Tuesday, January 31, 2006

ChiNeSe nEw yEaR...

firstly... would like to wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year... hmmm... hope that this year will be much much better than the last... this year is also the year that many of the friends that i noe will be celebrating their 21st... whew... time really flies... all of us becoming adults now... no more teenagers and fooling around... haha... who says after 21 cannot behave like a small child??!! i dun care... i will still behave in whatever way i like and who cares what insignificant others say... missed chinese new year this year again... 2 yrs in a row already leh... will i have bad luck or something??!!

first up is my dearest fran's bdae... she held her bdae dinner on the 21st jan which unfortunately i could not attend... actually tried to call her home wanting to wish her happy birthday but she was not in... so i had to msg her instead... happy Birthday Fran!!! wish you well in whatever you do and best of health... fran is someone whom you can really depend on and she was there for me whenever i needed help or someone in crescent... i have known her since primary 5 and coincidentally this year marks our 10 year friendship... glad that our friendship is able to withstand the test of time and space... when i saw her the last time i went back, she was still the same fran that i knew and liked since crescent and kellock... wanna take this opportunity to thank you for ur precious friendship and unforgettable memories that u have given me... i will always treasure them... thank you, fran...

last week my granduncle oliver and his wife came to live with us for a few days... and thanks to them... i got to eat chinese food like fried fish, my favourite which i have not eaten for a long time... although we dun normally see each other back in singapore... i still remembered him teaching me maths when i was in kindergarten and primary school... counting sticks and numbers...
now that prisy has started working... i am the only one left at home and i am sooo bored... and when uni starts in march, i will have to go to school alone and endure the long train rides myself... sigh... still got three more years to go...
well... tonight is the backstreet boys concert in sydney entertainment centre... quite excited actually... finally will get the chance to see them up close... hopefully i can take some pictures and then can post here...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The WeDDiNg...

u noe what? i really am not a people-person and who noes why i am taking this course that i am studying now... i get a headache or feel uncomfortable whenever i am in crowded places... or when there are alot of people crowding into my personal space... that was what happened at the wedding... i dun noe many of the people there... just the few cousins that i have met so far...

firstly, we proceeded to this outdoor garden... it was not really a garden just this open space where the ceremony was held... the bride came in a car and she was wearing a traditional burmese costume... exchanged their vows... signed some stuff... and then all of us went up to congratulate them... take photos... mingle... make small talk... but as i dunno most of the pple there... i just stood there feeling so extra and perspiring... and then have to wait quite awhile for dinner to start while we were served drinks and some finger food... so they were going ard taking pics... talked to some of prisy's aunties and cousins... while a headache is brewing... finally dinner is served and we got to choose betwn lamb or chicken... i obviously chose chicken and it was not that great... and then more talking with the family members of both the bride and groom coming up to speak... toasted to them a few times... more small talking... not me though... i hate small talks and i have no idea what can i talk to these pple abt... dessert was served... which i didn't eat and we were told that we could go up to the small space in front to dance... i dun want to but everyone went and i thought it would not be nice if i did not... had quite a good time trying to dance though... it was funny seeing all these older pple dance... some of them danced quite well also... finally they served the wedding cake... chocolate flavoured... yum yum... the only nice tasting food that night besides the cheese pastry that they served before dinner...

this was only the fourth wedding i've been to... the other three were more formal... i just sat there at the table and ate all the food served and listening to them talk... there were no dancing... just felt that this one was more informal i think... and it wasn't held in a restaurant... well if i ever got married... i would not want a ceremony or anything... just go straight to my honeymoon... haha...

Sunday, January 22, 2006

HappY 1st AnNivErsArY...

well, today marks my first blog exactly one year ago and the day i landed in sydney to begin my new chapter in life... sigh even my blogskin is still the same template... personally... i dunno if i have become more mature... and last year was not a bad year... tried a few new things and made some new friends... this job that i have now is the longest one i have had... 7 months already... studies... not too bad results... still dunno if this course is the one that i really want... and 'ji ren li xia' is definitely not as easy as it seems... but it beats staying on my own... will be turning 21 this year... full-fledged adult... well at least i got one of the C's already... working hard to get the others... haha... today is also prisy's cousin's wedding... got invited too... luckily the rain has stopped and it's a sunny outside... will update on the wedding...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

CoMplAiNtS n BitChInGs...

nothing to talk much about... except that i found out only a few days ago that one of my fav supervisors at work quit and she was no longer working in the supermarket already... she was the one who trained me initially and she was nice to me... like i dun understand why all the nice pple always leave and the-not-so-nice ones are the ones that always stay... torturing poor pple like me... clean this clean that... the worst part of the job has to be the times when i have to go throw the rubbish at the backdock and it stinks like hell... they dun clean the place at all... food decomposing also they dun care... now that the two nicer supervisors have already left... dun really like going to work there... especially have to see the evil woman... WHY hasn't she leave yet??!! sigh... i seriously think the uni vacation is too long... nothing to do except now that michelle's got me hooked on crossword puzzles... that's what i've been doing... crossword puzzles and reading books... sad... and it's so hot outside and inside... dun even feel like going anywhere in this weather... looking forward to the backstreet boys' concert...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

HaPPy nEw YeAr...

recently, i cannot blog so often already cos our broadband width's limited... so now we are thinking of upgrading our broadband plan and i was assigned the task of finding the most suitable plan for us... after researching for the whole afternoon and getting a humongous headache afterwards... i realised that there are alot of things to think abt when choosing a broadband plan... but i am glad i got the task of finding all these stuff cos i felt that i have learnt alot from it... we finally decided on a plan today and it will be better for all of us cos we get to download alot of stuff and i get to use the webcam whenever i like...

anyway... last sat was new year's eve and i was working and that day had to be one of the most shitty days of work i had... it was so freaking hot outside and then in the store also... and then there were so many pple and they bought so much stuff... i was perspiring like mad inside man and i didn't sleep well the night before also... so all in all... it was a very shitty new year's eve...
jan 1 2006... can be described in one word... HOT... the temp surged to 44 degrees that day leh... it was so freaking hot that we had to stay downstairs the whole day and i sat near the fan the whole time... just leaving the vicinity of the fan made me giddy from the heat... we watched movie after movie... closed all the windows and switched on all our fans... watched alien vs predator... the war of the worlds... iron giant... x men2... and news reports said that there were many bushfires occurring that day...

and then the next few days raining... weird weather rite... one day hot and then the next day cold... went to lane cove to swim with prisy... i swam in the indoor pool cos i did not want to sunburn again... and then after that both of us went to cherrybrook village to eat at this italian place that prisy said their pizza was very nice... both of us shared a pizza... it was okay lah... i would prefer dominoes pizza though... cheap and nice to eat...

WOrLd CuP FeVEr...

World Cup 2022, held in Qatar this time around, has been full of shocks and surprises... the underdogs are definitely Morroco and hopefully ...