Saturday, August 29, 2009

In tHe BLinK of An EyE...

hmmm... i am getting lazier and lazier to blog nowadays...
aug... the highlight of this month was huimin's visit... was really looking forward to them visiting but becos of the swine flu, fran and jo decided not to come after all...
huimin came late on sunday night... stayed over at my place, and we went on a roadtrip on monday... went to stanwell lookout, seacliff bridge, kiama and bowral where we stayed for the night... although i have been there quite a few times, i still really enjoy going to these places... the only thing that i was really disappointed was we went all the way to the kiama blowholes and there were none... not even one... it was very disappointing... this was the first time this happened to me, there was always at least one blowhole...
stayed over at this really nice place called briars at bowral as i had to travel to this town called berrima which was close to bowral so i thought rather than coming all the way back, we might as well stay over and we can sleep alittle later... the accomodation is usually really expensive, but i think we got it at a sale price...

huimin came with me to berrima, where i had to go for work the next day... the client was running really late, and the town is really small, we finished sightseeing in about half an hour and had to sit around and wait... finally the client came and i had to go off for work, and i don't really want to talk about work here, so all i would say is it was an experience that i would rather not have... huimin and i were exhausted by the time we arrived home...

reality came back for me as it was time to go back to work... so huimin had to sightsee on her own on the last few days... sorry huimin... but we decided to share accomodation in the city for two nights... on wed night, we went for dinner and karaoke after work... on thurs night, went for dinner, then walked to lindt cafe... on the way there, we saw fireworks and decided to take the ferris wheel... both huimin and I have never been on one before... i am really a loser... the ferris wheel was swaying a little when it stopped in midair and i was getting really nauseous and having
headaches and huimin had to give me an airsick pill... went to lindt cafe after... had ice cream, and huimin suddenly came up with this "brilliant" idea of going to the opera house at circular quay... and it was already 8:30pm... i was really unwilling... my shoes were killing me...
but i finally was persuaded cos we agreed to catch the train instead of walk... and i wanted to go back to the room to change my shoes first... which meant that by the time we actually left for the opera house, it was like 9:30pm... by the time we got there, i was actually surprised that there were still quite alot of people there... took quite a few pics of the opera house and harbour bridge... by the time we got back, i was so tired and sleepy... and i really wanted to stay up to spend more time with huimin cos it was her last night here already... but in the end, i ended up sleeping first while she was in the shower... and the same thing happened the previous night too, fell asleep before she was out of the shower... huimin, i really enjoyed myself during your visit... we had lots of laughs, didn't we... at our silliness... i miss you already...

turned 24 just this week... went out for dinner with prisy and family and steve... to din tai feng and after dessert at passionflower... mich bought some cakes back from adriano zumbo too... but they were not really nice... and that day at work, usually work will have a cake for everyone on their bdae, but becos the lady who usually organises this was away, so we did not have cake that day and i did not want to be "aa" and announce that it was my birthday that day, and i was really swamped with work this week... and on the way home that day, got a call from Nat and Alana asking why i did not say it was my birthday and insisted that i choose a cake and celebrate the next day... so in the end, we ended up celebrating with a choc mud cake on friday...
prisy and i went to watch district 9 on wed too... it was really good actually... i was quite surprised at how the story turned out... i would definitely recommend it to everyone... it's not like your typical alien movies...

after this brief period of fun... it's now back to reality... sian man... anyway, thank you to all of you who gave their well wishes... i really miss all of you back home...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...