Friday, November 28, 2008


the peeling-of-skin-under-the-shoe mystery has finally been solved... what happened was i got this black shoe from URS previously when i went back to s'pore and after wearing it for less than 5 times, the bottom layer of the shoe started peeling off like how a snake skin peels off... it was damn gross... and i did not know why it was like this, so i showed it to prisy hoping that she would know what to do, and she was like what the hell??!! i have never seen shoes like this before... yeah, me too... so anyway and then yesterday i showed the shoe to michelle and she was like oh it's like this, the shoes sold in singapore all have a layer of plastic stuck to it and you can peel it off if you want to or if not, just wait for it to come off... and prisy and i were both like ohhhh... thank god nothing weird was happening to my shoe... and i only wore it less than 10 times... seriously i think my feet are unsuitable for heels... heels and i are just not meant to be...

went to the city for lunch and bowling with yochi and joanne... bowling was quite fun but very short... the place we went to was glow in the dark and bcos we went in the afternoon, there was not many people... after that we decided to go have some dessert... we wanted to go to lindt since we were already at darling harbour, but we ended up eating waffles at andersen's... which was not bad actually... the waffles were fresh and we just sat and chatted... dunno if we would these opportunities once all us started working next year...

wed... went to my new workplace to meet up with the manager and the team... there were 5 team members excluding me... 3 OTs (plus me next year, so 4), 1 PT and 1 exercise physiologist... they were all really nice and funny i guess... i was given the opportunity to sit and ask them some questions... hopefully i will be able to work well with them as a team and adjust well to working life starting next year...

the thing bugging me now is the damn PR thing... and now that i think abt it, it's all uni's fault... if they hadn't wanted me to do another few weeks of placement now, i would have already completed everything and can start applying for PR... so now have to wait till jan before i can really do anything... and work kind of wants me to get it before my student visa expired in march... what a pain...

and today, met up with chunyi and amber... chunyi apparently came to attend her grad ceremony... too bad the rest of them were unable to come, otherwise it would good to catch up with them... but it was still nice to catch up with her and her new job... hearing her talk abt her job in singapore made me really hesitating abt going back to work... cos according to her and alot of other people, the work demands and the environment are very different... chunyi is apparently working from 8am-9pm every day... i was like ohmigod, that's more than 12 hours a day... that's crazy... and she also said that it is quite important to know how to speak the dialects like cantonese and hokkien... i was like oh crap... how am i going to work there then?

and btw, it was such a shitty day to be out of the house... it was pouring outside today and traffic was horrendous... it took me more than an hour to get to strathfield which is usually like a half hour drive... by the time i got there, and i was like half an hour late too... i was going into road rage mode... being stuck in traffic is definitely not funny...

Saturday, November 22, 2008


you know there is this chinese saying which went something like good things will come after bad things... well you know how i had to fork out $12 for parking bcos of my stupidity on thurs, and guess what, on fri, after going for another interview at alexandria, i received a call from re-start consulting saying that they decided to offer me the position... i was so glad bcos this was my first choice and although alexandria was my second choice to date, it is really too far, it took us an hour and a half to get there on fri morning... i really have to thank my lucky stars... so i will be going there next week to discuss the contract and then i will officially have a job starting jan next year... although jan seems abit far away now, i still can't decide if i am excited or abit apprehensive about working in this area... no more sleep-ins... no more flexibility where i can do whatever i want and no more having to go uni, no exams... seems like there are more cons than pros...

and another week more till i have the clinical placement at macquarie... sian, thinking abt what happened the last time i was there makes me not look forward to the placement... hopefully, all will go well during the three weeks and the weeks will fly past in no time... and then break for another 2 weeks before i officially join the working class... and also in the meantime, waiting to hear back abt the honours results... really crossing my fingers as well... still deciding if i am going to continue working at woolies on the weekends... recently, they have severely cut my shifts and when i go to work, i am mostly on cleaning and returns duty which i hate...

anyway, all in all, i am reall glad that i got the place that i wanted... hopefully, i will do well in this area, although to be honest, it's not the area i wanted to go into as a first job... and also, for some weird reason, although i know that i should used to it already, the weather is really crazy here, it's like summer now, and it was so hot on friday and now, it is sooo cold, the wind was blowing so strongly the whole day... i am like wearing my winter gear again and with socks even now... ridiculous...although i must say that i prefer this weather to being hot... at least there are no flies...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


guess what i have been doing for the past 5 days?? reading... i was literally sitting on my bed reading the twilight series which prisy introduced for the past 5 days, doing nothing else, except eat and sleep... the story was ok, it's just that i got hooked onto the series and can't wait to find out the ending... if you have not already heard of the twilight series, which is apparently really popular, it is actually talking about the forbidden love between a vampire and a human... and in between the stuff that happened... totally fictitional but the story was not bad actually... which explained the 5 days of obsession for me... at last, today i finally finished the series and got it out of my system... thank god...

i am so upset at myself today, at my own stupidity... what happened was, i had an interview today at parramatta, so i decided to park at westfield... so it is free for the first 3 hours of parking... so after the interview, i went to have lunch and bcos it was still early, i thought ok i will go have a browse at borders... and before i know it, i was sitting there reading a book which i have been wanting to read for awhile... and it did not even occur to me that my parking has limited time, until it was too late and while i was about 3/4 of the book, it finally occurred to me that i was like an hour over the parking limit... i quickly put the book down, disappointed that i could not finish it, and went to check the parking machine... and ohmigod... i had to pay $12 ??!! for going over the free parking limit... i was so upset with myself... seriously, how could i forget??!! and so $12 went down the drain just like that... i could have done so much stuff with the money instead... another lesson learnt... i could not help but imagine what would happened if i totally forgot and i would have to end up paying like so much more... arrghh...

went karaoke yesterday with prisy and her friend who lived in the city... we were not actually planning to go or anything but bcos michelle invited some of her colleagues over for dinner and prisy and i thought we should just go out so we don't have to entertain or something... and i also got to eat my fav spicy beef... this time instead of going to big echo, we went to this other place called redbox cos there was no rooms available at big echo... the place was ok, but the toilet was so small that you literally have to squeeze yourself into the cubicle... now that i think abt it, i was not as excited as i used to be when i am going karaoke... or should i say not as enthusiastic as before... dunno why? maybe bcos i dun really have that many songs to sing now or the novelty is starting to wear off??

oh and i also went to rent the korean series called delightful girl choonhyang... apparently it's quite good according to the reviews and bcos of this series, they decided to produce my girl... after watching it, i did not think it was as nice or as funny as some of the reviews mentioned... still though my girl was funnier... cos this series had not much plot going on except the love story and nothing else... at least my girl had the secret of pretending to be the grand daughter besides the love story going on...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


i actually got offered a job today and I turned it down... you must be thinking is she insane??!! well... ok, what happened today was i went for another job interview today, and it has to be one of the most grilling and tedious interviews i have ever been to, bcos not only did they ask me about my assignment on occ rehab last semester, they also asked me abt my clinical placements, challenging situations, and even asked me to write why i think it is of benefit to all stakeholders involved that an injured worker returns to work... i was like are you serious... so in the end, i just wrote crap... and the thing was... i got the feeling that they actually are considering me for the position and i also really liked the package that they offered, so hopefully i am crossing my fingers that i get offered this position...

and so after this interview, i got a phone call from the company from burwood offering me a position but the catch was they wanted me to accept the position by today and if i accept the position, i would start monday... and i was like shit of all the times, they had to call after i finished the interview at lewisham, which made me hesitant about accepting this position at burwood cos i really liked the place at lewisham and also, the company did not give me time to read the contract and time to consider... and that was why i turned down the position... cos prisy was right, if they really were sincere abt offering me the position, why can't they give me a few days to consider, rather than pressuring me to accept or reject by today...

so anyway, i am really hoping that i get offered the position at lewisham, although it's quite far, but i liked the training that they mentioned and the people seemed nice too... so hopefully, the decision to turn down this position at burwood would not come back and bite me on the a**

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


nothing much to blog about recently, life has been pretty boring... was rewatching fated to love you with prisy and auntie... seriously, this has got to be my fav show cos no matter how many times i have seen it, i still am not sick of the show... isn't it funny when i was still working on my thesis, i kept thinking of the million things i am going to be doing when i finish... and now, i am sooo bored, cos i finished watching all the shows amelia lent and nothing much to do now except applying for jobs and going for interviews... till dec comes and my placement starts... help... i need some entertainment!

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...