Tuesday, November 20, 2007

WHaT shOuLd I do?

the monday after exams... starting to feel bored already... i could think of many things to do... but it's so hot that i dun feel like stepping out of the house to do anything... and at the end of the day, i just felt like i wasted an entire day...

the gathering last thursday at my place was fun... and i hoped everyone had fun as well... ate the korean ricecakes that anna so kindly volunteered to cook and the fried rice that joanne's dad cooked... and then watched movies and just chill out... after that, jessica and the rest stayed over at my place, and they started their movie marathon, not wanting to sleep for the entire night... i wanted to join them, but i was so sleepy already... in the end, they continued watching and i went to bed... and when i came down the next morning, found them sleeping in front of the tv... haha should have taken a picture of them... it was a nice way to round up the year...

now, i still have the ethics proposal to hand in and the ottp article to finish... went to mel's house last friday to do the article and anna did not show up for like an hour... we were supposed to meet at 10 but when it was 11, she still did not show up, we started calling her mobile, her house, even tried the library, and they did not allow us to make a PA call for her... i was starting to get worried... in the end, she showed up at ard 1130... what happened was yochi decided to change the venue and smsed anna to tell her... but anna did not check her phone so she went to library and waited for 2hours and the silly girl forgot her phone... and she decided to try mel's house when none of us showed up in the library... she was really upset when she saw us at mel's house... i felt so bad...

and now, got an email from the placement coordinator that they have a mental health placement coming up in dec-jan... and i really want to do it cos if i can get the placement over and done with, i dun have to worry abt it next year and can concentrate on the honours project... but then i have to change my flight and i dunno if i have to pay or not... and family back home would not be too happy...

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WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...