Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A ReAlly lOng bLoG...

friday... went to mel's house after uni to do the kinesiology proposal... and after yochi left, i had to stay at her house becos prisy was meeting her friends for dinner at strathfield so we thought we'll go home together... so we went to eat dinner at this dessert place... mel ordered this korean- style ice kachang thing and i ordered ice cream... very unhealthy for dinner but there was no other proper food in that place and there was no other places that we could eat at... we just chatted alittle while eating and then on the way back to her house... i saw prisy and her friends... it was so weird... becos i was like saying to mel before that i will probably see prisy and we really bumped into them outside ceci... haha... so after we walked back to her house, we watched fools rush in... the movie was okay, not that great and it was quite old already...
did i also mention that we went to rent poseidon, the da vinci code and eight below?? poseidon was like quite dramatic at first but the ending was quite anti-climax... da vinci code was quite scary becos of the white guy, but becos i am not a really religious person... i did not get some of the stuff in the show, but it was okay overall, was quite disappointed in poseidon... got josh lucas... but the storyline was not that great...
btw, when we were in the city last tues, we bought this really nice wooden japanese photo album like gift for tina's birthday... dunno if i have got a picture of it but it's really nice, it can even rotate... and we actually thought of getting it for amelia this year... and amelia and me were like saying how we actually should buy for each of us the same thing so we would all have it... i dun mind having one too...

and then saturday night we watched devil wears prada... everyone i know who have seen it said it was quite good and i think i now know why... especially for the girls... cos of the clothes in the show isn't it??? haha... prisy was like wooing and waaing over the clothes... but if i had a boss like meryl streep in the show, i would probably kill myself or grow white hair within two days... haha... i am glad the ending turned out like it is... although anne hathaway could have told her boyfriend that she slept with that guy... and her character's name is also andrea... haha...

working over the weekend again... so nothing much happened... came home to watch bourne supremacy... i knew i have seen it before, but i just could not remember the ending... but after watching it, i finally realised why... bcos the ending was so anti-climax that i forgot abt it until i watched it again... but i still like the first one better... why did they have to kill off the female character?? i felt so sad for him...

mon... stayed at uni till 8pm trying to finish the stupid kinesiology... and the thing is it's only worth 30% but the amount of time we spent doing it is way over the marks that we'll get... i dun even remember spending this much effort and time and blood (haha) on my GCE O levels and A Levels or any other assignments... and i am so sick of kinesiology now that i dun even wanna look at it... the only time i have stayed so late in school was last year doing some project with amelia and karen... sense of deja-vu... and it was winter that time, so we were freezing at the busstop while waiting for the free bus... yesterday was also similar, except that it was later and was not as cold... and then bcos micheele had to take the car into the city to get prisy, i had no way of getting home except to wait at amelia's place... so the three of us took the train home and at strathfield... while waiting for the train... we played bingo... haha... we also decided that bingo would be our official waiting-for-the-train game... and when we arrived at her house, amelia was really nice enough to give yochi and me a lift home first...

btw, something's really wrong with my blog... the tag-board's gone and is replaced by this really annoying thing that asks for my password everytime i go into the blog... does anyone know what's going on???


Choc Choc said...

Hey girl...there is sth wrong with tagboard...so basically you're gonna have to change your tag board..can try chatterbox..like me...haha...dun know what happened to tagboard too...yup! So just change it and it will be alright! :)

Andrea said...

thanks sherry!!! i will try to change it to chatterbox... see you guys soon... i miss you...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...