Soooo glad wk 11 is FINALLY OVER!! i had 2 assignments and an anatomy practical exam due this week... almost benged studying for the practical exam... i hate it when they crammed everything into one exam and some more it's practical lor... i knew i sucked at identifying the nerves and the foot ligaments on the cadavers... didn't even know which was which, and everything was so rushed, dun even have time to think... in the end, had to tikkam so many of my answers... :(
OTTP major group assignment is also finally over... realised that i dun like groupwork... the only thing was u dun have to do all the work and u get the same marks as everyone... but the bad thing was if u are stuck with pple who tended to dominate the meetings, and pple who dun really care, it can really suck... hope we did well, oh and apparently for the peer evaluation forms, i think i was too honest in the marks I gave to some members... oh well... we'll see...
And then today was the deadline was DHR assignment, which was also a groupwork thing and I was doing it with amelia and karen again... as usual, I was the one doing most of the stuff... like me and amelia were the ones who practically did everything while karen did almost nothing, and every time we meet, she would be sleeping... I dun even have the energy to be pissed, i just want to get it over and done with so that we could move on... and also bcos it was her bdae tomorrow...
really really glad that this week is almost over, and i can finally get some sleep... been sleeping late and waking up early since last week... but tomorrow still have to work... but at least dun need to think so much... now have to move on to my other assignments... sian man...
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Huilin and me at my fav korean spicy beef and rice place at sussex centre... we were supposed to make funny faces, but she bluffed me!
Huilin and me at Bondi Junction, we ate at the italian cafe behind us... the food was also not that great...
At a korean restaurant in strathfield... i didn't really like the food though... but we had fun...
On Amelia's bdae, inside Bite Me... karen hand-made her a cheese cake...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
MotHeR'S dAy...
got back my neuroscience mid-semester exam results, did quite well, but it's those kind of tests that does not require you to understand the stuff, u just have to memorize them... so till now, i still dun understand some of the brain stuff...
last week got an extra long weekend cos i pon uni on thurs, sat was working the whole day, saw my roster for next week and i got the shitty shift again... 1-10pm... this shift seemed especially long, dunno why... this is the shift that i dun like most...
sun... busy busy... cos it was mother's day, so i called mum on sat night to wish her happy mother's day, and the three of us were not working, so we decided to go to the city... started our journey early in the morning, and did some shopping at paddy's markets while waiting for michelle...
after that, i got to eat my fav spicy beef rice... yummy... while michelle and auntie and uncle went to this shop called 'zhu ma ma' (i called it 'you ma ma' cos it's so oily, especially the yu zha gui)
anyway, and then shopped ard market city, actually it was more like michelle shopping, and she took forever, and all of us had to wait sooo long for her... so obviously i was not in a very good mood after waiting for so long, but then after we decided to go karaoke... my whole body felt energized again... haha... sang for 3 hours and it was the first time the three of us are in the city shopping and singing karaoke together... we had fun singing... me and michelle were like singing all these quite old songs like alex to's wu xing shang hai and tian zhen and teresa teng's songs...
and prisy was complaining cos she didn't noe any of those songs...
after singing till like 630pm, time for dinner, since it was mother's day, it was my treat at eastwood to thank auntie and uncle for taking care of me... but when we reached there, there were no seats so we had to wait outside in the cold for like 20 min... but the food we ordered made up for the waiting... and then after dinner, we again decided to go try the limited edition brownie with ice cream dessert at mcdonalds... oh man... i was so full after all that eating... but i think all of us really enjoyed ourselves that day...
last week got an extra long weekend cos i pon uni on thurs, sat was working the whole day, saw my roster for next week and i got the shitty shift again... 1-10pm... this shift seemed especially long, dunno why... this is the shift that i dun like most...
sun... busy busy... cos it was mother's day, so i called mum on sat night to wish her happy mother's day, and the three of us were not working, so we decided to go to the city... started our journey early in the morning, and did some shopping at paddy's markets while waiting for michelle...
after that, i got to eat my fav spicy beef rice... yummy... while michelle and auntie and uncle went to this shop called 'zhu ma ma' (i called it 'you ma ma' cos it's so oily, especially the yu zha gui)
anyway, and then shopped ard market city, actually it was more like michelle shopping, and she took forever, and all of us had to wait sooo long for her... so obviously i was not in a very good mood after waiting for so long, but then after we decided to go karaoke... my whole body felt energized again... haha... sang for 3 hours and it was the first time the three of us are in the city shopping and singing karaoke together... we had fun singing... me and michelle were like singing all these quite old songs like alex to's wu xing shang hai and tian zhen and teresa teng's songs...
and prisy was complaining cos she didn't noe any of those songs...
after singing till like 630pm, time for dinner, since it was mother's day, it was my treat at eastwood to thank auntie and uncle for taking care of me... but when we reached there, there were no seats so we had to wait outside in the cold for like 20 min... but the food we ordered made up for the waiting... and then after dinner, we again decided to go try the limited edition brownie with ice cream dessert at mcdonalds... oh man... i was so full after all that eating... but i think all of us really enjoyed ourselves that day...
Saturday, May 13, 2006
PrIsY's GraDuAtiOn...
it's been a week since i last blogged, last friday was a big day for prisy... it was her graduation ceremony at the main campus... we were all so excited for her, had to wake up early in the morning 6am to travel to the main campus in the city so that we dun get caught up in the traffic... so when we arrived there, we were one of the earliest, so we took the opportunity to take pictures of the castle that is the trademark of university of sydney, the castle' s really huge and old... that was also my first time inside the castle... the weather was really nice that day clear blue skies but freaking cold...
after taking pictures, we went to take the photo gallery and prisy took pic with auntie, uncle and michelle and i heard that it was very expensive if u want to frame it up and stuff... even renting the grad hat and the sash thing was expensive... lucky for her, her cousin has got the grad gown so she did not have to rent that...
after that, more pple arrived and soon, the whole place was filled with pple in their grad gowns and hats, all excited to graduate and reunite after so long... at first, we thought that bcos each graduand was only given three tickets, i would not be able to go in, but in the end, i managed to sneak in and attend the really boring ceremony... i literally dozed off halfway but the great hall was really nice and ancient-looking in a way... according to michelle, her graduation ceremony took longer than prisy's... bcos they had more pple... so one by one they want up to collect their certificate...
after the ceremony was more pictures taking with her friends... i was getting quite bored and restless and hungry... but i am happy for prisy... uncle was especially excited on that day... it was as if it were his graduation... :)
after that, yay, lunch time... we were all starving... went to this suburb called randwick where michelle's uni was, unsw, and ate at this chinese restaurant... the food was quite good actually... i dunno if anyone has heard of white bait??!! it's this small white fishes and they cook it with salt and pepper, but that time was my second time eating it, the first time was at that yum cha place... it was much better than the yum cha place... we also had sweet and sour fish (my fav), hor fun and some dofu hotpot... nice...
after that, we went to this shoe warehouse and i bought another pair of boots again!! shit, i just couldn't help myself, it was suede material and it's platform, not heels so it was easier to walk in... and relatively cheaper than if u buy it somewhere else...
and then after that, michelle went out and prisy also got dinner with her frens, being a good girl, i went home with auntie and uncle...
this whole week nothing much happening, more assignments and anatomy pract exam's coming... quite worried abt my cop assignment, cos i think i did not do it properly and i had no diagrams... and i skipped uni yesterday, so i got an extended long weekend... will try to get as much things done as possible...
oh Happy Birthday, HUIMIN!!! hope u received my letter... and SHERRY, BON Voyage!!!
after taking pictures, we went to take the photo gallery and prisy took pic with auntie, uncle and michelle and i heard that it was very expensive if u want to frame it up and stuff... even renting the grad hat and the sash thing was expensive... lucky for her, her cousin has got the grad gown so she did not have to rent that...
after that, more pple arrived and soon, the whole place was filled with pple in their grad gowns and hats, all excited to graduate and reunite after so long... at first, we thought that bcos each graduand was only given three tickets, i would not be able to go in, but in the end, i managed to sneak in and attend the really boring ceremony... i literally dozed off halfway but the great hall was really nice and ancient-looking in a way... according to michelle, her graduation ceremony took longer than prisy's... bcos they had more pple... so one by one they want up to collect their certificate...
after the ceremony was more pictures taking with her friends... i was getting quite bored and restless and hungry... but i am happy for prisy... uncle was especially excited on that day... it was as if it were his graduation... :)
after that, yay, lunch time... we were all starving... went to this suburb called randwick where michelle's uni was, unsw, and ate at this chinese restaurant... the food was quite good actually... i dunno if anyone has heard of white bait??!! it's this small white fishes and they cook it with salt and pepper, but that time was my second time eating it, the first time was at that yum cha place... it was much better than the yum cha place... we also had sweet and sour fish (my fav), hor fun and some dofu hotpot... nice...
after that, we went to this shoe warehouse and i bought another pair of boots again!! shit, i just couldn't help myself, it was suede material and it's platform, not heels so it was easier to walk in... and relatively cheaper than if u buy it somewhere else...
and then after that, michelle went out and prisy also got dinner with her frens, being a good girl, i went home with auntie and uncle...
this whole week nothing much happening, more assignments and anatomy pract exam's coming... quite worried abt my cop assignment, cos i think i did not do it properly and i had no diagrams... and i skipped uni yesterday, so i got an extended long weekend... will try to get as much things done as possible...
oh Happy Birthday, HUIMIN!!! hope u received my letter... and SHERRY, BON Voyage!!!
Friday, May 05, 2006
AssIgNmenTs, asSigNmeNtS, and MorE AssiGnmEnts...
my blogging has been delayed again... wanted to blog halfway during the week, but i was so caught up in the assignments that i decided to do it after the human occupations assignment... speaking of which, sucked... cos i did not know what i was writing about... it's on leisure and how it relates to occupational therapists... and neuroscience mid-semester exam was last fri... which also sucked... bcos apparently, we are not supposed to understand what we are studying, but just memorise everything, so if u memorised ur stuff properly, u will get high marks, if not, well... and so obviously, i did not memorise my stuff well enough, so most of my answers were based on 'tikkaming' and 'vaguely remembering reading abt this'... we'll see how it goes... was talking to a friend from orthoptics and she was like saying how come OT has so much assignments??!! well, good question, i also want to to noe why... :(
now that HO assignment is done, next up is COP... okay, i have assignments due every week and in wk 11... i have 2 assignments and anatomy practical exam... interesting huh??!! wonder how i am going to do so much stuff with so little time... although i am now working much less than before... it seems as though i have much much less time to do stuff... i dunno why...
okay, enough abt uni stuff... the only interesting thing that happened this whole week was last sunday, when we went to play badminton with diana... michelle's colleague from work... oh and apparently we found out that both of us were actually "tong men shi jie mei", we both are crescentians!!! ahhh... we were so excited man, so 'qiao'!!! we started talking abt crescent and the teachers and we also found out that we actually have quite a few teachers in common... and of course, who could forget MRS SIAH??!! aka lobster lady... haha... Go Crescentians!!!
it was just weird... and then after badminton that day, they decided to go eat "yum Cha" (that means dim sum), i personally dun like eating those food, but i was overruled by the majority and ended up spending so much money for so little food... it was damn expensive!!! note to everyone who likes going to eat dim sum... never sit near the kitchen!!! danger... cos u are tempted to order everything that comes out of there... and end up with a big hole in ur wallet and pocket!!! that's what happened to us... when we saw the bill, it was shocking...
now that HO assignment is done, next up is COP... okay, i have assignments due every week and in wk 11... i have 2 assignments and anatomy practical exam... interesting huh??!! wonder how i am going to do so much stuff with so little time... although i am now working much less than before... it seems as though i have much much less time to do stuff... i dunno why...
okay, enough abt uni stuff... the only interesting thing that happened this whole week was last sunday, when we went to play badminton with diana... michelle's colleague from work... oh and apparently we found out that both of us were actually "tong men shi jie mei", we both are crescentians!!! ahhh... we were so excited man, so 'qiao'!!! we started talking abt crescent and the teachers and we also found out that we actually have quite a few teachers in common... and of course, who could forget MRS SIAH??!! aka lobster lady... haha... Go Crescentians!!!
it was just weird... and then after badminton that day, they decided to go eat "yum Cha" (that means dim sum), i personally dun like eating those food, but i was overruled by the majority and ended up spending so much money for so little food... it was damn expensive!!! note to everyone who likes going to eat dim sum... never sit near the kitchen!!! danger... cos u are tempted to order everything that comes out of there... and end up with a big hole in ur wallet and pocket!!! that's what happened to us... when we saw the bill, it was shocking...
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