nothing much happening hence why nil new posts...
no new shows, so rewatching old shows, went to watch the movie pacific rim earlier in the am with pongie, I have to say plot wise, not that great but the action effects, is more than enough for me, met my expectations, and it is definitely a movie which you have to watch in the cinema with the big screen and sound system...
work wise, we have a patient on the program atm who is like 250kg, and she was massive, and the lumps of fat was actually quite horrendous, and the fact that she was leaking I dunno what, was even worse... I was like telling myself I will never be like that and to use her as my motivation for my 'weight-loss' program... otherwise, we have another challenging patient on the program who is similar to a spinal cord injury, and complicated... applied for a position at the new rehab hospital at ryde, but it's been 3 weeks and nil news, so I probably did not get the job... jobs are still pretty scarce atm, especially permanent fulltime jobs... something sickening happened this week as well, a person whom I did not like at work when I first started at Nepean is now back part-time... seriously... the good thing is she is not based in the office, but the bad thing is she works in rehab, which means I have to interact with her... which really increases my motivation to leave at this stage... now that oct is coming closer... that other day, we were seeing a patient together cos Kara was off sick and for some reason we were talking about age and going to the gym, and so finally my old age is revealed and the fact that I am soo a "gym junkie"... I was surprised myself actually when the discussion on age came up so I dunno about other people... all I can say now again is, this is all Renato's fault :(
the good news though this week is we are getting new registrars, and one of them I actually know from before, and thank goodness... hopefully things will improve... funding for MRT has been approved for another year, hopefully maybe when the new rehab ward opens, I might be able to continue doing MRT there if I am still at Nepean which looking at the way things are going, highly possible...