Saturday, December 30, 2006

RaiN rAiN Go AWaY...

had dinner on Christmas with the family and one of my dad's friends... they came over for dinner and the whole table was filled with food... we even ran out of cutlery... haha...should have thought abt that problem, cos this was the first time probably that we had so many pple eating at the table... too bad it was raining on both christmas eve and christmas... we went to IMM to buy all the food for the dinner... so many pple... and the place also changed already... the outside looked different... and guess what, i saw the my girl dvd on sale, so i immediately bought it... haha... that's what i have doing over christmas... watching the show all day (and night)... i am obsessed...

been raining non-stop for the past few days since christmas... wanted to go for the post-christmas sales also cannot... been holing myself up at home watching dvds... even cancelled the meeting with zhenzhen and denise bcos it was raining so heavily... why...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My GiRL...

Merry Christmas!!
went out with pong and one of my dad's friend... went to vivocity and she treated us to this really posh Brazilian restaurant buffet called Carnivore... whoa ate till i was so full... ate alot of meats today... the food was great... especailly suitable for those who love to eat meats... after that, walked around vivocity and as usual, there were alot of pple there even though it's like a weekday and it's the middle of the day... after that, while we were on our way to the mrt station, i actually met veena and devi... so "qiao" lor... cos i was about to call veena to inform her about the class gathering... haven't seen them for sooo long already, but they still looked the same... and they also said i looked the same... is that good or bad, i wonder?? talked for awhile, standing in the middle of the pathway...
and then we took a train down to plaza singapura... nothing much has changed... actually looking for a nice pair of sandals... preferably with abit of heels... but so far i have not seen any nice shoes yet... walked to OG, walked around there for abit and then went for a facial... haha... my face really hurts after facial... and i dread going everytime...

met up with zhenzhen aka brother for dinner at junction 8... again... i still remembered we went there last year also and also ate at the food court... we even ate ice kachang again... we really must do things differently next time... otherwise so predictable... after eating, we walked for abit, took like one picture together and went to look for fleecy jackets for zhenzhen... cos she will be coming to sydney uni next june for a year... yay... very excited... after that, we went to mcdonald and bought a chocolate milkshake and just sat and talked...

shit lah... got hooked onto this new korean series called MY Girl... once i started watching, i couldn't stop, so in the end, watched till like the next morning... did not sleep at all... i hate it... i know myself, once i start a show, i won't stop till i know the ending... that's why i refused to watch the other korean show during exams... bad bad andrea... btw, the show is damn good... better than princess hours... nice nice... and the main actor is sooo cute... haha...

Monday, December 25, 2006


All the photos were too large to be put on friendster... so i had to post them here...


alamak... i accidentally put the wrong date on my previous post so now i can't post my blog until after 23 dec... so "gundoo"...
monday... met up with piyo, inthu and angie... went to this indian food place called kumala's to eat... piyo was late and we had to wait so long for her... ate prata but it was not that nice... ate and talked after not seeing them for a year... after that, we walked around marina square... took some pictures... piyo lost alot of weight... inthu and angie still looked the same to me... angie had to leave early so left the three of us and we decided to share a candy floss... yummy... i noe it's bad for the teeth... but i haven't had it for so long... and then after that, we walked abit more and went our separate ways... was waiting for the bus for like half an hour and it still did not come... so in the end i had to catch the free shuttle bus to city hall mrt and then take a bus home... and it was raining so heavily... so annoying... accompanied my grandma to the hospital on tuesday... raining like shit again... so we had to catch a taxi instead...

wednesday... met up with jo, fran and sherry... finally... dunno why they all so busy... went bowling at great world first with jo and huimin... i really think that we actually do better in the first rounds than in the second rounds... cos maybe we are all tired already and the game did not seem that fun anymore... and we agreed that the winner had to treat ben and jerry's... haha and the loser gets to distribute half of the pamphlets that jo brought with her... at the end of 2 rounds... jo won... which was amazing and unbelievable... haha juz joking... and huimin lost... and i got to eat ben and jerry's after... yummy... after that, we went to town and i bought tutu to eat... was actually quite full by then already... and then it was time to start distributing the pamphlets... very tiring leh actually... and then after distributing for more than an hour... i think i distributed less than 20... it's really hard man cos NOBODY wanted to take them... and guess who I saw while distributing at tangs... MEL!!! i did not even see her until she came right up to me... i was so tired by then and hot... so glad to see her... was supposed to go out with her one day before she goes back to sydney... and then finally was can stop already and meet fran and sherry for dinner at pepper lunch and takashimaya... but we ran into justina at orchard mrt... she looked different... sherry also... it was funny... haha... after dinner... we went back to cineleisure upstairs again to chill out... like last year... talked, gossiped... heard stories and glad that each of them are doing well... i did not really have any interesting stuff to say but i was contented to just sit there and listen... thanks guys... we really must meet up more often okay... and dun forget the class gathering... next time... KBOx!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

WEt weT wEt...

friday... huimin came over to bake stuff with me... we baked brownies, cheese sticks and cinnamon rolls... cinnamon rolls bcos both of us are huge fans and there is no longer any cinnamon rolls shops here anymore... everything started off fine... except huimin laughed at me for my poor math skills, i can't help it... i have not been calculating fractions mentally for awhile and most of the times, we used the calculators... hmmph... ayway, the cheesticks and the cinnamon rolls did not turn out as nice as we expected... the pastry for the cheesesticks did not taste the same, we did not put enough cheese and huimin, if u are reading this... apparently, the bottome part of the cheesesticks still abit uncooked leh... so must put in the toaster for awhile before eating k... and the cinnamon rolls... we did not put enough sugar and cinnamon, so the rolls came out tasting like plain bread... :(
and there was sugar all over the floor... and ants came...
by the time we finished baking... both of us were exhausted and fell asleep on the sofa... haha... it was fun at the end of the day, except maybe next time we should bake in a cold room so the pastry would not start melting, be more generous with the sugar and cinnamon... it's okay, practice makes perfect...

and then at night, went to denise's 21st birthday party... did not really feel like going, but i already sort of said that i would go so... and i have not seen her for long... it was quite a happening party, got food, deejay, music, alot of pple... the sad thing was i did not know a single soul there except denise... but i have already got 'xin li zhun bei' when i decided to go... she looked really pretty in her black tube top dress...

went to cut and highlight my hair on saturday... finally my head feels much much lighter now... cos my hair's not so thick... and i got red highlights in my hair... thanks to prisy's recommendation... was supposed to go huimin's house on sunday... but it was raining so heavily the whole day that we cancelled... sorry huimin... i really wanted to go ur house...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

MEeTIng uP...

met up with siti today... she was late today cos she thought i would call her and confirm our meeting today... so while waiting, i walked ard wisma and takashimaya... alot of stuff changed... like the walkway from the mrt station to wisma is gone... got new cafes and of course, so many pple shopping and mango's having a sale so there was a huge crowd... haven't seen siti for more than 2 years... dun think she has changed much... but she said i am starting to have an accent... but i still speak singlish leh... haha... went to lido to check out the movies out and decided to watch deja vu... with denzel washington... not bad and we both agreed that he likes to act in intellectual thinking movies... like the inside man... luckily the show was good otherwise siti will kill me rite... after that, went to far east to eat lunch... walked ard for abit to look for a neoprint shop... finally found it and we took neoprints like we used to back in jc... as we were eating, we were gossiping about pple in our class and reminiscing back on the times in njc... told her to go back to nj with me when school starts... and siti... u have to bring me ard NUS okay... after that, we walked ard wisma cos she wanted to look for a bag... went to borders cos she wanted to look for books... took some photos... i really missed her... she still can make me laugh like she did in nj... thank you siti...

went to kbox with pong yesterday... so annoying that it was raining so heavily also... after it all... i still found the one at cineleisure better... but we got to sing till our hearts' content... and i made a mistake... it was not as expensive as i thought before... bcos the last time i was paying for two... and here got more songs, especially the old ones, than in big echo... haha... heard that a new one opened in marina square, so would like to go try it out someday...

oh and today is Denise's birthday!!! Happy Birthday!! also never see her for sooo long already...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

ONe WeeK hOMe...

last saturday... went to vivocity with mum and pong... really big shopping centre but the stuff are so expensive... and in my opinion, the stuff sold there are similar to the stuff sold in sydney... so pple no need to go to australia already... luckily we arrived there early and started shopping early... by the time we were about to leave... the place was sooo crowded... i got a headache just looking at the pple there...

sunday... stayed at home... watched the star awards at night... and cooked fettuccini with the sauce that i brought back for everyone... i dun think they liked it though cos they are not used to eating that i think... was very excited when star awards finally came... got to see all the mediacorp stars... too bad some of my favourite artistes did not turn up or win awards...

yesterday, went to singapore poly to have an eye examination... and the last time i went for an eye checkup according to their records was five years ago... so long already... and then after that... went to this complimentary makeover session with mum and pong... it was quite an experience... but not really a memorable one...
that's about it for now... it has been raining almost every day... so annoying... and everywhere i go, there are so many pple... pple here seriously have nothing better to do... like me... haha...

Saturday, December 09, 2006


i am finally home again... after a year away... yesterday was the first time i flew on an airplane on my own... i was a little scared initially but luckily, the flight was relatively smooth, not much turbulence and stuff... although the food served sucked... what's new... anyway, when i was already seated in the plane, this girl came up to me and asked if i could swap seats with her so that she could sit with her parents... so okay, i didn't mind cos i was sitting right at the place where the food and stuff are... so it's very noisy cos the air stewardess walking up and down and stuff... so okay, i went to that seat and when i was like seating there for like five minutes, this guy came up to me and asked if he could switch seats with me so that he could sit with his friends... i was like what the hell, do i have a sign on my forehead saying that i am free to change seats or something??? so i was like nope, i have already changed seats once and i really dun want to switch again...

anyway, after arriving home, unpacked all the stuff, showered and went to sleep around 1am and my body have not adjusted to the time here yet so i was really really tired... and then i woke up at ard 5am the next morning... annoying becos i could not get back to sleep... and pretty much stayed at home the whole of yesterday... watched tv and the videotapes that pong taped for me... everything was basically the same i guess... not many changes as yet... but it's like raining practically everyday i heard... and i feel so humid and sticky all the time... not a good feeling...

went to the hospital with my grandma today to see the doctor for checkup early in the morning... just got back and it's raining again... oh and my results are out already... did quite well in my opinion... not bad... now i am worried about my professional practice result...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


friday prisy brought back princess hours... and in my opinion... and sorry if i offend anyone, but the show is actually not as nice as i thought it would be... like i thought "it started with a kiss" was better... princess hours was funny but the prince in the show is soooo slow and boring... we had to watch the show at like fast speed... i prefer the other prince, yul... he is quite cute and prisy said he looked abit like hyun bin... i felt so sorry for him... and apparently the part 2 is coming soon but he would not be in it... oh well... i am sure he is going to get his own lead show soon... haha...

had driving lessons practically everyday now, so that i can learn as much stuff and remember them when i come back... hoping to take the test next year so that i can get my red Ps... and maybe save enough money to buy a small car???!! cross my fingers...

went out on saturday... just prisy and me hanging out before i go home on wed... went to chatswood to look for black workpants first... but they did not have any... so we just shopped around abit and caught a train to the city... when we got there, went to sussex centre to meet up with prisy's friend, wendy and we ate lunch there... and guess what i had for lunch... spicy beef... haha... no surprises there... after that, i actually wanted to go eat waffles at passionflower but after walking around at market city, i still felt full so we did not eat waffles in the end... went karaoke after... wendy and me were like singing chinese songs all the way and prisy sang english songs... after that, prisy and me walked back to chinatown to look for emu oil... finally found them at the tourist shops in chinatown... and then after that, went to wait for michelle to come pick us up cos we were meeting uncle and auntie for dinner at eastwood... it was pouring that day... both our jeans got wet and dirty... and my poor umbrella could not withstand the strong winds... had to share with prisy... and michelle was late again so we decided to go buy the "chai dao kui" for auntie... finally got to eastwood ard 8pm... ate dinner and by the time we got home, it was already almost 10pm... and guess what we did after... watch princess hours... haha... we finally finished yesterday...

Friday, December 01, 2006

6 MoRe dAyS...

haven't been doing much these past few days... just waiting for the day to come for me to go home... the only highlights currently are my driving lessons... i actually have a dilemma, cos initially yochi recommended her driving instructor to me so i booked a lesson with him on monday rite, and then prisy told me that one of her friend's dad also teaches driving... and the thing is, both of them are really nice and patient... but prisy's friend's dad charged me much cheaper... $35 so of course i decided to go with him but i just feel bad towards the other instructor... what am i going to tell him tomorrow...

up till now, during my driving lessons, i learnt the different functions in the car, how to steer, signals, unlocking the steering wheel (btw, this is damn hard!!), i also got to do abit of reversing, and driving on the main road... i think i was really scared and nervous the first day, but after that, i was better and able to drive up to 50km/h... haha... the first day i only dared to drive at 20km/h and my feet was on the brakes the whole time... pple make driving look so easy, dun they... especially turning... only when i am driving then i realised that it is not as easy as it seemed... also started to learn how to park at the kerb... this was definitely hard... required spatial judgement and logical thinking... which i dun have... but practice makes perfect!!

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...