Monday, March 26, 2007
DeAd ExHauStEd...
I am so tired... more so physically cos my feet are killing me... today was the first time in the history of working in woolies that i worked for 10 hours... and it was definitely not fun... not when it was so quiet cos it was raining outside and daylight saving ended today... time passes so slowly when i am working but so fast when it comes to everything else... i need a break!!! i know i just went for karaoke that day but i really need a whole day to just recharge myself, not thinking or doing anything, just doing stuff that i like... when will that day come i wonder... and my stupid supervisor's put me down for ten hour shifts for the next few weeks... i think i will go talk to her if i really cannot do it anymore... and i have clinicals from mondays-fridays... and i have this big project and individual presentation coming up... and the stupid webct postings that we have to do every week... where got time to do so much stuff??!! am really looking forward to the easter break... hopefully i will have some time to relax and recharge... maybe one of the best ways would be just to put my head down and just cry it all out and get all the stuff out of my system...
Saturday, March 24, 2007
went to observe on this seating assessment and the client had really severe scoliosis... and he was so thin, he weighed like 26kg, so light that his mum could manually lift him from his wheelchair onto the bed... it was quite confronting for me, cos i have never seen anything like that before... but it was also kind of sad to see him like that... he was so young... and he only has his mum to take care of him... he could not even speak...
went to this swimming carnival held by the northcott society... i was designated to be the third place ribbon writer... and the job is really boring... i just have to sit there and wait for the results to come and i just write the names down onto the ribbon for the kids... it was actually held on two fridays, last friday and today... and today ended earlier than expected bcos apparently one of the kids shitted in the pool...
went on three home visits this week... one's at chatswood, one's at south coogee which was like an hour's drive away and the other is at cromer, which was also an hour's drive away... i dun mind going on home visits but sometimes the journey's so long that i really felt like sleeping... and after every visit, i have to write up the reports...
and yesterday, i went back to uni to meet up with the honours supervisor (finally!!) and to return this library book... and i met amelia and karen... and we were like starving so we said we should go eat at ceci at strathfield... and guess what, we ended up going to the city for karaoke... and i actually ate KFC... i hate KFC, but i was so hungry and it was quite late already by the time we got there... we sang till like 11pm... after karaoke, i felt so guilty, bcos it's a thursday night and i still have clinicals the next day... but anyway, i have not been to karaoke for so long since i came back... could not resist the temptation... it was also nice to be able to catch up with amelia and karen...
went to this swimming carnival held by the northcott society... i was designated to be the third place ribbon writer... and the job is really boring... i just have to sit there and wait for the results to come and i just write the names down onto the ribbon for the kids... it was actually held on two fridays, last friday and today... and today ended earlier than expected bcos apparently one of the kids shitted in the pool...
went on three home visits this week... one's at chatswood, one's at south coogee which was like an hour's drive away and the other is at cromer, which was also an hour's drive away... i dun mind going on home visits but sometimes the journey's so long that i really felt like sleeping... and after every visit, i have to write up the reports...
and yesterday, i went back to uni to meet up with the honours supervisor (finally!!) and to return this library book... and i met amelia and karen... and we were like starving so we said we should go eat at ceci at strathfield... and guess what, we ended up going to the city for karaoke... and i actually ate KFC... i hate KFC, but i was so hungry and it was quite late already by the time we got there... we sang till like 11pm... after karaoke, i felt so guilty, bcos it's a thursday night and i still have clinicals the next day... but anyway, i have not been to karaoke for so long since i came back... could not resist the temptation... it was also nice to be able to catch up with amelia and karen...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
DaY 2 oF PP3A...
Day 2- 13 March
This morning was yet again another shitty morning… bcos my dear friend who’s on placement with me offered me a lift… but the traffic was so bad outside that I waited like half an hour for him outside in the cold… I am so lucky that I have not fallen sick… two days in a row in the cold waiting… anyway, I am not saying it’s his fault, cos he was nice enough to give me lifts to and from northcott… very lucky that he has a car and lives near me…
Anyway, we just made it there on time cos I have a meeting with the team but some pple on the team were late so we only started at 930am… the meeting was basically just abt the general things going on in the team, so I just sat there and listen and of course the main thing to remember is to LOOK INTERESTED!!! Even though you feel like sleeping…
And then bcos my supervisor has a presentation on a conference which she attended in the US on spinal cord injuries, she asked me to help her do some binding for the stuff that she was planning to give out… and so I ended up doing binding for two whole hours… I never did know binding was actually not easy at all… and bcos I think the transparency was too flimsy, the binding machine could not punch properly and it came out crappy… I was like shit, why is this so difficult??!! and then I had to stop halfway bcos our team had to go for lunch cos one of the team members came back from pregnancy leave… and we went to a café in parramatta park and the food there was so expensive that I did not really feel like spending so much on lunch… so I ordered hot chips and it was so salty that I did not finish it… and then back to the office where I continued binding, and after we went for the presentation… and it was actually quite boring, cos I did not understand half the stuff she was saying and it was really dry… but of course, we always have to keep in mind the golden rule when you are on clinical: APPEAR INTERESTED!!
So after the presentation, we went back to do some reading and amy (my supervisor) came and told us to help her with some stuff… so we went down to the store to “steal” two wheelchairs to prepare for the in service meeting tomorrow, and we got to try out the wheelchairs, and it was my first time doing a wheelie… in case you dun know, which I initially also dun, a wheelie is where you have to grab the wheels and lean back as far as possible on the wheelchair and push the wheels forward quickly, so that the front castors lift up and you are tilting backwards… and it was really scary even though amy was actually the one tilting the wheelchair back behind me… it really is difficult… I can’t imagine how the pple in wheelchairs do these things… what happens to those who really cannot do??!!
This morning was yet again another shitty morning… bcos my dear friend who’s on placement with me offered me a lift… but the traffic was so bad outside that I waited like half an hour for him outside in the cold… I am so lucky that I have not fallen sick… two days in a row in the cold waiting… anyway, I am not saying it’s his fault, cos he was nice enough to give me lifts to and from northcott… very lucky that he has a car and lives near me…
Anyway, we just made it there on time cos I have a meeting with the team but some pple on the team were late so we only started at 930am… the meeting was basically just abt the general things going on in the team, so I just sat there and listen and of course the main thing to remember is to LOOK INTERESTED!!! Even though you feel like sleeping…
And then bcos my supervisor has a presentation on a conference which she attended in the US on spinal cord injuries, she asked me to help her do some binding for the stuff that she was planning to give out… and so I ended up doing binding for two whole hours… I never did know binding was actually not easy at all… and bcos I think the transparency was too flimsy, the binding machine could not punch properly and it came out crappy… I was like shit, why is this so difficult??!! and then I had to stop halfway bcos our team had to go for lunch cos one of the team members came back from pregnancy leave… and we went to a café in parramatta park and the food there was so expensive that I did not really feel like spending so much on lunch… so I ordered hot chips and it was so salty that I did not finish it… and then back to the office where I continued binding, and after we went for the presentation… and it was actually quite boring, cos I did not understand half the stuff she was saying and it was really dry… but of course, we always have to keep in mind the golden rule when you are on clinical: APPEAR INTERESTED!!
So after the presentation, we went back to do some reading and amy (my supervisor) came and told us to help her with some stuff… so we went down to the store to “steal” two wheelchairs to prepare for the in service meeting tomorrow, and we got to try out the wheelchairs, and it was my first time doing a wheelie… in case you dun know, which I initially also dun, a wheelie is where you have to grab the wheels and lean back as far as possible on the wheelchair and push the wheels forward quickly, so that the front castors lift up and you are tilting backwards… and it was really scary even though amy was actually the one tilting the wheelchair back behind me… it really is difficult… I can’t imagine how the pple in wheelchairs do these things… what happens to those who really cannot do??!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
DaY 1 oF PP3A...
Day 1- 12 March 2007
Today morning was really SHITTY!!!!!! I was early at the placement site… like really early… one and a half hours earlier… sian man… I was like sitting at the bus-stop in the cold for that long… stupid…
But the placement site is really new and nice… very clean and organized… and the supervisors and pple there are really nice… although there were a lot of things to do and read… I still prefer the atmosphere here at northcott as compared to nepean hospital… where the lunch room is soo small and so not everybody can squeeze there and mingle with everyone… and pple here include you in whatever they are talking abt…
We started off with the usual general briefing, talking abt the place, a tour ard the place, got introduced to all the pple working there… and our supervisors were really nice… the only thing I dun really like is the fact that I am expected to travel to other places, like go look at equipment suppliers, attend this swimming carnival at this inaccessible place, go other hospitals to look at their wheelchair programs… and you know why I hate it, it’s bcos I DUN HAVE A CAR!!! That’s why!!! Thank god I have another friend on placement with me who drives… so basically the first day is mostly admin stuff, but my supervisor discussed all her active clients with me, telling me what disabilities they have, their goals, and what she is planning to do with them… and I also got to read on some of the cases… and we will be doing a project called “Skills for wheelies”, where it’s like a program where the kids with wheelchairs come in to northcott to attend a day program on how to use your wheelchairs, how to steer it up and down ramps, what to do if you fall from your wheelchair… the thing I am worried abt is we have to actually learn how to use the wheelchairs and apparently there is this thing called “wheelie” where you have to tilt your wheelchair back so that the front castors are up the herb or ramp… how scary is that??!!
Another thing that I realized was that after so long without having to speak the aussie way, I have to start all over again when I am on pract, otherwise they dun understand what I am trying to say… and that meant no more “leh, lah”… I have to really think over what I want to say first and make sure I dun end the sentence with leh or lah… how weird is that…
Today morning was really SHITTY!!!!!! I was early at the placement site… like really early… one and a half hours earlier… sian man… I was like sitting at the bus-stop in the cold for that long… stupid…
But the placement site is really new and nice… very clean and organized… and the supervisors and pple there are really nice… although there were a lot of things to do and read… I still prefer the atmosphere here at northcott as compared to nepean hospital… where the lunch room is soo small and so not everybody can squeeze there and mingle with everyone… and pple here include you in whatever they are talking abt…
We started off with the usual general briefing, talking abt the place, a tour ard the place, got introduced to all the pple working there… and our supervisors were really nice… the only thing I dun really like is the fact that I am expected to travel to other places, like go look at equipment suppliers, attend this swimming carnival at this inaccessible place, go other hospitals to look at their wheelchair programs… and you know why I hate it, it’s bcos I DUN HAVE A CAR!!! That’s why!!! Thank god I have another friend on placement with me who drives… so basically the first day is mostly admin stuff, but my supervisor discussed all her active clients with me, telling me what disabilities they have, their goals, and what she is planning to do with them… and I also got to read on some of the cases… and we will be doing a project called “Skills for wheelies”, where it’s like a program where the kids with wheelchairs come in to northcott to attend a day program on how to use your wheelchairs, how to steer it up and down ramps, what to do if you fall from your wheelchair… the thing I am worried abt is we have to actually learn how to use the wheelchairs and apparently there is this thing called “wheelie” where you have to tilt your wheelchair back so that the front castors are up the herb or ramp… how scary is that??!!
Another thing that I realized was that after so long without having to speak the aussie way, I have to start all over again when I am on pract, otherwise they dun understand what I am trying to say… and that meant no more “leh, lah”… I have to really think over what I want to say first and make sure I dun end the sentence with leh or lah… how weird is that…
Monday, March 12, 2007
WOrriEs, WoRriEs, and MoRE WorRies...
it's the last day of my long holiday... i really think the holiday is too long... now that clinicals will be starting tomorrow, i am getting worried... i hope everything will go smoothly and that my supervisor there is nice... and instead of taking the train every morning, i am taking the bus there and back every day... and the bus fares are sooo expensive... it's like $4 one way, and going there is a pain cos i have to walk quite alot to get to the place... and everyone's saying how third year placements are very different from the previous years cos we have our own caseloads, we have our own clients and we have to come up with our own intervention plans... it will really be a test to see how much i have learnt and managed to absorb during the last two years... one thing to worry abt...
another thing to worry abt is my driving lessons... to get my red p's, i have to have at least 50 hours of driving lessons, and i am only at 13 hours now... and bcos of the recent increase in the number of accidents involving red p's drivers, they are becoming more strict... so the driving test is another thing to worry abt... and whoever said driving is easy is lying... cos it's not... there are alot of things to look out for... reverse parking is damn difficult...
and bcos mu uncle and auntie are thinking of relocating, that's another thing to worry abt... and if they move to a place which is far away from the train station, i am going to have trouble...
the honours thing is also another worry... i have no time to go down to talk to my supervisor abt the topic and bcos we have to start early... i want to be able to come up with a topic before semester two starts so that i can go start my research... but no... and bcos i am an international student, my visa expires in march 2009, which means that i have to hand in my thesis before christmas while others can afford to delay theirs... and then i am hoping that i can do my fourth year placement in december- jan so that i can go back in time for chinese new year, but that is if they can find a placement for me during that time, otherwise i may not even be able to go home this year... and prisy wants me to go to hong kong with her in feb... and of course, back in s'pore, we have to move by the end of nov, which means that i won't be able to go back to my home when i go back...
WHY the hell is everything happening all at the same time??!!
another thing to worry abt is my driving lessons... to get my red p's, i have to have at least 50 hours of driving lessons, and i am only at 13 hours now... and bcos of the recent increase in the number of accidents involving red p's drivers, they are becoming more strict... so the driving test is another thing to worry abt... and whoever said driving is easy is lying... cos it's not... there are alot of things to look out for... reverse parking is damn difficult...
and bcos mu uncle and auntie are thinking of relocating, that's another thing to worry abt... and if they move to a place which is far away from the train station, i am going to have trouble...
the honours thing is also another worry... i have no time to go down to talk to my supervisor abt the topic and bcos we have to start early... i want to be able to come up with a topic before semester two starts so that i can go start my research... but no... and bcos i am an international student, my visa expires in march 2009, which means that i have to hand in my thesis before christmas while others can afford to delay theirs... and then i am hoping that i can do my fourth year placement in december- jan so that i can go back in time for chinese new year, but that is if they can find a placement for me during that time, otherwise i may not even be able to go home this year... and prisy wants me to go to hong kong with her in feb... and of course, back in s'pore, we have to move by the end of nov, which means that i won't be able to go back to my home when i go back...
WHY the hell is everything happening all at the same time??!!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
ExTRemELy diSaPPoiNted...
DAMMIT!!! I was waiting so looooong to watch the last episode of hana kimi and I was really really disappointed... the ending was so anti-climax... actually the last two episodes were not nice at all, spoilt the entire show, it was so exciting up till episode 13... they never even got to confess to each other especially quan... SHIT!!! I am very upset... and everyone were like they better have part 2... but shows with part 2 all not nice...
okay enough about hana kimi...
last week went back to uni for honours and placement briefing... nothing much changed except they renovated the bite me cafe again... and it became like a mini food place where they sell like biscuits, chips and sandwiches... and they still have only two pathetic microwaves... went out for lunch at a korean place at strathfield with karen and anna... the food was okay but that day was one of the shittiest day of my life... i shall not say more...
michelle's friend from america came over to stay for a few days... and we took him to the city yesterday to have yum cha, which to us is commonly know as "dian xin" at chinatown... personally, i dun like the food they serve and it's expensive... but steve and her friend were very kind to treat us... after that, the three of us wanted to go karaoke, but the two guys did not want to sing, so we ended up going to fox studios thinking to go bowling, but they were all full... but the bowling place was really cool... it was glow in the dark... i really wanted to bowl there badly... so in the end, the two guys played pool while the rest of us sat there talking... after that, we drove to bondi junction... it was my first time there too since coming here, and the beach was really big and nice... it was a beautiful day and you could see the waves and pple swimming and surfing...
okay enough about hana kimi...
last week went back to uni for honours and placement briefing... nothing much changed except they renovated the bite me cafe again... and it became like a mini food place where they sell like biscuits, chips and sandwiches... and they still have only two pathetic microwaves... went out for lunch at a korean place at strathfield with karen and anna... the food was okay but that day was one of the shittiest day of my life... i shall not say more...
michelle's friend from america came over to stay for a few days... and we took him to the city yesterday to have yum cha, which to us is commonly know as "dian xin" at chinatown... personally, i dun like the food they serve and it's expensive... but steve and her friend were very kind to treat us... after that, the three of us wanted to go karaoke, but the two guys did not want to sing, so we ended up going to fox studios thinking to go bowling, but they were all full... but the bowling place was really cool... it was glow in the dark... i really wanted to bowl there badly... so in the end, the two guys played pool while the rest of us sat there talking... after that, we drove to bondi junction... it was my first time there too since coming here, and the beach was really big and nice... it was a beautiful day and you could see the waves and pple swimming and surfing...
Friday, March 02, 2007

Since I am currently on the hana kimi/wu zun/fahrenheit phase now, I decided to post the lyrics of some of the nice songs that I have heard from them... trying to look for the song"dong le" by tank in the hana kimi OST... does anybody know where to get it or have it??
专属天使 - Tank
我不会怪你 对我的伪装天使在人间是该藏 好翅膀人们愚蠢鲁莽 而你纤细善良怎能让你 为了我被碰伤
小小的手掌 厚厚的温暖你总能平复我不安 的夜晚不敢想的梦想 透过你的眼光我才看见 它原来在前方
没有谁能把你抢离我身旁 (我身旁)你是我的专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我心上 (我心上)拥有一个专属天使我哪里还需要别的愿望
小小的手掌 大大的力量我一定也会像你 一样飞翔 (一样飞翔)你想去的地方 就是我的方向有我保护 笑容尽管灿烂
没有谁能把你抢离 我身旁 (我身旁)你是我的 专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我身上 (我身上)拥有一个专属天使我哪里还需要别的愿望Woo~
要不是你出现我一定还在沉睡Oh 绝望的以为生命只有黑夜
没有谁能把你抢离我身旁 (我身旁)你是我的 专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我身上 (我身上)拥有一个 专属天使我哪里还需要别的愿望 Woo Wu Woo Ho~ Wu~ Ho
怎么办 - S.H.E
怎么办 Oh 怎么办
为什么 你为什么 老是把空气全都吸光了害得我 你害得我 在你面前呼吸急促需要叫救护车别看我 先别看我 我的脸红就快要爆料了没什么 哪有什么 我是绝对不会承认我喜欢你了
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳甚至比我还要更好看我虽然无力抵挡 但是日子还长总有一天换你为我疯狂
为什么 你为什么 这样不讲理的就出现了害得我 你害得我 连仅有的一点矜持优雅全都毁了靠近我 别靠近我 到底离你多近比较好呢完蛋了 我完蛋了 我整个人眼看就快要不是我的了
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳甚至比我还要更好看我虽然无力抵抗 但是日子还长总有一天换你为我疯狂 (为我疯狂)
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳甚至比我还要更好看我虽然无力抵抗 但是日子还长总有一天换你为我疯狂
飞轮海: 无解的眼神 心像海底针飞轮海: 光是猜测 我食欲不振飞轮海: 有点烦人 又有点迷人
Hebe: 浪漫没天分 反应够迟钝Hebe: 不够谨慎 花挑错颜色Hebe: 但很矛盾 喜欢你的笨
飞轮海: 微笑 再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别Hebe: 眼泪 再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天飞轮海: 靠的 再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远合唱: 全世界只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 玩的 再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛Hebe: 马路 再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全飞轮海: 我会 又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍合唱: 我只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 体贴却黏人 爱哭却温顺飞轮海: 有时天真 有时很邪恶飞轮海: 对你耍狠 就是舍不得
Hebe: 请吸收养分 让脑袋平衡Hebe: 要你现身 动作慢吞吞Hebe: 怎么承认 我非你不可
飞轮海: 微笑 再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别Hebe: 眼泪 再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天飞轮海: 靠的 再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远合唱: 全世界只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 玩的 再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛Hebe: 马路 再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全飞轮海: 我会 又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍合唱: 我只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 微笑 再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别Hebe: 眼泪 再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天飞轮海: 靠的 再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远合唱: 全世界只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 玩的 再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛Hebe: 马路 再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全飞轮海: 我会 又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍合唱: 我只对你(你)有感觉
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到
我学会什么叫二话不说你开口我就没办法 Say No Woo Oh这感觉找不到适合形容费洛蒙向我进攻就被你掌控 Oh Baby
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到就是爱到
將你缝上纽扣扣住我爱到不让你有任何机会挣脱在一起的时间绝不错过车子后座 我只会为你保留
就是想要把你占为己有不要你出现在别人眼中 Woo Oh紧紧抱住你哪怕会痛舍不得眨眼怕少看你一秒钟
Oh Baby~
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到就是爱到
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑 Woo Ho谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到就是爱到
飛輪海 - 夏雪
你給的愛帶著溫度 尤其擁抱時最清楚
心跳傳來的起伏 像一顆跳動的暖爐
手放進口袋的溫度 融化了走過的路途
冰天雪地的國度 能抱著你就很滿足
誰都知道氣候會變 更別說諾言
你的世界已經準時晴天 遠方的我在夏天看雪
我的孤獨慢慢凍結 在沒有你的夜
給我的愛已經過了期限 而我的心在夏天下雪
明明寒冬已經很遠 我還是無法 結束這冬眠
我的世界亂了季節 赤道居然會飄著雪
熱帶雨林的原野 看起來白茫茫一片
回憶在我心中積雪 連日出也無法融解
應該流汗的夏天 可是卻一直流眼淚
誰都知道氣候會變 更別說諾言
你的世界已經準時晴天 遠方的我在夏天看雪
我的孤獨慢慢凍結 在沒有你的夜
給我的愛已經過了期限 而我的心在夏天下雪
明明寒冬已經很遠 我還是無法 結束這冬眠
你的世界已經準時晴天 遠方的我在夏天看雪
我的孤獨慢慢凍結 在沒有你的夜
給我的愛已經過了期限 而我的心在夏天下雪
明明寒冬已經很遠 我還是無法 結束這冬眠
专属天使 - Tank
我不会怪你 对我的伪装天使在人间是该藏 好翅膀人们愚蠢鲁莽 而你纤细善良怎能让你 为了我被碰伤
小小的手掌 厚厚的温暖你总能平复我不安 的夜晚不敢想的梦想 透过你的眼光我才看见 它原来在前方
没有谁能把你抢离我身旁 (我身旁)你是我的专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我心上 (我心上)拥有一个专属天使我哪里还需要别的愿望
小小的手掌 大大的力量我一定也会像你 一样飞翔 (一样飞翔)你想去的地方 就是我的方向有我保护 笑容尽管灿烂
没有谁能把你抢离 我身旁 (我身旁)你是我的 专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我身上 (我身上)拥有一个专属天使我哪里还需要别的愿望Woo~
要不是你出现我一定还在沉睡Oh 绝望的以为生命只有黑夜
没有谁能把你抢离我身旁 (我身旁)你是我的 专属天使唯我能独占
没有谁能取代你在我身上 (我身上)拥有一个 专属天使我哪里还需要别的愿望 Woo Wu Woo Ho~ Wu~ Ho
怎么办 - S.H.E
怎么办 Oh 怎么办
为什么 你为什么 老是把空气全都吸光了害得我 你害得我 在你面前呼吸急促需要叫救护车别看我 先别看我 我的脸红就快要爆料了没什么 哪有什么 我是绝对不会承认我喜欢你了
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳甚至比我还要更好看我虽然无力抵挡 但是日子还长总有一天换你为我疯狂
为什么 你为什么 这样不讲理的就出现了害得我 你害得我 连仅有的一点矜持优雅全都毁了靠近我 别靠近我 到底离你多近比较好呢完蛋了 我完蛋了 我整个人眼看就快要不是我的了
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳甚至比我还要更好看我虽然无力抵抗 但是日子还长总有一天换你为我疯狂 (为我疯狂)
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
怎么办 感觉甜又酸偷偷爱你 快乐又孤单怎么办 爱却不能讲你真讨厌 不来帮我的忙
你怎么可以这样 笑容打败太阳甚至比我还要更好看我虽然无力抵抗 但是日子还长总有一天换你为我疯狂
飞轮海: 无解的眼神 心像海底针飞轮海: 光是猜测 我食欲不振飞轮海: 有点烦人 又有点迷人
Hebe: 浪漫没天分 反应够迟钝Hebe: 不够谨慎 花挑错颜色Hebe: 但很矛盾 喜欢你的笨
飞轮海: 微笑 再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别Hebe: 眼泪 再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天飞轮海: 靠的 再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远合唱: 全世界只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 玩的 再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛Hebe: 马路 再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全飞轮海: 我会 又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍合唱: 我只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 体贴却黏人 爱哭却温顺飞轮海: 有时天真 有时很邪恶飞轮海: 对你耍狠 就是舍不得
Hebe: 请吸收养分 让脑袋平衡Hebe: 要你现身 动作慢吞吞Hebe: 怎么承认 我非你不可
飞轮海: 微笑 再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别Hebe: 眼泪 再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天飞轮海: 靠的 再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远合唱: 全世界只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 玩的 再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛Hebe: 马路 再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全飞轮海: 我会 又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍合唱: 我只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 微笑 再美 再甜 不是你的 都不特别Hebe: 眼泪 再苦 再咸 有你安慰 又是晴天飞轮海: 靠的 再近 再贴 少了拥抱 就算太远合唱: 全世界只对你(你)有感觉
飞轮海: 玩的 再疯 再野 你瞪一眼 我就收敛Hebe: 马路 再宽 再远 只要你牵 就很安全飞轮海: 我会 又乖 又黏 温柔体贴 绝不敷衍合唱: 我只对你(你)有感觉
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到
我学会什么叫二话不说你开口我就没办法 Say No Woo Oh这感觉找不到适合形容费洛蒙向我进攻就被你掌控 Oh Baby
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到就是爱到
將你缝上纽扣扣住我爱到不让你有任何机会挣脱在一起的时间绝不错过车子后座 我只会为你保留
就是想要把你占为己有不要你出现在别人眼中 Woo Oh紧紧抱住你哪怕会痛舍不得眨眼怕少看你一秒钟
Oh Baby~
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到就是爱到
爱到 爱到 爱到脑海里有一万个你 快爆掉你一个眼神我什么都好 或许就是狠狠爱到
这就是电到 爱到 爱到每夜失眠脸上却还傻傻在微笑 Woo Ho谁叫你可爱到无法救药 让我这样狠狠爱到就是爱到
飛輪海 - 夏雪
你給的愛帶著溫度 尤其擁抱時最清楚
心跳傳來的起伏 像一顆跳動的暖爐
手放進口袋的溫度 融化了走過的路途
冰天雪地的國度 能抱著你就很滿足
誰都知道氣候會變 更別說諾言
你的世界已經準時晴天 遠方的我在夏天看雪
我的孤獨慢慢凍結 在沒有你的夜
給我的愛已經過了期限 而我的心在夏天下雪
明明寒冬已經很遠 我還是無法 結束這冬眠
我的世界亂了季節 赤道居然會飄著雪
熱帶雨林的原野 看起來白茫茫一片
回憶在我心中積雪 連日出也無法融解
應該流汗的夏天 可是卻一直流眼淚
誰都知道氣候會變 更別說諾言
你的世界已經準時晴天 遠方的我在夏天看雪
我的孤獨慢慢凍結 在沒有你的夜
給我的愛已經過了期限 而我的心在夏天下雪
明明寒冬已經很遠 我還是無法 結束這冬眠
你的世界已經準時晴天 遠方的我在夏天看雪
我的孤獨慢慢凍結 在沒有你的夜
給我的愛已經過了期限 而我的心在夏天下雪
明明寒冬已經很遠 我還是無法 結束這冬眠
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