Wednesday, September 30, 2015

StreSSfuL TiMes AheAD...

forgot to mention in my last blog that I celebrated my 5th year anniversary at Nepean Hospital on 20th September 2015... OMG, can't believe it's been 5 years already, and driving approx 3 hours every day to and from work... and hyungie's odometer passed 100 000 km today... say goodbye to ever being able to resell hyungie in the future...

anyway, many farewells coming up in the next few weeks, drama at rehab last week as well, so now they have pulled michelle and charmaine over to help nhung, wonder for how long... and dunno if this is going to be good or bad news, but Rhia got the position for the rotations program, which means that she will be coming into MRT next... who knows when this is going to happen with all the drama happening now... and aged care will be short of staff when I rotate as well, brilliant :( 

My Feb leave had better be approved, otherwise...

good news is... I get to handover some of my things to do for the 2 N1G patients to Michelle... it was actually good that I got to sit down and have a chat with Dr Chu the other day, just to get a perspective about where MRT is heading in the future... anyway, there is nothing much I can do at this stage except to plod along and go with the flow of things... and Dr Chu seems to be pleased about the way I have been working in MRT, so that was good to hear as well... 

celebrated prisy and christine's 30th on the weekend, drove out to the city, sang karaoke, ate korean fried chicken which was really yummy btw, and had lindt for dessert... and then went back to her place to watch star trek 2... all in all not a bad day despite the rain... and then went out with them for dinner again on monday at hog's breath... i think we had it once at newcastle a really long time ago... the food was not too bad actually...

anyway, happy 3rd anniversary to us moving to our home at Waitara today! the landscape both interior and exterior have changed quite abit since we moved in... 

Nothing really much to look forward to except finishing up this semester and hopefully taking some time off for another roadtrip, pending the weather... urrghhh... summer is definitely heading our way...

Monday, September 21, 2015

FuLL oF ComPLaiNts...

brief update...

work wise... found out that more people are now leaving, namely Alex for a year, Lisa, Amy, Frances, and Bec on maternity leave... and maybe more as well... also, the interviews for the rotations ended on Friday, and is now looking very likely that we will be rotating in Nov 2015 now... this is going to be interesting for all involved... work still is very busy, juggling 2 major mods down in 1G and patients on MRT... and having to work on my uni assignments at the same time... 

a tiny piece of good news in relation to uni is that I got back my results for my 1st essential tools assignment, and got Distinction... Yay! I was very excited despite not really knowing what I was doing and not knowing if I was actually on the right track... still, the whole confidence interval and p values continue to baffle and stress me out... now cross my fingers and toes hoping that all my assignments will be equally good... decided that I would only do one module per semester from next year cos 2 modules per semester is very draining... but that means that I will take 4 years to complete this degree... urgghh... 

otherwise, nothing really much happening... nothing really to look forward to, becos of all these work and uni stuff and rotations stuff hanging over my head... got really annoyed with Elisha yesterday for cancelling on me last minute, and disappointed I guess, of a loss in this friendship... rewatched huanzhu 1 and 2, liu xing hua yuan 1 and xian jian the last few weeks... gosh, you have no idea how much I cried in the last episode for xian jian, it was freaking ridiculous :( 

planning to start catching up on my in death books now that the new one is already out... but it's really hard when I still have uni stuff hanging over my head, so can't fully relax and read properly... urrghh... why did I decide to do this again??!! I must be out of my mind!

Friday, September 04, 2015

HAppY 30Th...

so recap of my birthday celebrations!

22 Aug 2015- work celebrations part 1 outside of work... room escape was sooo fun! but the puzzles were more difficult that the one at Enigma Room... after that, went for drinks at Lindt cos it was sooo hot that day... and then Rennie suggested that we go on this ferris wheel... korean bbq dinner was very disappointing :( don't think the rest likes the food either... definitely don't mind going back to the room escape and play the other room!

23 Aug 2015- had lunch with prisy et al at Bondi Pizza at Top Ryde... it was ok, the dessert was probably the best part of the lunch though... found out that there was a Schnitz there as well, tried it in Melbourne last year and it was not bad... 

24 Aug 2015- day off... don't think we did much actually that day... can't really remember except that papa broke the vacuum cleaner hose and we had to send it in for replacement...

26 August 2015- Happy 30th! got a really pleasant surprise when I walked into work becos there was balloons all over my desk, and number 30 confetti and a sign that says happy birthday... multiple birthday songs were sang as well... went for morning tea with the team, pizza lunch was alittle stressful cos it was running late and people were getting antsy... and I baked both my infamous flourless chocolate cake and pandan cake... got good feedback about the flourless chocolate cake, not sure about the pandan cake... went out for korean dinner at the hornsby korean restaurant... the food there is actually really nice and so much better than O Bal Tan... was also touched by all the birthday wishes on Facebook, even from people who are not on my friends list... 

28 August 2015- went to auntie's house for laksa dinner... yummy! Christine and prisy bought me lots of expensive chocolatey stuff from Royce and Max Brenner's... 

29 August 2015- bye bye papa! went to karen's new house for hotpot dinner... it is a townhouse, but don't really like the setup of the place... and the food was not that great either... another round of birthday song was sang... amelia's son is quite cute, and yochi announced that she is pregnant again. Congrats! 

30 August 2015- worked the MAU shift that day... the downside is... having to finish up the assignment throughout my birthday celebrations week was annoying... oh well, I am really hoping that I know what I am doing and that I get great marks... 

3 Sept (Wed)- mid week informal celebrations just with pongie at home, opened one of the wines which we bought from hunter valley, cheese and she bought me the really expensive chocolate mud cake from Pattisons... 

other than that, still working through my uni work pretty much every night... still watching masterchef... watched mission impossible at the movies whilst papa was here... nothing really much to look forward to atm... found out that Gavin's coming back to work for the next 3 months and then he is off to travelling again... how nice to be young and with no responsibilities... and also found out that elisha and lisa have resigned... and that the rotations program ad finally was advertised but we are all predicting that it will be a slow process... and Frances is planning to resign once she gets offered a new position as well... krusha finished up her fulltime position today and kara is starting 3 days from next week... workload wise, it has been pretty hectic, trying to juggle both MRT and 1G patients...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...