Monday, April 28, 2008

EVentFuL Week...

zhenzhen and chunyi came to sleep over that day cos they were planning to go to the central coast the next day... so they came and met me at woolies and went back home together... watched miss potter with them... on hindsight, i never would have dreamed that they would actually be here in woolies... it's just really weird... and on tuesday, i went to sleep over at their place cos it was quite late after dinner so stayed over for a night... it was nice, just hanging out, having dinner, catching up with them, cos they are going back soon and i have not really seen them since uni started... had wraps and pumpkin soup for dinner and bavarian for dessert... i was so full that night...

went to uni on thursday... planning to organise a farewell party for them sometime in june... saw some people whom i have not seen or spoken to for awhile... and i am still waiting for ethics to get back to me... and in the meantime, i am planning to invest in a good gps... i think it would really make my life easier...

it was the anzac day holiday on friday but i was not rostered for work... so prisy and i initially planned to go to the city for karaoke after facial... so we went for an early morning facial and we found out that alot of the road in the city were closed for the anzac day march, so thank god we checked before going... so in the end, we went to strathfield for lunch... hmm... ceci's korean food... and it was raining quite heavily that day... a nice day to stay in and have some hot and spicy food... the facial lady actually recommended a new korean place at epping where she said that the food is not bad... but too bad it was closed that day... so in the end, after lunch, we just went back home... watched this new anime that prisy recommended... and we went for dinner... supposed to be a surprise dinner for one of my uncle and auntie's friends... the food was not too bad actually... the only thing was the steak... it is just my luck... of all the steaks, mine was the really bloody one. it was dripping with blood... i was so grossed out but i did not want to appear wasteful, so i just tried to ignore the blood and shoved it down... and we stayed at their place till quite late... i was really tired by then and cold...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

RAiniNg All dAY...

nothing much happening this week... but it has been raining practically every day... and the weather is becoming cold as each day passed... did my pilot interview a few days ago, and i thought it went quite well... and I am not that pressured anymore... before, i was quite pressured cos everyone else has already started data collection... so hopefully, I can start the real interviews soon... still stuck trying to write the lit review... it is really hard... cos everytime, i have a different idea of what i think the focus of the research study is... and i keep changing the stuff i write...
anyway, i shall quit whining about this boring stuff...

bought a new external hard drive... was not planning to buy one, but after the advice and horror stories i heard from others, about losing their documents, i decided to invest in one... just for backup in case...

and i finally finished watching the anime... thank god... it's out of my system now...

Friday, April 11, 2008

ANime mAraThON...

went to the new shopping mall which just opened a few months ago at rouse hill... it's different from the usual malls in that it's open and not enclosed within air conditioned surroundings... and the drive there is quite scenic if you are driving during the day... cos you will get to see lots of nice mansions with huge spread of land... and if you are lucky that day, you can even see a few cows and horses along the way... sigh some of the houses there are really nice... with nice lawns... but maintenance will be a nightmare, but they probably are rich enough to hire professionals to do the job...

and these past few days, after prisy's constant nagging to watch another anime, we decided upon this really old (according to her) anime called fushigi yugi... and now... I am so addicted to the show it's not funny... and if you are a female, you can't not like tamahome, one of the anime characters... i have not read of anyone who does not like him... but the lead female anime character can be really annoying sometimes... and the guys in the anime all happened to like her... even though she is so annoying sometimes... but i have to say, i liked the show even though i have not finished the show and I read that it was going to be a sad ending... and i blame this all on prisy... she keeps asking me to watch these animes and then i get hooked on them and i can't concentrate on my work... prisy, it's all your fault!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

AUtuMn's HeRe...

it's been sian these past few days... nothing really happening... but for the past few days before thursday... I have been having some pretty freaky nightmares and after waking up from the nightmares, it was so hard for me to go back to sleep... and i suspect the dreams are bcos of the presentation that I was preparing for on thursday... and it's really weird cos they seemed so real like they actually will happen... touch wood man... but I slept really well last night after the presentation which led me to confirm that these creepy dreams were a result of the stress over the presentation...

did not do anything much, except working on my lit review... helping out with anna's lifting project... and watching this new anime that prisy introduced... called last exile... it was quite boring initially but after the first 2 episodes, it got quite interesting... and when we finally finished the anime today, and prisy was like... see i told you it was good...

and autumn's finally here... temp these days are like around 20 degrees and it's going to rain the whole of next week... miserable... you won't catch me anywhere outside unless I have to... haha...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...