so it now has been 2 weeks since I returned to work, wisdom teeth wise... still have 2 holes on both right and left side of my mouth... and food keeps getting stuck in them, which is annoying, cos I have to clean my teeth out after every meal... cyst wise... yup, it is still ongoing, still having to take antibiotics and apply cream and change dressings every day... anyway, during the 2 weeks I was off work, I was pretty much on an In Death marathon and now we are hooked on Masterchef...
work wise... sort of busy at times, some changes, so we have been told that Sam the new grad will be covering the 3 days for probably the next 6 months, not the option I would have preferred... changes also in the acute and aged care teams... the new grad rotation happened, and Grace resigned... so now the situation is that acute team has pretty much a full team and aged care is short on staff... still no word on our TACP rotation yet...
Damn, we did not get the national day parade tickets, so I have decided not to go back in August and wait until maybe Feb next year instead... Well, the thing I am looking forward to now is starting on my studies, and my 30th birthday celebrations... It will be EPIC!!