Thursday, November 13, 2008


i actually got offered a job today and I turned it down... you must be thinking is she insane??!! well... ok, what happened today was i went for another job interview today, and it has to be one of the most grilling and tedious interviews i have ever been to, bcos not only did they ask me about my assignment on occ rehab last semester, they also asked me abt my clinical placements, challenging situations, and even asked me to write why i think it is of benefit to all stakeholders involved that an injured worker returns to work... i was like are you serious... so in the end, i just wrote crap... and the thing was... i got the feeling that they actually are considering me for the position and i also really liked the package that they offered, so hopefully i am crossing my fingers that i get offered this position...

and so after this interview, i got a phone call from the company from burwood offering me a position but the catch was they wanted me to accept the position by today and if i accept the position, i would start monday... and i was like shit of all the times, they had to call after i finished the interview at lewisham, which made me hesitant about accepting this position at burwood cos i really liked the place at lewisham and also, the company did not give me time to read the contract and time to consider... and that was why i turned down the position... cos prisy was right, if they really were sincere abt offering me the position, why can't they give me a few days to consider, rather than pressuring me to accept or reject by today...

so anyway, i am really hoping that i get offered the position at lewisham, although it's quite far, but i liked the training that they mentioned and the people seemed nice too... so hopefully, the decision to turn down this position at burwood would not come back and bite me on the a**

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

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