Sunday, November 12, 2017


Things remain pessimistic atm, nothing is really going well, work wise, got yelled at over the phone from a family member, got threatened by the NUM and no Level 3 positions for me anytime soon...

I gave in and rang him on friday, just wanting to know if there is a chance we can be together again, he said yes, but he is sick atm, and since then we have been chatting on and off, but the feeling is not the same anymore, and who knows what is really happening behind my back... 

Life really is not the best atm... dreading to go to work each day, still waiting around for him... I am a fool...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...