Wednesday, November 28, 2007

NOt tiLL jAn...

it's finally confirmed... i will be doing the placement in dec till jan... and i have to pay for changing the dates... sigh... well i guess it can't be helped... hopefully this placement will be worth it...

went to the city to meet up with melissa and suet ming... well... melissa still the same... and i haven't seen suet ming since nyp... but she is still the same as i remembered... what a coindence that we both know melissa... we went to eat at my fav spicy beef place and after that, brought them to walk along george street... they were saying how the transport is very expensive here so they did not want to catch a train to other places... so we just walked around the city... then took a monorail... and who knew it would be so crowded... we waited for two monorails before deciding to get onto one and we still had to stand... and it went so fast... melissa and i were saying shouldn't monorails be slower so that people can enjoy the views?? suet ming almost fell... and then we went to lindt cafe and i got to drink the iced chocolate... cos they did not accept eftpos for purchases under 1o bucks, i almost could not drink my iced choc... thank god i had some spare coins in my other purse... sat and talked for awhile... glad to hear that people who were in the same class as me in nyp were doing well... and alot of them went to melbourne and perth to do the degree conversion... i really think we should have a class gathering for the OTs of class 2007...

Sunday, November 25, 2007


the first week of holiday was quite boring... went to uni to finish up the ethics proposal and worked on the article... then went to amelia's house, ate pizza and watched movies... and she lent me a few hongkong shows to watch... went to ikea to get a bookshelf... i actually quite like it... now i have a proper plpace to put all my barang barang instead of putting them in boxes... however, it is still not enought to store all my stuff... i seriously have too much stuff... and uni placement coordinator called yesterday... i got selected for the placement in macquarie hospital... so i will not be going back to singapore till jan... well... i am alittle upset but i want to get the placement over and done with so i will not have to worry abt it next year...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

WHaT shOuLd I do?

the monday after exams... starting to feel bored already... i could think of many things to do... but it's so hot that i dun feel like stepping out of the house to do anything... and at the end of the day, i just felt like i wasted an entire day...

the gathering last thursday at my place was fun... and i hoped everyone had fun as well... ate the korean ricecakes that anna so kindly volunteered to cook and the fried rice that joanne's dad cooked... and then watched movies and just chill out... after that, jessica and the rest stayed over at my place, and they started their movie marathon, not wanting to sleep for the entire night... i wanted to join them, but i was so sleepy already... in the end, they continued watching and i went to bed... and when i came down the next morning, found them sleeping in front of the tv... haha should have taken a picture of them... it was a nice way to round up the year...

now, i still have the ethics proposal to hand in and the ottp article to finish... went to mel's house last friday to do the article and anna did not show up for like an hour... we were supposed to meet at 10 but when it was 11, she still did not show up, we started calling her mobile, her house, even tried the library, and they did not allow us to make a PA call for her... i was starting to get worried... in the end, she showed up at ard 1130... what happened was yochi decided to change the venue and smsed anna to tell her... but anna did not check her phone so she went to library and waited for 2hours and the silly girl forgot her phone... and she decided to try mel's house when none of us showed up in the library... she was really upset when she saw us at mel's house... i felt so bad...

and now, got an email from the placement coordinator that they have a mental health placement coming up in dec-jan... and i really want to do it cos if i can get the placement over and done with, i dun have to worry abt it next year and can concentrate on the honours project... but then i have to change my flight and i dunno if i have to pay or not... and family back home would not be too happy...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

THe eND...

Finally!!! year 3 semester 2 exams are over!!! this semester was the shittiest so far... tomorrow is the ottp presentation and after that, instead of being able to properly enjoy our well-deserved holidays, we have to work on the journal article still... and the funny thing was... after the exam today, there was no sense of relief that the exams are finally over... maybe bcos i know i did not study hard enough for the exams... and so the worry begins for the day when the results come out... but for now, i am going to enjoy myself first... starting from tomorrow, we are gathering at our house for the end-of year cum early christmas 'party'... hopefully, everything goes well and everyone enjoys themselves...

Friday, November 09, 2007

yup, the COP exam still sucked even though i studied so hard for it... this semester's exam is just getting better and better... i hate this!!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's RAininG AgAiN...

today is the first exam... maladaptive... and the research proposal is also due today... felt really relieved when i finished and handed in the proposal... it is taking up so much time... and maladaptive today was not good at all... i think i did not study properly cos i know i have so many mistakes in the mcq section... hopefully my presentation will help pull my marks up... i have a really bad feeling about maladaptive, human occupations and COP assignments...

auntie and uncle left for singapore last week... wished that i am the one going back as well, not stuck here cramming for the exams... watched bridge to terabithia on saturday with prisy and michelle... the movie was definitely not what i imagined it to be... i thought it was a fantasy movie like narnia... but it turned completely out of what i expected... and it was seriously storming that night as well... could hear the rain pounding on the roof and lightning and thunder... and it is really rare for the weather here to hear thunder and see lightning... and these few days are going to be really cold and raining... almost like winter... haha... i am in my fleecy as i am typing this...

this coming thursday is cognitive exam... no mcqs and all short answer questions... oh man... no chance to tikkam even... either you know or you dun... i am going to work harder for this and applied physiology... cos maladaptive really sucked...

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Stuvac week... almost coming to an end... this semester's stuvac has got to be the most boring and worst ones... have been going to uni almost everyday... assignments and group project stuff... and next week is the start of the exams... three papers this time, two next week and one the following week... this whole weekend will be spent cramming for the stupid maladaptive exam... which is totally ridiculous cos how are we supposed to memorise the whole freaking textbook??!!

bought a sunshade for my car... and the funny thing is... i bought a blue one but when uncle helped me to insert the sticky thing on, he put it on the silver side... so the blue side is facing the inside... haha...

and on the weekend, amelia lent me this hongkong series which was 40 episodes long... and guess what... once i started the show... i couldn't stop so stayed up till like 4am on both sat and sun nights... shit man... this is all amelia's fault...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...