Tuesday, February 26, 2013

7 Days of LymPHoeDeMA BOoTCAmp...

finally survived lymphoedema bootcamp! it has been a very tough week, and alot of sweat and late nights, and even though I passed, cos they have to pass us, dunno if I actually am competent in both theory and practical, and even the tutor said she was worried that I may not pass... I have to say the things that really helped were having really patient tutors, and I have been very lucky in that my partners every session have been very helpful and I have learnt alot from them... I still would not say that I am confident seeing patients on my own immediately... and one of the shitty things was that my period had to come on sunday, which meant that I have to inform the tutors and my partners, which was pretty embarrassing even though all of us were females... 

anyway, despite having a really tough week (ie full on days, homework and practice at night, late nights studying, having to strip off pretty much every day, alot of sweat involved during bandaging), I am glad that I did the course, cos I did learn new things from it, and increased my skills and knowledge and got me thinking about possibly working in burns if the opportunity arises in future... although noted that there are only 2 hospitals in nsw that have burns unit, concord and royal north shore... 

and I am soo glad that I have the day off tomorrow, cos I don't think I have the energy to return to work immediately... and made a new friend from the course as well...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

FReAkiNG oUT HEre...

Lymphoedema course has finally come round, after months of anticipation and dread...

day 1- was walking to the rsl and was waiting at the traffic lights when I turned round and saw someone I knew from uni... it was really weird, could not recall his name, apparently he is working casual at Mt Wilga private hospital now... first day and I already had to strip off my pants and lie down... and my partner happened to be a girl who works with a colleague who I used to work with and who is dawn's good friend... small world, anyway, she was my partner and I was surprised when it was measuring limb time, and everyone started stripping off their pants just like that... it appeared to be that I am the only one who is embarrassed about this whole situation... the course is full-on... felt like they are cramming alot of stuff into the day and even break times are reduced...

day 2- even better, the day when it was time to strip off down to your panty, and even then, you have to massage near the genital area... my partner today happened to be a PT and an older lady, which probably helped I think... I was trying my hardest NOT to freak out and not to laugh during the massage due to it being ticklish at some parts... another full on day, have a headache by the time they went through the massage techniques... and we still have homework to do at night... signed up for the free measuring course which I am really glad to go to bcos they pretty much rushed through the whole measuring section today... and I am also attending a short workshop on use of low level laser but on a sunday... at least work is also paying for it... gosh I keep thinking what the hell have I gotten myself into???!!!! maybe I do need to go see a psych after this :(

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

CLouDy & rAiNinG...


missed out on another year of chinese new year and hongbaos... the good thing is nainai is here this year, and that we got to skype with the relatives as well on the weekend and had a sumptious dinner on sat...

work wise...maybe my prayers are starting to come true, bcos her attitude seems to be improving towards me, and she is also starting to defend me, but I just can't seem to drop my guard though, especially when I think about the past few months... anyway, when I was looking through the predictions for this year, apparently, this is only an ok year for me, and the main thing is to stay positive... one more week until the dreaded lymphoedema course, I just hope that things will turn out ok... 

nothing very much going on atm, still looking forward to april when we finally go on a holiday, feels like such a long time since my last holiday, which was last april... still considering whether I should go back home this year...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...