Tuesday, January 20, 2015

十周年。。。 时间渐渐地流失。。。

OMG... today began as any other day to get by, until after dinner today, when pongie asked me, what day did I arrive in Sydney, I said 20th Jan 2005, and then it hit me, OMG, its been exactly 10 years since I have been in Australia today... wow, I have been writing the damn date today multiple times at work, and it did not even occur to me the significance of the date... I still can't get over how of all the days pongie could ask the question, she happened to ask today, is that scary or what??!! no big celebration or anything today, maybe just eat ice cream, and then maybe buy something nice when we go over to auntie's on the weekend...

anyway, have applied for leave in april, so at this stage we are 80% confirmed going to destination Europe! Yes, planning to visit Rome, Venice, Florence, Belgium, Switzerland, Paris and Dubai... too bad I could only take 3 weeks of leave, cos I am definitely planning to go back home in August this year for national day as well as for my 30th...

ok, work-wise update, Rhia's contract got extended for a year, Dasha is definitely leaving in March, dunno if Ivy is coming back, found out that Nicole is on a 2 year maternity leave, Andrew resigned, Rachel and Kevin have resigned as well... new staff members, Rebecca senior in aged care, Michelle student educator and senior in acute... and the office is getting a makeover at the end of the month, so it should be interesting to see what happens then... still no new job openings at this stage, so still stuck at Nepean for the foreseeable future at least... MRT seems to be moving in a boring direction, dunno if it's just the time of the year, or becos we are short of staff, but I have a feeling it's not a good direction that I want to be going... and Nat also agreed... so we'll see what happens... 

other than that, still reading my online books, I count my lucky stars that I found this free website, but the downside is that they do not have latest books and sometimes, I can't find books which I really want to find... but hey, I am definitely not complaining...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...