Saturday, May 13, 2006

PrIsY's GraDuAtiOn...

it's been a week since i last blogged, last friday was a big day for prisy... it was her graduation ceremony at the main campus... we were all so excited for her, had to wake up early in the morning 6am to travel to the main campus in the city so that we dun get caught up in the traffic... so when we arrived there, we were one of the earliest, so we took the opportunity to take pictures of the castle that is the trademark of university of sydney, the castle' s really huge and old... that was also my first time inside the castle... the weather was really nice that day clear blue skies but freaking cold...
after taking pictures, we went to take the photo gallery and prisy took pic with auntie, uncle and michelle and i heard that it was very expensive if u want to frame it up and stuff... even renting the grad hat and the sash thing was expensive... lucky for her, her cousin has got the grad gown so she did not have to rent that...

after that, more pple arrived and soon, the whole place was filled with pple in their grad gowns and hats, all excited to graduate and reunite after so long... at first, we thought that bcos each graduand was only given three tickets, i would not be able to go in, but in the end, i managed to sneak in and attend the really boring ceremony... i literally dozed off halfway but the great hall was really nice and ancient-looking in a way... according to michelle, her graduation ceremony took longer than prisy's... bcos they had more pple... so one by one they want up to collect their certificate...
after the ceremony was more pictures taking with her friends... i was getting quite bored and restless and hungry... but i am happy for prisy... uncle was especially excited on that day... it was as if it were his graduation... :)

after that, yay, lunch time... we were all starving... went to this suburb called randwick where michelle's uni was, unsw, and ate at this chinese restaurant... the food was quite good actually... i dunno if anyone has heard of white bait??!! it's this small white fishes and they cook it with salt and pepper, but that time was my second time eating it, the first time was at that yum cha place... it was much better than the yum cha place... we also had sweet and sour fish (my fav), hor fun and some dofu hotpot... nice...

after that, we went to this shoe warehouse and i bought another pair of boots again!! shit, i just couldn't help myself, it was suede material and it's platform, not heels so it was easier to walk in... and relatively cheaper than if u buy it somewhere else...
and then after that, michelle went out and prisy also got dinner with her frens, being a good girl, i went home with auntie and uncle...

this whole week nothing much happening, more assignments and anatomy pract exam's coming... quite worried abt my cop assignment, cos i think i did not do it properly and i had no diagrams... and i skipped uni yesterday, so i got an extended long weekend... will try to get as much things done as possible...
oh Happy Birthday, HUIMIN!!! hope u received my letter... and SHERRY, BON Voyage!!!

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