Friday, September 13, 2013

STiLL no NiCe New drAMas...

exactly one week from the last post, really happy with the 2 tops I bought on the events online website despite the fact that I had to go pick it up from the depot that day... which brought me a sense of deja vu cos it felt like I was back in occ rehab again :(

decided to take a sick day off today to go for the interview, we'll see what happens, can't recall if they contact the referees after they confirm that you are the preferred candidate or before... need to check that... hopefully it's after cos it would be somewhat complicated to explain if it's otherwise...

bought the BP machine, and have been monitoring for the past month, still on the high side though, can't say I have been overly exercising, but doing alittle more that what I used to... GP says need to cut down on salt and carbohydrates, more protein, fruits and veg... easier said than done... and wants me to take another insulin test and Hb is on the low side... 

workwise... the decision for the time being is that kevin gets to stay with us for now, but rehab will only have a new grad once Nat leaves... and Kara was saying that rehab will be asking kevin to go help once Nat leaves which is today... and it will also mean that we will be seeing MRT pts for longer cos there is not much movement happening down at rehab... and that the plan may change again once the PT manager returns from leave next week... and the issue is that MRT no longer has any funding hence if any of us leaves, there will be no replacement, which brings me to the next small concern that IF I do get the TACP position this time, the team will not be happy... anyway, not very exciting atm anyway, cos the students are here for another 2 weeks, hence Kara and I are pretty free... anyway, watch this space I guess... baked cheesesticks for Nat's baby shower yesterday and of course bought the wrong pastry, the cheesesticks came out pretty hard and disgusting, brought them to work, took one bite and went oh man, definitely not bringing this to the lunch and embarrassing myself... hence I pretty much went empty handed yesterday...

counting down the number of days before mum and papa arrive...

weather wise, this week was like a week out of summer, tuesday was super hot, and there were actually bushfires up the mountains and at richmond... and now back to being cloudy and rainy again for the next few days...

Friday, September 06, 2013

BYE BYe TeAm...

today was definitely a day full of ups and downs, and heard things which are food for thought...

yesterday was just stressing over what cake to buy, and then today heard the news that kevin's off sick, which meant all that stressing over which cake to get was for nothing... and then found out later that he may have fractured his leg which meant that he might be off for weeks... this week when the students started, I actually missed working in a team with just the 3 of us... now that this happened and what I heard from Kara today about the rehab senior PT position, we may never be able to work in a team again, who knows, maybe not even see one another again... 

received the call, finally, I might add, informing me that I have an interview next friday, yay! which means that I have been given a second chance to do better and hopefully get the job... the downside is, should I tell work and take an annual leave day or should I just take a sick day on friday... I think most of the dept knows I am jobseeking, but I don't really want MRT to know of this yet, just in case I did not get the position... 

bought 2 tops online on events website cos it was having a big sale, thought I could just pick it up from the post office, but turns out that it is couriered, which meant that I will have to either be at home when they deliver or go to their depot to pick it up, pain in the ass... 

oh and bumped into dawn a few times today, and got the impression she was not happy that she was not invited to morning tea, which was ridiculous, firstly, it was a last minute thing, and I don't have the time to go around announcing to everyone, and secondly, it's not like she invites me to morning tea everytime she goes either, which would mean I would not be able to get any work done if that was the case... anyway, the less contact we have with one another, the better... definitely personality clashes...

end of the first week for pongie's first week at work... she wakes up earlier than me, uses the bathroom, boils the water, and then my turn, when she leaves, and I get ready for work, empty the bucket of water, and when I arrive home, start preparing dinner, depending on what is for dinner that night, sometimes I could shower first whilst waiting for dinner to be ready, keep the clothes, do my washing, eat dinner, make lunchbox for the next day, pongie comes home, she eats dinner, then we both do our own stuff on the laptop, and then pretty much go to bed at about 2100...

it's been like summer this past week, it's disgusting really... and it's looking like the coming summer will be even hotter, great... election day tomorrow, and papa's birthday...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...