Monday, April 05, 2010

EAstEr WEekeNd...

it's the easter weekend this week... wow haven't had a week where I have 3 days off in a while... friday... went up to bilpin again for fruit and nut picking... too bad the apple farm did not have as good a harvest as the last year we went... apparently due to flying foxes... had to walk quite deep into the far to see a hint of apples... whereas it was a different story at the nut farm... plenty of chestnuts and walnuts and people really... at least it was good weather...

sat... worked at woolies... for some reason, they were closed on both friday and sunday this year which meant that I have more days off...

sun... brought nainai to manly... sat the ferry and the weather was really weird... on our way there, it was pouring and we were like should we not go today... and we decided to try our luck, which turned out to be the right decision, cos when we got to circular quay, the weather was great and there were so many people about... it was so crowded on the way to and from manly... walked to the operahouse and to the rocks... and guess what i had for dinner... after wanting to eat it for long... i finally got to eat at mamaks... as usual, the queue was already there when we arrived... but prisy and i managed to get a seat... and cos they only open at 5:30pm for dinner... we were one of the lucky ones... i have to say, the prata was not bad... the satay not really... we also had the tisu prata... oh lord... the amount of sugar on that thing was so bad... would i go back there again?? maybe... the thing was it was too expensive... $5 for a piece of plain prata and curry... compared to 60 cents in singapore??!!

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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