Monday, May 30, 2005

GoIng pOdsIe...

sat... went to promote pods again at coles castle towers... this time, i was the one doing the walking around promoting... it's not easy man... the samples were finished very quickly, even before our shift ended, and i realised that people tend to buy when there were samples to try, if not, they were less likely to buy...

after that, prisy and i went to shop at hornsby... i had to get a white blouse and black shoes for the cashier job... managed to find a white blouse but still did not get a black shoe... saw one but it was really expensive... the shoes here are really expensive leh... passed this pet shop and the puppies in there were all so cute! especially the golden retrievers... hmmm... it is my dream to own dogs since i was young... i have already thought of the number of dogs and the breed that i want... i love dogs! haha...

Saturday, May 28, 2005

ThE weEK JuZ flEw bY...

wed... that day when we went to the main campus for medical checkup, karen and amelia brought me to this place where they have steaks for $5... have to say a big thank you to them cos they treated me... the food was not that great though... i ate chicken breast and chips...

thurs... was really excited on that day... cos i was going to promote pods biscuits with angela... went to school in the morning to practise for the viva and then after that, both of us went to castle towers coles supermarket to promote pods... i think we did quite good... sold at least 20 boxes of pods... haha... promoting pods is a good thing, cos u get to keep some for urself...
angela ended up staying over at our house for the night...

fri... went to school for sociology... didn't go for the tues lesson so had to attend the one on fri... after that, stayed in the library to do a little research for my OTTP assignment... i feel that the information is very unfocused, like everything is all over the place, and i dunno where to start... help!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


tues... what a long day again! but i received a good news... i got the job at woolworths!!! hip, hip, hooray! have to go for an induction next sat... well, i have to say a big thank you to auntie, uncle, michelle and prisy... if not for them, i probably wouldn't have found this job...

stayed at school till really late to finish our presentation... cos now it's approaching winter, so by 5pm, it's already nightfall... so when we came out of the library, the whole school was so dark and it was freezing... amelia, karen and me waited for ages for the free shuttle bus to come and the three of us were at the bus stop there shivering nonstop...

wed... today was my PP presentation... i think we did alright, except that we didn't engage the class into an active discussion, as the lecturer said, so we lost out on the marks there... both of us didn't even realise there was a marking sheet in our manual that we had to follow... huh... blur man...

went to main campus in the city to get my post-bcg reading... 30mm... so dun have to retake bcg again... thank God... but then i had to take another 2 jabs again... flu vaccine and a blood test... oh man... last wk poke twice and today poked another 2 times... i have become a 'holey' person... haha... get the joke?

Monday, May 23, 2005


and now for the weather report... the weather now is 18 degrees celsius... haha... it's getting freaking cold everyday, and worse, it's raining...

last sat... went to uni today to meet up for my PP presentation... uni was like a cemetry man... haha... for those who do not noe, the uni is situated opposite a huge cemetry... like super deserted... only the library was open... dun even have bus to the school... so had to walk to and from school...

mon... got back my parkinson's assignment... glad that i passed, cos apparently alot of pple failed... at least my hard work paid off... looking foward to this thurs... wondering why??? cos i am going to promote PODS biscuits... my fav... yummy! get to promote something i like to eat... can't wait for it and angela's doing it with me... wish us luck!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


fri... done and handed in my depression assignment... finally!!! now left viva and OTTP... dreading to do the OTTP one, looks difficult and have to do alot of research and observations...

anyway, went to the main campus to have my medical checkup, in the end, got 2 injections, one tetanus and one post-bcg jab... whoa, the tetanus one was painful afterwards...

after that, went to the sydney opera house to collect the tix for the symphony which we are going to listen next wk, but found out that michelle had already asked them to send the tix to our house... but i was glad that we went there... got to go to my fav toilet ever, my second fav was the one in the fullerton hotel... if i were on the committee of the clean and unique toilet award, i would definitely vote for the one in sydney opera house... haha... remembered thaT time when i came wif mum and pong last yr... we also went to that toilet and i even took a pic of the sink... this time, i also took another photo of the sink... i think i have this obsession with toilets man... hmm... i wonder why...

and in order to save money, prisy and me decided to walk from the sydney opera house all the way to town hall... good exercise, weather was really good though... went karaoke again... like every time i am in the city, i definitely go karaoke... lalala

Sunday, May 15, 2005

BuSy bEE...

tues... oh man, today was undoubtedly the most busy day i had since coming to sydney... firstly, it was our COP presentation today, and i think we did not bad, except when the lecturer asked us a question about the philosophers of both east and west, and in our opinion, which eastern philosopher had the closest ideas to existential therapy?
all of us were like shit, i was like trying realli hard to think of any philosopher that i remember, and finally my brain did not disappoint me, and i said confucius... that's the only chinese philosopher that i can think of... so anyway, he said yeah... whoa, damn scary man...
i am so glad that it's over... next wk still got another presentation for PP...

and then after school, have to rush to my job interview, and u will never believe this, but it took 2.5 hours... have u ever heard of a job interview that lasts for so long???
it was a cashiering position at one of the supermarkets near our house... have to wait 2 wks later then know whether i will get the job... i am tightly crossing my fingers...

by the time i reached home, already like 8.30pm, missed survivor... and i am so tired from the whole job interview thing that i didn't even do my uni stuff...

Thursday, May 12, 2005


first and foremost, i would like to a huge happy Mother's day to my mum... mum, i love you! thanks for your support and encouragement and love and for taking care of the both of us...

last fri... went to amelia's house to do COP project on existential therapy... juz our luck man... it's so freaking difficult... abt philosophy, existence, death, etc... anyway, as they say, all work and no play make, in this case, andrea, a dull girl... haha... we did abit of discussion and proceeded to watch this hongkong serial... borrowed alot of vcds back to watch...

spent the whole of sat night watching the vcds that i borrowed back... it's like those funny but brainless kind of shows... realli funny though, some of them...

received two job offers! one is to promote a brand of biscuits (which are my favourite) in the supermarket on a few days and the other as a cashier in the supermarket... really hope that i can get the cashier job, cos it's near my house and i have the experience...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

DesPeRateLy SeEkInG joBS...

Help!!! i really am sooo desperate for a job! i am trying really hard to look for a job man, these past 2 weeks... and it's so difficult cos i dun noe half the places here and the transport is so inaccessible... how??? now that i think back on the times that i was looking for a job in s'pore, it was so much more easier... at least i noe where the place is, whether it is near or far, and i can take a train there...

recently, went to karaoke with wendy and prisy that day rite, and we sang the song Tong HUa... oh man... the mtv was so sad... and i loveeeee the song... i have been listening to it non-stop... thanks to pong who introduced it to me... it has to be my favourite song of all time... haha...

thurs... christine lent her resident evil parts 1 and 11 to me... and me and prisy watched both at one shot... urgggh... still think that it's so gory... but part 11 wasn't as good though... still remembered who i went to watch it with... fran and joanne... it muz be like wat, 2 yrs ago??... anyway, thanks christine for the vcds...

Saturday, May 07, 2005


mon... 'pon' school man... and went to attend this 21-day free trial gym class near our house... whoa... long time never exercise, my muscles were aching after the workout... almost 'beng-ed' when i was doing push-ups... u noe how long i have not done push-ups?!... since jc leh...

went to school the next day and found out that the lecturer went thru protein synthesis on mon... crap! i shouldn't have skipped uni on mon... i still not very clear on the topic leh... now have to go readup myself... got back my biochem test results... not very happy... thought that i would do better than this, since the topics were all studied before... felt quite disappointed at myself... have to study harder already... stop procrastinating, andrea!

now the days are getting shorter already, and i am starting to feel the coldness... winter's coming soon... dunno why, but i feel apprehensive...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

SamE oLd PlAce...

sigh... when will i EVER get started on learning my french again? i have not been reading them since i came here... and everytime i think abt it, i feel so guilty, that i have somehow let my parents down... cos they spent alot of money for me to learn french, hoping that i can pick up a new language...

got back my sociology test results... was quite disappointed... cos like if u juz memorised all the definitions, u will pass... even though the evidence that i gave are all crap... even though i passed, but i feel that it's juz a borderline pass cos i know that the explanations that i gave were nonsense, and i did not even finish the paper... sigh...

went to the city last fri... again... went karaoke with prisy and wendy... me and wendy were singing all the chinese songs and poor prisy was like complaining that she dun want to come karaoke wif us anymore, cos she's the only one singing english songs... well, prisy, guess u'll have to brush up ur chinese...

after that, met up wif nao and went to wendy's house to play mahjong... again... we seem to be always going to her house to play mahjong... it was nao's lucky day though... haha... won almost every round...

Sunday, May 01, 2005


this past week seemed to fly by so fast, and in a blink of my panda eyes...haha... it's already the end of the week... one good thing was that i finally finished my critique analysis of the video for COP... yes, one down, countless more to go...

i think my pool skills are much better now... all thanks to karen and prisy... i managed to hit the balls and not empty air, and no more bouncing balls either... hmm... practice makes perfect...
can't wait for the final episode of amazing race to come... although i already know who's the winners... can u believe we are still at the previous season? i mean, i noe the new season with Rob & Amber is already airing in s'pore... can't wait to watch it too... heard that rob and amber's team very sneaky... well... what do u expect? they are after all, winners of Survivor... duh...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...