Sunday, March 06, 2011

MArCHinG all ThE WaY...

I have got 3 announcements to make this time around... Firstly, the PT has finally started so now there's me and the PT, which I think is much better and she is nice as well... although I feel so inexperienced beside her, she is really good at what she does... really hope that I can learn more from her and really hope that we will work well together... still waiting for the clinical nurse specialist, registrar and therapy assistant to be recruited...

Secondly, we have finally confirmed our cairns trip, after weeks of headache and stress, it's been settled and now it's all about getting our stuff ready and organised when april comes... we need a new camera... I am quite excited...

Thirdly, I did not think the time would come that soon but I have finally decided to resign from woolies... the main contributing factor was my leave request for easter got rejected... I was like no way, I am going to Cairns... and the same situation is going to arise when christmas comes and I want to go home... so I am determined to quit... work-free weekends here I come...

1 comment:

apple picker said...

hey andrea! fran here!

i thought of visiting sydney during the easter holiday (24 Apr - May 3). then i saw u had plans to go to cairns. when will u be back to sydney?

by the way, pls email me! i think i lost ur email.

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...