ohmigod... where is it??! we HAVE to go there... and then we found out that it's at a very very far place... so disappointing... can someone give us a lift there??!

last fri, christine came over and she brought her Alien vs Predator vcd... initially thought that it was those kind of scary shows, very gory... but turned out to be more action-packed... not bad... then after that, i stayed up to watch "The truth abt Sam and Jane", the one with fann wong...
i quite like the show leh... this must be my 4th time watching already...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


fri... dun have to go to school... haha... decided to go to the sydney olympic park's aquatic centre to check out the swimming pools... met up with Nao and then the three of us took a train there... whoa... alot of pple there... mostly children... cos i think it is the school hols'... there was a slide, a wave-pool, a few pools... went to try the slide... really fun! though we had to queue for quite a long time... the wave-pool was fun too...stayed there till 4pm... but i think we all preferred the one at lane cove...

after that, to reward ourselves for the "hard" work, we went to the korean cafe at strathfield to eat... Nao and me were like craving for the food there... haha... the cafe underwent constuction a few days ago, i was told... but i still preferred the previous way it was... now like quite cramp leh...

anyway, something really weird happened... okay, we were at the train station at pennant hills waiting for train to meet up with Nao, and then prisy and me saw this guy with this quite cool anime-looking hairstyle... we commented that it was cool and that he muz have spent lots of time making it stand... okay, so our day come and went... on the way back home, u will never believe this but... we saw him again on the train at eastwood... prisy and me looked at each other and she was like "is that the guy we saw in the morning??!"
so "qiao" rite... of all the times and of all the places and trains, we saw him when we were going out in the morning and then in the evening when we were going home... weird!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

HoUsE- vIsiTiNg...

wk 6 of uni started... more assignments and presentations... what's new? auntie and uncle went back to singapore last wk, leaving the three of us here... found out that there was another sociology lecture on tuesdays from 3-5pm, so i went to attend that instead of the one that i am supposed to go to on fridays... heehee... which means that i dun have to go to school on fridays...
the disadvantage was that tuesdays became a long day, from 8 to 5pm...

thurs... went to Mel's house to do the video recording for COP till 4pm... after playing back the video, realised that it was quite strange to see myself on tv... i look funny in the video... anyway, it was to be like a counselling session... and then we have to do a critique of our performance...

after that, went to wendy's house in the city to play mahjong... so long never play already, still remember the times when i played in nainai's house, especially during chinese new year... also went to chinatown to eat the 'yu zha gui'... i ordered the fish porridge and we shared the egg and yu zha gui... the porridge was quite nice, but it was too much, like seriously never-ending... in the end, never finish it... then went back and played more mahjong... stayed till like 11pm... almost missed the train...


lonely moon
you represent the hard times in life. you have a
hard life yourself and a hidden self many don't
know about.

What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^)
brought to you by

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


First of all, want to say a big THANK YOU to prisy and christine...
prisy has helped me alot in adjusting to uni life, teaching me how to make friends and introducing her frens to me... i dunno what i would do without her...
although she can be annoying sometimes... prisy if u are reading this... thanks for everything.

christine, thanks for giving us a lift home sometimes... without u, we probably have to walk home...

Thanks mummy and papa for supporting me when i decided to come here to study... i will do my best and not let u down...

last fri, i had a sociology test and basically in 2 words... it sucked.
i had no idea what the whole article was talking abt and i juz wrote down whatever i memorized and the rest was crap... shit man, it will be a miracle if i even pass... first test since uni started and it turned out to be like that... wat the hell???!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

WhAt's goIng oN...

tuesday was a shitty day... maybe becos nainai went back home, and i finally broke down while studying... after nearly 4 mths in australia... really miss my family and nainai... sigh...
dunno whether i made the right decision to come here and study or i should juz stay in s'pore and study 3 yrs there... anyway, it's too late...

was reading frens' blogs and realised that some of them are going thru a rough time too... wish that i can do more than juz tell them words of encouragement... hey, if u are reading this, let's 'jia you' together k...

wednesday, HO tutorial was really fun... got to 'play' with the wheelchairs and move ard the whole school... realise that it's really not easy for someone in wheelchairs... u can't get to certain places and pple look at you in a funny way... it's like a stigma, which is not easy to get over...

Thursday, April 07, 2005


wk 5 of uni started ... nothing interesting happened, as usual...except that now the assignments and tests are piling up every day... this fri got sociology test... i think i am going to juz sit there and stare into space during the test, while others will be writing frantically ard me... it's on the australian society leh... dunno anything... totally clueless...

nainai went back to singapore... gonna miss her and everyone back home even more... so alone... btw... saw the comments on the tagboard, eh not everytime have the chance to go nut or fruit-picking lah, juz that now's the season, and nainai's here, so auntie suggested bringing her there... and they are not free... have to pay for the fruits and nuts...

finally took out the photo albums that i brought with me to show prisy... didn't take it out before cos... i was afraid that i will cry or become homesick if i look at the pics... sigh... eh prisy recognised jo and sherry leh... small world... haha

spent the whole wk of hols' doing assignments and watching this jap anime called Getbackers... at first when prisy asked me to watch, i though it was really silly... but then realised that it was actually quite funny... laughed till stomach pain and got tears...

btw, is the anime pic cute? if anyone's interested, go to

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

FrOm daWn To duSK...

sigh... tues... went to school with prisy early in the morning to return library bks... then after that, went to meet up with Nao and we went to the immigration centre to get my visa to work... really have to start looking for a job... spending way too much money...

whoa, at the immigration centre, it waas literally packed with pple... had to wait for almost an hour for my turn... after that, we went to a korean place to eat... hmm... the atmosphere was really nice, especially the very comfy sofas that they have... but the food was not as good as the one in strathfield... and the portion that they serve there was much bigger...

then we went shopping ard the city... bought another skirt again... but God noes i dun even wear the skirts that i buy... cos it was quite cheap... juz cannot resist... walk, walk, and more walking... and then prisy suddenly suggested that we go karaoke... it was already 4pm already and i was saying she should tell us sooner, than us walking ard aimlessly...

we spent 2 hours karaoke-ing...haha... i preferred this one as compared to the one we went that time in chatswood... cos they got chinese songs... can u believe that i have never been to a karaoke in s'pore??! only when i got here, then i experienced what karaoke is like... even my sis been to karaoke more times than me leh... what can i say? after that, we went to prisy's fren's house to collect something... her house quite nice, got both gym and a swimming pool... it is in the city, so pretty expensive... got home ard 8pm... and got told off by nainai and auntie for going out from morning till night... sigh...

^^ so cooollll

Your element is earth: Wise, solitary, mysterious
and loving. You are very wise. Your wise as in
you know things others do not, you can see past
stereotypes and see the real people behind
their facades, and people will often come to
you for help and advice. Quite solitary and
somewhat shy around people because you prefer
animals and plants, animals aren't afraid to
show themselves or what they are feeling and
plants are fun to nurture. You are very strong
in your silence if you set your mind on
something you will often times pursue it to the
end. Sometimes you just want to get away, so
you seek refuge in the forest where you can
have time to think and try to sort out your
emotions. The sound of the wind usually calms
you, especially moving through the trees. Life
to you is something precious and should not be
taken for granted.

.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by

Sunday, April 03, 2005

NutSie AnD cHoCs...

Last easter fri, we went to a chestnut farm... it was near the place where we went fruit-picking, but further up the mountain... on the way up, the air was really cool and nice... cos like autumn's ard the corner, so the maple trees are turning to red as we go higher up the mountain... so we actually stopped by the roads to pluck some leaves from the maple trees... this was my first time seeing really red leaves man...
when we arrived at the farm, there were already a few pple there plucking the nuts... okay, chestnuts are actually protected by a green spiky outer covering... imagine green rambutans... so what we had to do was step onto the green outer covering so that the chestnuts can be seen and then use our hands to remove the nuts from the covering... got poked a few times... really sharp spikes...
after that, we went to a botanical garden near the farm... the weather that day was quite good... cloudy and not really hot... so we walked ard the garden... took a few pictures... i think nainai really enjoyed herself that day though...

sat and sun was spent at home trying to do my parkinson's assignment... which btw, i juz finished yesterday...

mon... michelle suggested that we go to the supermarket to take a look and see whether the prices of the easter egg chocs have been reduced... and yes... it was half-priced! oh man... we went into a chocolate frenzy... spent 4hours driving from one supermarket to another... trying to find the ones by Lindts... most of the easter eggs were almost gone... only managed to buy some of the better ones... sigh...oh well, better luck next yr!

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...