Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Last POst for 2019...

Wow! the end of a decade and 2019...

It has been an eventful year, sort of... finally completed my Masters Degree, formally moved into our townhouse at Schofields after so much dramas... new job at Liverpool Hospital... unfortunately, not much happening on the dating front... what's new... 

Prefer not to reminisce on what happened this time last year with You Know Who...

Dunno how it happened this last week, Brenda, Andrew and Fangying and us have seen each other more times than ever, all thanks to Gin Rummy... which actually reminded me that I have played it before with You KNow Who... First it was us visiting their new apartment at Summer Hill, then it's them visiting us here, and next it will be us visiting Fangying's apartment...

Resolutions for 2020, not that I keep them anyway, get a lecturing job, travelling in March 2020, keep healthy, and of course, find a partner soon... Hopefully the devastating bushfires will improve soon and we get some decent rainfalls soon... Oh and planning to return to Singapore in Dec 2020 and doing a short trip in Jan 2021, maybe if all works out... 

Renai invited us to her wedding at Byron Bay... which is very kind of her, but Byron Bay, really??!! Headache... 

Well, Happy 2020! I am again a year older... 

Friday, November 15, 2019


I am feeling sorry for myself... work is going ok, at least there's stuff to do for now... rather than feeling bored and actually feeling stressed about having nothing to do...

still no luck whatsoever with online dating... maybe I just have to acknowledge the fact that some people just have no luck in love...

now that I finished my masters, nothing has changed... I don't get paid more, or get more opportunities... tried emailing universities, and still have to go through the usual process... why did I waste time and money doing the degree again??!!

nothing really to look forward to for the next little while... how sad is that... 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

HEaLTh iS mOSt iMporTaNt...

Had another health scare and what's worse was it happened at work, as I was driving to a patient's house, it was like a drama... had to call Diana, then call the ambulance, and got taken to Fairfield Hospital, and even after being discharged from hospital, I was still getting chest pain, so went to the GP, had more tests, and now finally feel better and got the all clear, not a heart attack or stroke, but again, it's like when I had the weird blown up lip in January, it's like my body is telling me I need to change my lifestyle... now I am worried people at work are going to think I can't do my work properly and can't take stress... even when it's nothing to do with work at all... compared to when I was in Concord, when I was super stressed on some days, working at Liverpool is so much more easier... I felt bad for pongie as well, cos she had to leave work early, catch the train back home, then walk to the station, then change trains to get to me... and it was like a 37 degrees day as well... 

other than that, most of the flights, accommodation have been booked for our trip in March... now left figuring how to get from Takayama to Nagoya, then book the one day tours later... 

Monday, September 30, 2019

PiSS oFF...

After 3 months of going out with David C, we're done... enough of your empty promises, and a guy who gives up at the first sign of a problem, is a guy I don't need in my life... have a nice life... no wonder you got cheated on not once, but twice...

anyway, I am going to give myself a pat on the shoulder and back for finally finishing the last assignment, and that's it... just hand me the masters certificate and degree...

Looking forward to our March holidays to Taipei, Seoul and Japan... yay!

Sunday, September 15, 2019


started the new job at Liverpool community... colleagues are all nice, so far so good, basically seeing mostly aged clients so dealing with MAC, equipment prescription, pressure care, falls and home mods, also running this falls prevention group with PT... still trying to get my head around the different processes... the one annoying thing is the shit parking... which meant that I have to wake up extra early so I can find get parking and then walk to work... 

still working on my final uni assignment, really slow going... I know I just have to get it done but it's easier said than done...

David and I... on some days, I feel like we are getting closer and we will go far, but then on other days, like today, I feel like we are too different, and it's making me doubt whether we will go far... and today he dropped a bomb saying we are meeting his whole entire family for lunch at his place on the weekend... not good... eating at his place with his entire family and just meeting his parents for lunch outside is very different... and guess what, the other David suddenly texted me the night before, asking a very crude question, and I was debating whether to reply or not, whether to block or not... in the end, I deleted and just left it... seriously WTF...

the VIP arriving in 2 weeks... stress...

Sunday, September 01, 2019

34th BiRThDAy...

My 34th Birthday... spent it with Mum and Pongie at Adelaide, did the Barossa Valley and Hahndorf tour, which was really nice... bought a casket of wine and some honey... and it was finally back to reality...

back to work... caught up with everyone, and of course everyone knows I am leaving by now, so have to chat about that, and was able to catch up with Renai and Theresa, work wise, just covering a little of ortho and hands depending on where needs me... 

Spent 3 days in a row with David which was a lot compared to what we did before I left for Adelaide... he gave me a beautiful necklace for my birthday... He pretty much hinted that he was already at the L stage, but not wanting to say it until I said it... and now I am going to do meet the parents in 2 weeks... went to Nantien temple today with David to pray for Fran, KT and their baby... things are definitely progressing in the right direction with David and I... watch this space... 

One more final uni assignment to go, and that's it... 

One more week before I start the new job... now have to decide if I am going to drive or catch the train... and have to wake up earlier than what I am doing now... 

Saturday, August 24, 2019


Can't believe the 2 weeks of clinical placement just came and went like that... 

Impression of Adelaide, pretty chilled, not much happening, most people are nice and willing to help... not much Asian food though, even in Chinatown... the city is beautiful, with buildings but also scattered with parks...

Placement... the good... very friendly team of OTs and lecturer, very happy to share ideas and provide assistance... got to learn new things like robotics, prism therapy, new cognitive screen... get to sleep in and start at 0900 and finish at 1630 mostly... the Airbnb place which we stayed in was not bad, other than the dirty bedsheets, it is within walking distance to Westfield and buses... 

the not so good... some annoying PT on placement... can be pretty boring at times, cos we only allocated to 2 patients the entire placement... and of course, having to work on the presentation and assignments every day, even after I finish for the day... having only 2 other OTs on placement meant that there was nowhere to hide, and I felt pressure at times to prove myself... 

Did the city tour today, it was alright, made a complaint becos the information provided on the website was not correct...

Sooo, on the dating front... David actually said the L word last Friday, well not said, he texted, which I was not impressed, and was not expecting... it was a little awkward... oh well...

Anyway, now I just have to complete the last 2 assignments and that's it for the degree, finally!

Definitely not looking forward to returning to Concord and facing Ass... and having to wake up early urghhh...

Friday, August 09, 2019

NEw sTarT...

sooo... the whole period when I had to break the news to Äss about my job offer was so traumatising that I was losing sleep and getting anxiety attacks whenever I see her... finally it's done, she hates me, I hate her and the fact that I have to go back to work for another 1.5 weeks makes me hate her even more... and finding out that I have assignments due after I return from placement is not helping either, becos I don't even get a break in between jobs... piss off man

2 more days before my placement starts, and it's full on man... full 5 days, and assignments and a presentation on top of that... 

sooo... after casually hanging out with David (having the same name does not help) on weekends for like a month, and I mean casual, I decided to take the initiative and things have changed dramatically since... Renai and Theresa are not impressed but I am going to give it a good go and see what happens... 

Monday, July 22, 2019

ThAt'S LiFE...

sooo... Pete messaged me again on POF, and I finally met up with him after what, 2 years, he looks the same, minus the bird, unfortunately things have changed, I have changed, and I told him honestly, it's not going to work, becos he's not going to be here in the long term, and he's at sea periodically... and I didn't feel anything during the time we spent... being with David Di Christo has changed me... despite all the shit and the hurt he put me through... he remains the one I feel most connected to... how crazy is that...

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Sooo... good news, I did pretty well this uni semester, HD for this dementia module after all that moaning and groaning...

Finally received my formal confirmation of my success in getting the community position at Liverpool Hospital, hopefully it's a positive change, despite the travelling... now the issue is how and when I am going to tell work, the issue atm is the poor timing of rotations, my placement and now the new job offer... after I recently found out this week that I have been put into HBT, yikes!

Met another guy on Bumble, went out twice to date, but still not really getting the vibe from him about whether we are like friends or something more, hmmm... and in the meantime, I am still looking with no success on the 3 apps... Tinder is really full of guys wanting casual hook-ups only...

Renai got engaged, congratulations to her...

Our Waitara unit finally got leased... but at a price much lower than what we initially wanted, and having to do maintenance and install flyscreens on top of that... 

So, upcoming are the placement, a mini-break, breaking the news to work about my new job, and starting my 4th job at Liverpool community... 

Saturday, June 22, 2019


After 3 weeks, we're done... back to the online dating world again :(

Still can't get any feedback regarding the Lemongrove interview, definitely didn't get it, got excited when Renai told me she got a reference check but then I rang Liverpool and was informed there are a few other good ones, and they are still deciding :(

Finally finished my big assignment for this semester, cross my fingers and toes I will still get good marks, cos my word count was like way below... 

So in summary, nothing is really going well...

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

UP iN thE aiR...

had the interview at Lemongrove today, I really hate that feeling of thinking I should have said this, I should have said that after the interview... and I think it's even worse when you actually know the people sitting on the panel, and feeling like I didn't do well in front of them, like I know what to do, but I just don't do well in interviews... anyway...

Met up with James for 3 times now, went to his place yesterday, still dunno where we stand... I feel like we have different interests and responsibilities, and I have this feeling of him telling me this is not going to work out in the long term, and I think becos of my previous experiences, I always half expect him to cancel on me at the last minute... I hate this feeling of unsureness... and whether I should be keeping or deleting my online dating profiles... 

Everything just feels up in the air atm

Sunday, June 02, 2019


so finally the burns locum has been confirmed to be an external person, I think that is the best outcome I could hope for... got offered an interview for Lemongrove on wed, cross my fingers and toes and hope I get the TACP position and then I can do some private stuff on the 2 days maybe...

Pongie and I stayed overnight at Sofitel last week, man it was good, cos we got to stay on level 30, and check out the bar on the highest level, the room was good, but breakfast was just average... the one at hyatt is better... we went to this virtual room escape game with Fangying and all 3 of us ended up feeling so nauseous during and after the game... hmmm never again... and then went for karaoke after... celebrated pongie's birthday with macdonalds and ice cream cake from Baskin and Robbins... and then yum cha with auntie and co... Michelle had a baby daughter called Jasmine Qiuyan... nice Chinese name... 

sooo... no luck with Bumble and Tinder, and it was still POF where I found someone, only met up twice, nobody's perfect but what happened last night was probably not something we both anticipated where we were going to end up... things just happened... it was weird... anyway, watch this space... 

Friday, May 10, 2019


so it's been awhile since the last post, the relatives came and went, man it was stressful for the 2 weeks they were here, having to entertain them, pack and move up and down between waitara and schofields, and then we finally moved... official date of moving in 5/5/19.

Both pongie and I now have a longer journey to and from work, pretty much caught public transport for the most of last week... most of the stuff have been mostly unpacked, just a few bits and pieces here and there... we are still trying to figure out the cooking side of things... and we have been dodgy in terms of throwing out of our rubbish at the train station... 

work wise, think everyone is curious to see who is going to get the maternity locum for burns, personally I want someone other than Laura to get it... watch this space... other than that, I am still putting off starting the private NDIS work... just don't think I am in the right headspace to do it atm...

so Bumble... started off exciting, as with everything... have chatted with a few people... and have met up with one person so far, but it didn't work out... and got cancelled on the last minute yesterday by an asshole, who made me feel like I have wasted the last few weeks of my life chatting to him... 

and... I still can't believe this, woke up one morning, actually went to watch the last avengers movie at like 2200 on a sunday night, and pongie and I took a sickie the next day... anyway, woke up on that Monday morning, and saw a POF message from Pete... told me he is back in Sydney for 2 years and wants to get back together again, I was very tempted to be honest, but Renai was right, it's not sustainable in the long term, what happens after 2 years when he has to leave again... anyway, I rejected Pete... and that was it... 

things to be worked on in the coming months:
- renting out waitara
- finishing uni
- buying a lounge, tv unit, and bed
- finding someone

Saturday, April 13, 2019

CALm beFORe thE InVAsiON...

Our trip home came and gone... seriously the time flies when you are having fun and basically when you are not at work... met up with most people except Mel and ZhenZhen... went out one night till very late like 0300 with Huimin and Jo, tried electronic darts for the first time, and got approached by guys buying us games, and asking if we want to leave with them, yuck... come on, Jo has like 2 kids, and Huimin is attached man... and 2 out of 3 of them are smokers... it was an eye opener to see how much alive Clarke Quay is at night... got hooked to this Channel 5 show called Kin, painful thing is it's only 20mins each episode, and only mon to Friday, and it's neverending, it's already like ep 130 and still ongoing... 

After returning home from our trip, it was trying to get my uni assignment done, as well as organise stuff for both Schofields and Waitara... seriously I am surrounded by idiots and incompetence... pongie and I ended up yelling over the phone to the table company today becos of their stuff up... 

Huimin recommended I try out this online dating app called Coffee meets Bagel, but I did some research and it didn't seem that good, so went to register for Bumble instead... so far, the app seems pretty good, better than POF in terms of quality, however, this is only the start, so who knows it may die down just like POF too... 

one more day before my 4 weeks of holidays end... sian... and the invasion of the relatives for 2 weeks, and then the big MOVE... not looking forward to travelling from Schofields to concord and back...

Saturday, March 09, 2019

TiME tO StARt PLayiNG ThE LoTTerY...

Uni semester one finally started, hopefully this semester will be an easy semester... work remains the same, nothing exciting... just have to get through one more week of work without Bee Lan and then it's holiday time... Mum had another fall and broke her leg this time, initially was recommended surgery but she refused, so now in a CAMBOOT and walking with a PUF... 

Went out with Renai, Theresa and Christina from work last night, and it is the first time ever I stayed out until 0200... met up for cocktails at the first bar called Kittyhawk, my cocktail was gross, and then moved onto another bar called O Bar with a very nice view, and again my cocktail was gross... and then we decided that we should then have dinner, and this is like 2300 at night, don't think I have ever eaten dinner so late... ate at this Chinese restaurant called Mr Wong... the food was ok... and when we finally walked back to the carpark, we found out that the carpark was closed, and it was a drama having to pay and wait for someone to come open the gate for us, and the driver forgot to put the brake on, the van rolled back and it was almost a disaster unfolding in front of us... by this time, the trains already stopped, Theresa gave us a lift back to Strathfield station, Renai asked her boyfriend to give me a lift to Rhodes and pongie had to come pick me up... and by the time we got home, it was like 0300... 

POF remains boring, no exciting prospects... and I foolishly kept blocking and unblocking him, and of course, decided to unblock him in a moment of weakness yesterday, and again, another nasty text... and now it's back to block again... 

more money spending again, between Waitara and Schofields... I am broke... 

we have recently been attacked by 2 occasions of cockroaches and one huge wasp nest just outside pongie's room window... disgusting...

Sunday, February 17, 2019

RUnniNG ArOunD...

Been pretty busy recently trying to organise stuff for schofields, defects repair finally done, schofields refunded us the electricity cost after I made an official complaint... now trying to organise the landscaping, articificial turf, pest control, carpet clean, another flyscreen to be installed in my room, decided to wait on the outdoor security cameras, so many things to be done, and of course, the costs involved... and finally the move, hopefully we can coincide with the opening of the sydney metro rail...

other than that, not much happening, renai and I are going to meet up with fangying's friend to talk about doing some private NDIS work, so watch this space...

was also running around trying to get stuff done to be compliant with clinical placement happening in Aug... finally that's completed, went to see the Immunologist for the allergy thing, more blood tests... uni semester one is about to start soon, urgghhh...

POF remains boring, nothing much happening... got hooked to watching MAFS again, this season is even more ridiculous, but we are still watching haha...

Sunday, January 06, 2019


Finally after so many breakups and got back togethers, David and I are finally over, and we have gone past the point of no return, still in disbelief over how bitter he was, verbally abusing me, saying things like go fuck yourself, hope you die alone, stupid girl, and fuck you... Wow... ended up having to block his number... how did things end up like this between us...

on the same day as well, woke up on sat morning and my upper lip was swollen as... quickly woke pongie up, and drove to hornsby hospital ED... the doctors thought it may be some sort of allergy... might be caused by the high blood pressure medications which I have been taking for years... so ended up staying at the hospital for like 5 hours... and now have to go see an Immunologist... it was so random, and part of me thought could it be due to David'd place, hygiene reasons, and I saw this as a sign to say enough is enough, I have delayed the inevitable long enough, but I never imagined his reaction and bitterness... 

other than that, I have been doing research on our Taiwan, Seoul, Japan trip in 2020... got a phone interview for a locum position at Canterbury HBT, cross my fingers and toes I will get it, and Susan will agree to a secondment...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...