Saturday, January 23, 2010


one year anniversary of my working life was on 5 Jan 2010... i can't believe it has already been a year... definitely learnt alot during the past year but continue to feel like there are so much stuff that i still don't know but which i feel like i should...

met up with amelia that day, went to the chinese place at parramatta for dinner, and went back to her new place to get new movies/dramas... during dinner, she dropped a bombshell on me telling me that she got a boyfriend just recently... it was a surprise to me cos if you know amelia, you won't believe it initially... but when i met her bf at her house, he seemed nice... i got a few some dramas off her, but have yet to start watching, for some reason, i am not really in the mood for them now... although i am feeling bored nowadays...

counting down the days to going back home... it is freaking hot over here, so hot that it is difficult to sleep at night, everything is hot, the bed, my clothes, the air outside... it's blowing hot air... that is how disgusting it is over here right now
we were sleeping downstairs on the floor on some nights now... that's how unbearable it is...

then today, while browsing facebook out of boredom, i found out that piyo got married!!?? i was like no way, i actually had to look twice to make sure that my eyes were reading it correctly... that was another shocker... she probably is the first of my friends getting married...

Sunday, January 03, 2010

WHaT WeRe yOuR reSoLutiOnS for 2010?

the end of my week long holiday... no more sleeping in... recap what i did since the last post...

wed... went to have lindt with nat at martin place, and she showed me her new workplace... on george st... went to window shop after lunch... and went to kinokuniya again... and i went to have spicy beef seeing as i am already in the city although my shoes were killing me...

thurs... new year's eve... went to work for awhile at woolies, was quite busy that day... prisy and I stayed at home while the rest went to the city for the fireworks... we watched 'from hell' which was quite an old movie with johnny depp... about jack the ripper... quite gory actually... and we decided to rewatch boys over flowers... i know, we are so very sad... paused for awhile to watch the fireworks and continued till they came home which was ard 230am...

slept in on new year's... prisy's friend came over and i decided to go check out top ryde shopping centre... got there and found that most of the shops were closed and the place was still unfinished... so in the end, only spent some time in big w and woolies before going home... came home and we played trivia again... after that, we had to head over to uncle's friend's home as we were invited for dinner... did not really feel like going cos i don't really know them, but bcos steve (yes, uncle's friend's name is steve) helped me with the visa thing awhile ago, quite paiseh if i did not attend... spent quite awhile there and when we arrived home, i pretty much was exhausted... but ended up sleeping late again cos i was watching the new year's eve concert in taiwan... this year's concert was not too exciting... only had SHE, raine yang and ding dang...

was working on sat... came back home and prisy and i did karaoke again... she had this idea to hook up the xbox, leave it running so the mics are working and then connect the hard disk into the computer, but that did not work for some reason, and so desperate people like us, went for plan B, which was leave xbox running and sing along to the mv on the laptop... and then after that, decided to switch to play street fighters... remembered that i used to play the game a long time ago, but i can't really remember the special moves... and i dunno if this is normal, but are your thumbs meant to blister from using the controller??!! cos my left thumb is still hurting till now...

2010... quite a few things to look forward to this year... going home, world cup and new challenges... hopefully this would be a good year...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...