Monday, November 18, 2013

WE NEed the RaiN... BUt...

it's really inconvenient when it rains... 

work wise, to date, I actually found it not too bad working with the new PT at this stage, so no complaints from me yet... hardly got to see you know who nowadays, only the car... and stupid Ren told me some things which made me feel awkward and worried, but seriously sometimes I really can't tell if he is telling the truth or not... anyway, it's been quite busy in MRT which is good in a way, but please do not give me anymore mad patients... decided not to attend the OT dept xmas dinner this year, cos it's at rooty hill rsl again, and don't really want to have to talk to certain people... also decided not to attend pongie's xmas party... probably also no to the rehab dinner as well... being anti-social this year...

nainai and uncles came... went for dinner on friday, the day they arrived, and went to the usual tourist spot in Kiama/temple/lookout point, the only thing was it was full of flies that day, and it was hot... not very pleasant actually... sunday... went over to watch movies and has pizza... had my day off the following friday... went to chatswood to see the specialist, told me the same things, and then cos it was raining heavily that day, and I had to park in mandarin centre, and was late becos I could not find parking, so went out without an umbrella, and as I was walking back, slipped and fell, landed on my left knee and right ass before I even realised what happened, now my knee has a big bruise and really sore and sensitive... and of course, I was wearing slippers that day... all that preaching about falls prevention at work obviously worked well... :( after that, went to auntie's place again and had pizza again... saturday... went to the shops cos pongie wanted to look for more clothing, and went to Outback for dinner with the family... not to my liking, still prefer ribs and rumps... sunday, went out for lunch at korean hotpot place at eastwood with uncle and prisy... raining the whole weekend and today... could not do our weekly washing... 

marathoned this new korean drama called secret with ji sung in it... melodrama, which is really not my genre, but I found it much better than I hear your voice or the winter blows... those were pretty much once off shows for me... so now rewatching old shows again, until another good drama comes along...

Friday, November 01, 2013

真的。。。 再见了。。。

attempted to bake the brownie pre-mix which I bought that day, it was a complete and utter failure, and the worst thing was that 1. it's not the first time I have baked this brownie and 2. it's a pre-mix for goodness sake andrea! how hard can it be??!! and now I am stuck with having to finish all on my own... :(

no new shows to watch at this stage, still rewatching old shows... cannot believe it's already november, not that I am complaining, cos I am looking forward to January... still no news about my job application... alamak, am I ever gonna leave Nepean, at this rate, come June 2014, I might not have a job, if MRT loses our funding... the day finally came... kevin's last day in MRT... plans to take a team pic or even say what I wanted to say did not happen in the end... what's new andrea??!! managed to say a really quick thank you and all the best cos I had to do a last minute handover for a pt... talk about bad timing... anyway, the next 6 months is going to be interesting to put it politely I think... with Kirti coming into the team... and Frances obviously likes her... work is going to become boring again now that I have nothing to look forward to... nainai and uncles coming next week, so will keep us occupied for awhile...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...